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Posts posted by loribear

  1. hi lori. stalham isnt as hard to get to by train as you may think, we nearly had to do it last year. you need to get the train from norwich to wroxham and its a 10 min cab ride from the station. :clap

    :wave hi andyg thanx for that info, it's given me something to think about,oh & can you tell clive to face the webcam abit more upright, you can't really see very much, pity we can't have one at reedham, would love to see some of you lot when you've had a few beers. :lol::lol::lol:

  2. Yes, Broadsman is on of our old names, we gave the staff a choice of three and they voted for Broadsman so there we are :)

    Bolero is a very popular boat and we are happy with the money it brings in, so without being greedy we know what to expect with a full season, also despite the over average cost of setting up we hope to produce the new designs quicker and therefore cheaper than normal so we can pass the savings on.. If we were only producing one or two boats a year then we could keep the prices high and have good seasons but that is not the plan.

    also on the cost thing, we are trying to encourage people to holiday on the broads so we are in competition with holiday camps and self catering right across the country and abroad, we dont want anyone to think that boating is an expensive pastime reserved for the well off :)

    :wave hi clive i'm afraid it is getting a rich persons holiday, me & my sister have been coming on the broads for the past 10 years, but we usually have to go to sandersons marine, because (A) it's easy for us to get to by train & (B) it's usually the only one we can afford. it gets a struggle every year, especially now that the goverment have put the tax up on fuel. lori :Stinky

  3. There are some wearing coats

    who have sails on their boats

    and there's others with engines and heaters.

    Who is to choose the best way to cruise

    when everyones willing to greet us.

    There are Rangers, we need 'em

    and "SLOW DOWN" at Reedham

    but they're not the pains in the ****

    Its the cry of "More water"

    and the gap's getting shorter

    it's the sailboat that wont let me pass!

    They come like an arrow

    leave a gap thats too narrow

    and glare at you like you were s*

    I dont wear a coat 'cos its warm on my boat

    and i dont have to act like a tit

    I know they're quite clever to handle their craft

    but a thankyou would not go a miss

    when you plough in the bank

    to avoid the odd crank

    the next 'll get a Glasgow kiss

    "Give way to sail" i know is the term

    when out on the broads for a trip

    but when you're on wine

    trying to keep a straight line

    it's hard not to have one more sip

    They tack to and fro

    makes it harder to know

    which side they want you to pass

    but i have to smirk

    when i look at the burk

    "Which one's got the wet ****"

    The rag and stick

    they make me sick

    they think they own the water

    Theres a knowledge they possess

    which i dont i guess

    and maybe i really oughta

    Its clever the way

    they can sit there all day

    and only get one hundred metre

    but hats off to those

    who sail they chose

    for wind is cheaper per litre

    Getting bored now and my finger 's hurting.

    Come on poets one and all lets hear your ditties (rhymes with........................ ;)[/quot

    :wave hi wombat here's my little bit to add to it,

    Even though a yacht's a pain

    there's no limit of speed

    so the law can't give em tickets

    whereas cruisers must heed

    or we all get a warning

    so now who are the thickets. :lol::lol:


  4. You lot are making me feel guilty!!!!

    I am only 5 mins away,3 min if the traffic is kind,I would consider a move but I cannot get much closer


    However it is nice to get away on holiday elsewhere in the UK

    :roll: Ooh you little teaser w44ty, i hate you :lol::lol: i think you should move to another town to make it fair. :lol::lol:

  5. So what`s wrong with the A17/A47 then?. I thought it was only the M25 that was a pain in the **** :lol:

    :wave what's wrong with it, more like whats right with it, it's a nightmare, it's only a single track road when it should be a double, & when the trackers are out with their bales it can take forever, we usually stop off for a burger king when it gets that bad, just so my hubby can destress abit. :yawn: lori

  6. îž hi all , to me that looks like a dissaster waiting to happen, one bad gust of wind & it will blow over, it looks too top heavy for that little barge, you could never take that across breydon. î’î’ it looks to me like it was built out of pallets. Oops did'nt someone say they'd lost some î•. lori

  7. :wave hi all i think whoever stole it were probably actually only after the out board, because it would be easy to sell, they've probably ditched the boat somewhere out of view, i hope if they catch them ,that they chop their bl**dy fingers off. :roll: lori
  8. :cat::wave hi all i noticed on another thread that julz was from up my end, & i'm from NE derbyshire, & was wondering if there was any other poor person who lived as far away as me or further, from the broads ? :cry lori
  9. :wave hi guys the last time i used a rhond anchor was when i used to go on the canals with my mum & dad, i found them particulary useful more when going into the locks, i found a lazy way to hold onto the ladders of some of the bigger locks, i used to tie the rope through the eye of the rhond anchor & just keep moving it up the ladders, & laughing at everyone else as they got their hands covered in slime from off the rope from the ladders, :lol: plus it was alot quicker doing it my way when moving your rope up every time you had to move it up to the next rung of the ladder. :Stinky
  10. :wave hi andy i feel really sorry for you, i would have been heart broken,it sounds as though your boat started to fill up with water & then when the really bad weather came the water froze & with the weight of the frozen ice in the bottom of the boat made the bilge pump keep working overtime,because of that bad period we had it actually made one of our windows crack. hope you get it sorted soon. lori :(
  11. :wave:wave the reason that i turn off my 3G is that it wears my battery down on my 3GS at an alarming rate, so only use it for downloading stuff. & yes brian i do have data package, but i'm soon to move from o2 to voda as the signal is getting worse, just got to wait for o2 to unlock my fone, lori :roll:
  12.  hi guys have finally got that new webcam working on my fone, i decided to switch on my 3G on my iphone & it worked, looks like i'll have to do it every time i want to go on that camera, but at least it does work now. loriî‘

  13. xmas2 hi strowager maybe thats the problem, because ive only got a 3GS fone, which has'nt got HD unlike the 4G iphone which has, guess i'll have to be content with looking at it on my computa. lori :(
  14. xmas2 hi all ,is it just me or has anybody else had problems getting on the new webcam at barnes on their fones ? ive tried about 6 times now & given up, at least ive got the other one at the wroxham hotel to watch. :lol::lol: lori
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