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Posts posted by loribear

  1. How do upload a photo from my iphoneto the forum

    hi mariotech, i'm afraid you can't do it, ive also got an iphone & ive got a mercury full screen browser on it, & i thought it might work but it does'nt, pity really it would have been nice to be able to put videos & pics straight on there. lori :roll:

  2. Oh Dear, Neil... now you're in more trouble! :clap:clap:clap

    "Friday Girl" is named after my wife, Mary-Jane, whom I met on a blind date on a Friday! Lori polishing her?? CU soon! :naughty::naughty:

    :wave hi john i'd love to polish her ,if it meant being afloat for a while, :Stinky maybe you should have called her ,the admirals girl .lori ;)

  3. Brill thanks, Lori

    Sat in the Sutton Staithe Hotel with a pint or few for company! cheersbarcheersbarcheersbar

    :wave glad you're both enjoying yourselves, i'm so jealous, after i saw those awful pics of me that you put on i've got myself back on the treadmill again :lol::lol: & i got rid of that awful cardigan , did'nt realise how much weight i'd put on, :( hope the weather stays nice for you while you're down there. lori cheers

  4. :wave hi all just seen photos, i look awful, :o but it was really nice to meet you at all at last,sorry if we made a few waves on way out, only just got back to boatyard with 5 minutes to spare as we got stuck behind the big belle ferry, feeling sad today being back at home & the weather does'nt help being drab, hope you all had a great time, sorry we could'nt stay longer, it seemt to go so fast, :cry maybe next time we 'll try & stay longer. lorraine, ;)
  5. :wave hi john loved the video, did'nt think it was too bad, it was abit like that when me & my sister went across a couple of years ago, but nobody stopped us from going across, we were bouncing all the way across, i loved it but my sister did'nt she stayed inside, whimp,we were in a centre cockpit boat so it could take it. it was great. :dance lori
  6. hey thanks for the responses...very helpful too..at work at mo..so will review later..have a good day all.. regards

    :wave hi giogio, welcome to our forum i'm sure you'll enjoy it, i know you feel i too live up there in chessy, & the canals don't do it for me either , my parents used to come down to norfolk regulary when i was a youngster, then my dad had a boat at lincoln, it was nice but not the same as the broads, that's where my true heart lies. :love lori

  7. :wave hi all, if i was going to run a boatyard it would be abit like sheerlines of wroxham ,i would have boats with all the facilities on board so that if it was a slack time, you could hire them out as day boats when they were'nt being hired out for proper breaks, that way you'd still make some money from them, instead of letting them stand idle.lori :Stinky
  8. :wave having just read the remarks, it sounds to me like the government are playing dirty, it sounds like they are trying to move all the industry to the london area to make THEM more money , & as usual don't give a monkeys about the rest of the country,& it sounds like they are just making excuses to shut other ports.it's the same with chesterfield they've shut about 6 firms around here & most of the work has gone abroad, & they've built tescos on some of the sites, we've now got 5 tescos, which is ridiculous, who needs THAT many tescos ? :norty: lori
  9. :wave hi ian just a little note on mooring, always remember you can drive backwards but you can't steer backwards, just keep that in mind if you ever have to reverse to moor up.just drive it forward straighten it up THEN reverse it back, & take it slowly. lori :Stinky
  10. :wave hi all i have hired a boat where you could'nt take the keys out of the ignition, as it had been welded in because people were always loosing them, but it made me feel uneasy about leaving the boat moored up on it's own for too long, so we never went very far, which spoils your holiday abit. lori :(
  11. :wave hi all just tried to get on the camera in front of the hotel, it looks like you have to sign in there too, same sign in as barnes camera , but i can't seem to get it to work & there's only one camera like with the barnes one. don't think i like their new way of doing things with the camera, i prefered the old way, with this new one you have to keep waiting til it's your turn to control it. lori :?
  12. :wave thanks guys, very interesting indeed, & yes it does sound complicated, & it's nice to see someone from my old neck of the woods, as i was originally from sheffield myself, but now i'm a derbyshan gal. :lol:
  13. Lori, Hi

    Thanks for that, I'll try it now.

    ps. Are you coming to the Spring Meet? cheersice slice

    :wave:wave hi admiral hope you got on ok with password, i'll certainly try & get down, it would be nice to meet you all. lori :Stinky

  14. î–hi admiral it sounds as if the problem is with them, or maybe they don't like the password, av u tried to put a different password in, maybe that might help. lori î…

  15. :wave hi all we went to the east coast the other day, it was bitterly cold, but noticed that the tide was right out, in fact you could hardly see it because it was that far out, & have noticed it seems to go out that far all along the east coast, so am baffled, WHY if the sea goes out that far does the broads flood so much ? lori :Stinky
  16. :wave hi dave hope you have a nice time, but make sure they warm the breakfast plates for you, when we went last year everybodys breakfast was cold, & all it takes is a few minutes under the hot top if he does'nt want to put the oven on. lori :roll:
  17. :wave hi all ive been on the new webcam at barnes, i quite like it but it takes abit of getting used to the controls, i went on the other day & there was a queue to watch it & it look quite busy down there, now that the weather is getting better i think we'll see more activity round there.lori :Stinky
  18. :wave the water is seems to be down everywhere, a different story to last week, we went to shrewsbury & it was flooded there as the river severn had burst it's banks, & the water was right up to the bridge, & even the carpark was under 2 foot of water. & ive just looked on their webcam & it's back down again here is a few pics that i took while i was there. lori :Stinky[attachment=1]floods 006.JPG[/attachment][attachment=0]floods 007.PNG[/attachment]
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