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Posts posted by loribear

  1. :wave hi all i took this pic the other day at erewash canal of a houseboat, & no it's not grass in front of it but chickweed, but in all the years of coming to the broads i can't remember seeing chickweed on any of the rivers even the quite ones, & you could see right to the bottom of the canal as it was so clear, ive seen loads of water lilies on some of the clear parts of the rivers but never chickweed why is that ? [attachment=0]houseboat 001.JPG[/attachment] lori :Stinky
  2. :wave hi doc we did well too, we got some change back as well, & we went to ludham, from stalham, gt yarmouth, across to oulton broad, reedham, then back across again, then to wroxham, horning back to ludham then back to yard at stalham & all that in a week, not bad. :Stinky lori
  3. :wave hi all ive just herd on the grapevine that the lady of the lake at oulton broad is closed, don't know if it's true but it's not before time i'm afraid, it needs a complete refurbishment, & a good lick of paint too. :roll: lori
  4. Glad you had a good time. I think we were moored up next to you a Oulton Broad-we were on Thunder.

    We are glad we went that week as the weather was great-better than we had in august!

    :wave hi matt sorry it's abit late, i kept trying to think who was next to us, where you in the share scheme boat ? & what is the catch with them ? :Stinky lori

  5. Because they have absolutley NO consideration for others, and NO morals either. What`s more, if you complain about it, YOU are more often than not regarded as a trouble maker. We stayed south in June, and we hardly saw any hire boats whatsoever. In fact, Karen enjoyed the south side so much, next time we go, she wants to stay south again. I would`nt mind, but i have`nt seen Dilham since September 08 :cry:cry

    :wave i know exactly how you feel, we paid £5.00 to moor at stokesby when we were there, but ended up having a boat moor up in front of us with a load of youngsters on , & they started shouting & whistling as soon as they got off, so we moved just 10 minutes down river & had a very peaceful night, but it the fact that people make your life a misery & it's no fun when you've just paid to stay, but you're right the south side does seem nicer, & quieter. :cool: lori

  6. Thanks for the replies guy's.one of the boats had guy's dressed like pirates,they came into yarmouth like a bat out of hell and the broads authority guy's had a right go at them.the next was at ludham bridge we managed to get hemmed in by three boats of young blokes,one boat either side of them and one boat opposite us in all about 24 blokes all in the same party boozing shouting swearing laughing until 2am in the morning.

    After that we went to st bennets abbey and got a quiet night there,then a night moored at the island in ranworth broad,then another quiet night at stracey arms windpump.We then went back to ranworth broad island for another night and a boat load of chavs turned up so we got another noisy night.

    i thought we might have been ok at the end of september but it appears not to be,i must say though that we did meet some nice people on our holiday but i'm afraid the yobs and the chavs have put me off completely,i'm to old to be having late nights now i'm afraid so like i say i won't be coming back.



    :wave hi smokesmate, i think we were on river at the same time, i remember those pirates & such, they pulled up at horning & they kept tormenting the groom, making him sing to the crowds, we usually make sure we moor right at the back of the moorings, or out in the sticks, to get a bit of peace, i know it can be irritating at times, especially when you've already paid to moor, like we did at stokesby, & had to ship out to the sticks, & had a very peaceful night, usually if you go to the south side of the broads it can be very quiet, as there's not as many pubs, please don't give up yet, the broads can be very beautiful if you find a right spot, lori :Stinky

  7. Is anyone travelling to their boat on Saturday, please? If so we would be most grateful if someone would pick up an Eastern Daily Press for us, please? :clap:clap:clap

    :wave hi john what do want a paper for, why don't you get it on your computer, i'd have thought with you being a modern man that you'd have done it that way, i usually read it on my iphone & it's free. :dance lori

  8. :wave hi all i started towrite a poem while i was down there, & have finally finished it so here it is hope you like it,


    AT last we've come down to the broads

    we're hiring a richardsons boat

    a sedan type one named san remo

    & it feels so good to be afloat,

    it's the middle of september

    & the weather seems so unreal

    it feels more like a summers day

    beautiful & yet so surreal,

    we've been to quite a few places

    each one has it's own appeal

    & there's also some quaint little pubs

    where you can get a lovely meal ,

    we've travelled along all the rivers

    from the ant to the river yare

    & met quite a few nice people

    who have helped me out here & there,

    we've seen the beautiful morning mists

    & the fiery red sunsets too

    no matter where you go on the broads

    you'll always find a beautiful view,

    norfolk is just one of those places

    that you can't help but get an affection for

    each time you leave to go back home

    you'll yearn to come back for more,

    because the broads is an addiction

    one that gets to you right from the start

    & it's something that'll never leave you

    it'll always remain in your heart. :Stinky lori

  9. Lori,

    Rather than worry about 12v chargers for everything it might be worth thinking about investing in a small 12V -240v inverter.

    Here is the one I use, and where I got it from...


    It simply plugs into the cigarette lighter socket and you plug your normal mains charger into it.

    Great for things like digital cameras where it can be difficult to get a 12v charger.

    :wave hi goodall just had a look at that site it looks a good little gadget, i think i will get one ready for next year, thanx for the link, sorry it took so long,when i was on my hols i did'nt have much time to browse because of battery, thanx again lori

  10. Lozi: Did you feel a little presence on board? ........

    Your tale was so good it felt as though I were there, with you. :pirate

    :wave hi smelly loo thanks, we had abit of time left this afternoon so we went & had a meal up at sutton staithe, had a lovely carvery there ...& a baileys lol. i was just managing to keep it tigether til i saw them take our boat away, & i got abit tearful, we're now sat at train station from hoveton, & i'm sat here still rocking, i think it will take me a few days to stop swaying lol, roll on next year. lori :Stinky

  11. Hi,Lori,

    Missed you at Oulton yacht station i think i saw your boat come in but did'nt know it was you.

    Our boat "ToT Tyme" was moored behind that old wooden boat (yellow and white ) on the floating pontoon outside.

    We had a fab week too. and now i am looking to go out next week as well seeing as it could be Hot,Hot,Hot.

    Glad you both enjoyed your holiday (goes quick don't it) :wavecheersbarcheers

    :wave oh dear barry, if i'd seen you i'd have taken you out for a drink or two, :lol: maybe next time , lori cheersice slice

  12. :wave hi everybody, well this is our last full day, we went to wroxham but it was absolutely chockers, so we went to horning instead & i'm glad we did, we had a delicious meal there, my sister had steak & ale pie & i had lamb shanks, it was beautiful, it here is a pic to make you hungry :lol:[attachment=0]norfolk 011.JPG[/attachment]

    oh forgot to say it was at the swan inn, i'd highly recomend it, we saw aquaholic there too, not sure if he recognised us though, we're on our way back home to chessy tomorrow worse luck, we really don't want to go, we've had a really great time visited lots of places , had lots of nice meals, seen some beautiful sunsets, met lots of friendly harbour masters who've helped me out no end bless them, & got a lovely suntan as well, & ive enjoyed writing this blog too, we're already looking forwards to our next holiday next year, & also next years meet, if anybody else is going this month i hope you have as good a time as we've had, thankyou clive for a really great holiday, we'd love to have this boat again clive but please put us a plug socket in, :lol: we really felt at home here, it was great seeing the lovely morning mists, & listening to the plop & rippling of the water,i'm sure if our mum had been alive she would have come with us & she would have loved it, i hope all goes well with the coldham hall meet & you all have a good time & a giggle. cheersice slice:love:love loribear.

  13. :wave hi all, yesterday we went to reedham ferry pub, & just after we landed we noticed that the water was still rising, & san remo is quite high sided, so when we went to pub later the water was quite high, & of course it was me that made a idiot of myself, because it was so high i could'nt get on properly & nearly fell in the river, & my iphone too, i just managed to stop it going in, :oops: i must say the ferryman works late does'nt he? he did'nt stop til 10.00pm, i'm suprised he could see what he was doing, after we came back we started talking about silly things , as you do when you've had some alcohol :lol: & i came up with this silly idea, for people who don't want to pay out too much money on fees, you put a big swimming pool in your back garden & have a wave machine built in, get a very large screen & a norfolk broads video to watch, & put you boat on it, that way you won't have to pay mooring fees or river licences, :lol::lol::lol: this morning i awoke at 6.30 am, & the sky was beautiful , it was so calm & peaceful & the river was like a duck pond, & have put some pics on for you, we left reedham at 10.30, but the tide was'nt til 1.00pm, so we went for a tootle to st olaves, & saw quo vardis on a little boat, but did'nt get to talk to him,we came across breydon & have stopped at great yarmouth, & the chaps in the office charged my laptop again, weather has been beautiful & hot again ,we were driving with our bikini tops on all day & my arms are a slightly tender, have just pulled in at stokesby, lori cheersice slice[attachment=4]P1010243.JPG[/attachment][attachment=3]P1010239.JPG[/attachment][attachment=2]P1010244.JPG[/attachment][attachment=1]P1010249.JPG[/attachment][attachment=0]P1010251.JPG[/attachment]
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