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Posts posted by loribear

  1. :wave hi clive talking of handling boats, over the past couple of days ive seen some people on the webcam chat complain about not being able to get onto the boats anymore, as they had a disibility problem, & they had both been going on the broads for years, which is rather sad it seems that nobody makes boats for the disabled, i think ive only seen a couple of charity day boats that do that, maybe there's a niche in the market for some of them types of boats, will you ever make anything like that clive ? it does seem a pity when they'd been going all them years,not to be able to go now, :( lori
  2. I really couldn't believe my eyes when I woke up to this little bird on our pulpit this morning!

    [attachment=0]2011-Kingfisher 009.JPG[/attachment]

    She sat there for about 5 minutes watching the world go by and occasionally preening; then dived into the river and landed back on the bank just abeam us.... would you believe that my camera battery then packed up and she'd gone when I replaced it...

    :wave hi john, that's a really lovely picture, & a rare one too, the colours are so beautiful, it must have a real treat for you catching that, not many people get the chance to take a pic of one as they are so quick, nice one. :clap lori

  3. You know how "slimy" ropes get when they've been under the surface for a while?

    Carry a bucket of these for use in these areas ....... Yuck!!!

    or better still cover your ropes in itching powder, but don't forget to wear gloves yourselves, then when you see someone walking round town scratching their hands off you'll know who it is lol. :lol: lori

  4. :wave hi all that takes me back to when i was a youngster, it seemt to feel like the broads with wooden boats on it, & i used to love the smell of those wooden boats, i know fibreglass is stronger but it does'nt seem the same somehow, but talking of flags, we went with astons & they used to have their own little flag on the front of their boats, it was black with red on the edge & a letter A in the middle, :Stinky lori
  5. :wave hi all it actually worries me that we no longer pay boatyard for propellor damage, one boatyard told us that if it's us that breaks it ,then we'd have to pay to get it fixed, that sounds reasonable but what if it's not our fault & we can't prove it, my dad had a propellor break on him when we went down the trent, ( on his boat of course lol ) because someone went past us at full pelt when the tide was out & we hit the bottom of the river & managed to crawl back to torksey lock, one of the blades had snapped off completely, so how could we prove it was'nt our fault say ,if someone did the same to us on breydon, how do you define the rules when it's a hire boat ? am just curious to know. has anybody had that happen to them. :Stinky:Stinky lori
  6. It finally happened................

    Leaving Norwich this morning we saw the Thorpe Railway Bridge at 8+ft............ :clap:clap:clap

    I'd already intended to take us down the old river to show Mary-Jane some potential moorings............ (never plan ahead?)...... and so I turned under the bridge....

    The bottom was quite clear but suddenly the engine revs reduced coupled with that awful vibration..............

    "OMG, something's round the prop", I calmly said... (remembering that we'd taken out not only the breakdown service but also the diver option, with Boulters last week! :):):)

    "I think we can make the moorings", I told Mary-Jane, throttling back to idle; this reduced the vibration but stopped the forward progress.. so what to do?

    :wave hi john i know how you felt, we had it happen to us a few years ago, i felt vibration in the steering wheel just before we got down to the end of loddon, went out onto main river & tried to shake whatever it was off, but prop just jammed & started to panic abit as we were struggling in middle of river, foned boat yard up & they told us to try & make back to loddon, we nervously managed to crawl very very slowly back to loddon to wait for a diver, he came & dived in & came back up with a long piece of carpet, great NOT, it was almost as if someone had thrown it in on purpose, not sure what we'd do now if it happened as the yards can't take any money off you for that unless they are brokers apparently, :roll: glad you got yours fixed. lori

    Probably NOT in the manual of "things to do" but I put her into reverse and gave a quick burst of power... initially sluggish but then, quite quickly, free. Mary-Jane had walked to to the transom and called that a white plastic bag had surfaced astern and was away from us...

    "Half speed ahead and all's well" were our happy sentiments..........

    That called for a glass of celebration wine (at 11.00)

    Now at the ferry House (hic) and mightily relieved! cheersice slice

  7. Hi there New here . . . !!!

    I was browisng this forum for more than a week and today decided to join it.

    Really nice forum, keep up the good work guys.

    See you around.

    :wave hi quimbyF what took you so long :lol: welcome to our forum, i'm sure you'll enjoy it, it can be quite informative & fun as wel. lori :Stinky

  8. Hello

    I am just liker to say goodbye to our most favoured complaint woman mod , Jill-R, over the years she haved been a large old stone for us to clutch on to in a flood , , she will be saderly missed as a moderator of complaints. She leaved a message on mine answer it phone saying she haved to leave as she was in hers nineties, a good age to pull out i feel (Sorry i am just listend to it again and she was actual in hers nighties , making some hot coco)Many of you haved presume the -R is stand for Ramjet, you are most probable correct as we did have geography

    Any old way my pointer is be , there is now a gap in the Mod wall and i will , purely as a favour to Brian the Snail, fill this crevice if reqwire , I come with large experients and am be already a mod on many other Broads web sites included .org .

    All of those in favour of me becomed the complaint mod say I , and those who is wishing to blacked balls me say Nay , Angel or devils , you decided

    Large Regards Ramjet

    not a imposter , but a funnyest poster

    :wave hi rammy i'll vote for you under one condition, that you put a proper pic of yourself on. :lol:

  9. I had to be quite loud about it otherwise I would probably get stupid requests.

    Lozibear - its good to know a fellow member lives near by... :wave

    :wave hi lag1rich, yes we're along way from the broads are'nt we, but at least we've got the webcams to make us feel like we are there, by the way is that train in queens park ? lori :Stinky

  10. We were slowly pottering up the Yare this morning on a calm and sunny morn...... It was idyllic!

    Indeed, probably the most satisfying sail we've had so far; wide river, lots of spaces everywhere, who would want more?

    Yes, I know it might not be as pretty as some of those Northern towns and villages, but the sheer tranquility hasn't been bettered in the past month! We even turned under the railway bridge at Thorpe (showing 7ft 6ins 3 hours before LW) and slowed down even further to view a little used part of the Yare. :clap:clap:clap

    As we started our boating at Brundall some 35 years ago it almost felt like coming home. :):):)

    Tomorrow we're going up the Wensum to New Mills; just hoping we may find somewhere to moor (near a pub)!

    :roll: i don't know john, you & your pubs :lol: you'll end up with a pickled liver, & we don't want that , :lol::lol: lori

  11. Dont worry Karen, I think the boat they are building first is Broadsman 2, so the one they are just finishing is the one you are booked on.... unless of course they are cleaning down an abandoned Elysian as we type! ;)

    I have heard rumour you might even like the toilets on them..... I am hoping to have a good look onboard (again) soon, but you will definately beat me to the holiday tale report.

    Roll on lots of boating holidays cheersbar


    :wave hi dan seeing you talking about toilets made me chuckle, when we were last on sallyB in may there was a sticker in the toilet which said, ANYTHING THAT'S PUT IN THIS TOILET MUST BE CHEWED FIRST, YUCK what a thought. :shock::lol::lol::lol: lori

  12. Hocky how can you betray yours sacred sqwirrel, we used to be such large old shipmates but you is selled me of for a palm of slivers, what was happen to the importance pof friendlyship

    When Freddie Frost was in mine heart, when Tommy tear was in mine eye

    Phillipa frendship is taked mine hand and say Rammy do not cry

    When Peter Panic is putted me down , and Susan sadderness makes you blue

    Let Lenny Love come to yours door , and be pals with you

    :wave very good my dear rammy,you're off with your ramblings again

    just don't go crying too much, or your tears will turn into rain,

    so chin up & give a big smile, don't stay sad for too long

    be a brave little sqwirrel dear rammy, & you'll be forever strong. ;) lori

  13. :wave hi lag1rich it only just fits into our little canal does'nt it, in all the years ive lived here ive never actually been to see the canal , but have seen it from stavely. it'll never be as attractive as the broads will it ?. :lol: lori :Stinky
  14. :wave hi rammy nice to hear from you again, where have you been hiding ? mind you i would hide if i was you as ive read that it's good luck to kill a squirrel in some countries :lol::lol: lori
  15. :grin: hi everyone, was thinking about mum this morning, & about when she got her first boat, she said it was unlucky to watch your boat going in the water, so she sat in the car til it had gone in, just curious to know, has anybody on here heard of that or any other superstitions about boats, & do any of you lot believe in that sort of thing ? lori :o:lol:
  16. Was in a well known local (Broads) caravan centre looking for a digital TV aerial. Was told by an assistant that such aerials will not work come switch-over day and that I will have to use a dish (cost of kit £130 as opposed to about £50 for an aerial. Is this true?

    hi soundings i think it depends on where you get it from, we got a dish & freeview box for about £70 from maplins, it came as a set. lori

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