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Posts posted by loribear

  1. :wave hi goodall you've really done your homework have'nt you ?thanks for the info, it's amazing how them pilots get those ships into such a narrow lock like that, RESPECT, it must take them years to get it off to a fine art like that, & it's amazing how much cargo they can carry too. i'd hate to have to be in the same lock as one of those, it would be terrifying. i know what it waslike being on the big trent with those big gravel barges when i was a youngster, & my dad made me drive the boat, & i got stuck inbetween 2 of them going the other way, & i did'nt know which way to turn, & seeing all the water dissapear from under you is very frightening, we actually hit the bottom of the river & it took a chunk out of the propellor, very scary.gulp. lori :Stinky
  2. Dont Panic!

    on our boats we have a split charging system with separate engine starting batteries, this means that even if you run the domestic batteries flat (not likeley) you will still be able to start the engine to charge them up again..

    have a great holiday!

    :wave hi clive, do i take it that you have the old style batteries with water in them, my hubby says that those with the gel now, can't be charged through the alternator if they go completely flat, is this true ? & how would you get around this if you had to have these kind of batteries on your boats when yours start getting too old ? lori :Stinky

  3. :wave hi everyone, i thought i'd go & have a look on the panama canal webcam, only to find that someone or something had beaten me to it, i'm not sure what kind of bird it was or what the ship was, but it certainly made me chuckle, i can't believe the size of some of the ships that go through there, the one's i saw were certainly fully loaded,

    post-937-136713934192_thumb.png post-937-136713934202_thumb.png he certainly looked a beautiful birdie, lori :Stinky

  4. :wave i can't see it ever getting really any better, especially with all this rain, we seem to be having quite alot of it up here in chessy, i went to a place called trent lock near derby & they are still having alot of floods, here are a couple of pics i took there, this is just the other side of the lock, the water is usually about a foot below the last step that's under water,post-937-136713932829_thumb.jpg post-937-136713932856_thumb.jpg lori :Stinky
  5. I was flicking through some boat vids on you tube (as you do) and came across this.

    I don't think i have ever seen a boat launched on a road trailer in this way before.

    It doesn't look like a very safe way of doing it and i would be blowed if i would let somebody lower my boat into the water in this way.

    Epecially being inside it at the time. They're flippin mad. :shock:

    I bet there's a few H&S comments on this one. LOL

    :wave that was weird to say the least, ive never ever seen a boat being launch like that before, :o i'm shocked, i just don't understand why they did'nt take the boat off the trailer, they certainly have a weird way of going about things over there, :roll::roll: lori :Stinky

  6. We popped in to Brooms yesterday for a pump-out... yes, I know, they charge £16... but it's a heck of a job they do with two long flush-outs and twice the amount of blu you get anywhere else.

    They've dropped the price of red-diesel by 9p/L to £1.19/L! Is this a first on The Broads? :clap:clap:clap

    So we filled up as we wish to support them as much as possible because if they close their fuel/pump-out facility (which is not just a remote possibility at the moment) it will leave a huge gap in the Southern Broads cruising area.

    :wave blimey john, two long flush outs :o what you ave been eating ? it must be all them steaks you keep eating. :lol::lol: lori :Stinky

  7. Hi everyone

    Im taking the boat and tent and going broads camping on saturday. I was wondering if anyone knew of any pubs I could moor at for a few hours between Norwich & Rockland st Mary which will have the Haye v Chisora fight on.

    I'm only looking to watch the fight and have a pint before heading off to the camping spot for the night.

    Thanks in advance cheersbar

    hi brandenj, i think i saw somewhere that the ferry at horning also have sky , lori cheersice slice

  8. :wave hi everyone had a little message from the wherry on fbook today, they posted up some of their piccies from inside the hotel, so for those that have'nt seen it yet here are a few pics for you, post-937-136713931608_thumb.jpgpost-937-136713931642_thumb.jpg post-937-136713931955_thumb.jpgpost-937-136713931979_thumb.jpg the hotel definitely looks alot better, cheersice slice:clap:clap


  9. :wave Hi everyone the reedcutter has put their sign back up, all painted & pretty again, but i was asked on fbook if i knew the story of mary flynn, the woman on the board, ive tried googling it but it came up with loads of that name, but not the story about her, & was wondering if any of you knew the story ? Lori :Stinky
  10. :wave just had a look at the pacific cruisers link, they look very nice boats, pity it's at loddon, they did'nt look too expensive either, does anyone know what buses run through loddon ? & how many run through each hour ? lori :Stinky
  11. :wave hi everyone i got an email from the vulcan site, they said that they've now got the 2 newish engines for it yet again, after the last two failed, & that they were sad to miss the jubilee day, but they hope to do the riat tour in july, can someone tell me what the initials ( riat )actually mean please ? lori ice slice
  12. George Smith's do hire out by the day or night .... but they don't have any boats which will accommodate 6 or 7 people overnight.


    :wave hi carol, you're right i'm afraid, it looks like they've already taken the big boat out of commision, lori :Stinky

  13. Hi There,

    I hope i'm writing this on the right forum.

    Myself and my friends are coming to Norfolk this weekend for our annual trip, and we usually take a day trip to the broads. However this year I thought i would try and organise a one night stay on a boat, to make it slightly more different and hopefully just as fun.

    Does anyone know any companies that do this? Location isnt really an issue.

    There would be 6/7 of us.

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi james give george smith a ring at wroxham, he hires by the day & night, & you don't have to take the boat back til 4.30 pm, but there is one setback, you have to take your own bedding, but they are nice boats & fuel is included in price, hope this helps. lori cheers

  14. Got them from the HSC site Lozi. The Potter one is,showing boats in the dark at Potter Bridge at present not many left to clap you through now .Went down earlier and it was packed with spectators and a massive queue at the fish shop,nothing beats sitting watching the boats with a bag of fish and chips. :dance:party:

    :wave thanks boaters, oh by the way, i prefer a lovely lunch of roast lamb, with a nice glass of baileys with ice, Mmmm lovely. :lol::lol:

  15. 1. Goodchilds, Burgh Castle

    2. Waveney River Centre

    3. Derby's, Beccles

    4. Numerous along the Chet at Lodham

    5. Brooms, Brundall

    6. Norwich Yacht Station

    Personally, we use Derby's, Brooms and the NYS... cos they all come out and do it for you!

    Buit if you're a hire boat then most yards have a reciprocal (free) agreement.

    There is another one too john, sandersons at reedham, they pumped us out even though we'd not hired from them. Lori :wave

  16. It's all changed! :):):)

    Beccles Lido has just reopened and is a heated outdoor swimming pool now! If you can get under the old bridge you can moor right outside on the floating pontoon! (just below the church) :clap:clap:clap

    http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/picture_gal ... _1_1389935


    hi john thanks for the info, had a look at the pool, it looks nice & big but it looks like it will be closed when we go, :( , by the way what height is the beccles bridge ? lori cheersice slice .

  17. Hiya Lori,

    Seeing this thread has just reminded me. As I do my boating alone, the question of getting a doctor came up, in my mind, and I promised myself to find out. Well done Lori, you've beaten me to it, well done, and many thanks to Matt for the information, as I'm based at Broadsedge, Stalham, so well done both.


    Baz cheersbar

    :wave Hi baz i think you can find that information in the free newspaper that you usually get on hire boats, but we did'nt get one on george smiths boat, plus i think you've got yo pay for them now, lori :Stinky

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