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Posts posted by loribear

  1. But if you drink the whole bottle yourself, Lori............. xmas3

    I don't really drink that much john, i have to pace myself becus of my headaches lol, by the way, did you go back to right house last night after you'd had a few ?lol.gif lori ;-)

  2. Ive had a few from paypal, which were spoofs , but i'm not that stupid ,what i really find annoying is the amount of spam emails i get that are offering loans or gambling sites which i never go on, but it's because i'm with gmail, apparently you don't get it with outlook, but because ive got android fone & tablet i have to have a google accout, which i find very annoying. Lori :-)

  3. Hi all i saw on fbook that a humongous load was going up to cantley, but not sure what it's for , the only thing i can think of , is that it's for the sugar factory, but i'm surprised they got it through reedham bridge with it being that wide., ive been cheeky & pinched a couple of pics lol, lori post-296-138731883524_thumb.jpgpost-296-138731886278_thumb.jpgpost-296-138731891394_thumb.jpg Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

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  4. I was looking through some old fotos & found these pictures of a wide dredger barge going through potter bridge, we did'nt think he would do it as it was very wide & he also had big fenders on too, & he was going at some speed too as you can see from the pics. post-296-138703062252_thumb.jpg Going post-296-138703066681_thumb.jpg Going post-296-138703070532_thumb.jpg Going, Ooooh looks a tight squeeze with yhem fenders lol post-296-138703081128_thumb.jpg Oooooh very tight , but gone lol. captain-haddock.gif Lori Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk

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  5. smilie_girl_205.gif hi andy ive hired all different driving position boats , but my favourite has to be a sort of a centre cockpit boat, it's a sedan boat, you're able to see over the hedges with them & they are warm in autumn, but i do like centre cockpit boats, we hired quite a few from astons & sandersons at reedham, but it's each to his own. lori :-)
  6. I think the sedan type of boat is my favourite kind, as it's roomy & warm & i like the sliding doors at the back which is good for reversing, but the one i think is the ugliest boat is one ive seen up stalham i think it was, it is a very wide bathtub type of boat but which looks like it"s got a damn greenhouse on the front yuk. Lori :-)

  7. Hi all, have just read a piece in towpath talk paper, & it says , that 5 mps representing norfolk & suffolk constituances covering part of the broads are not impressed with the management style of the broads authority, & at a meeting where they met senior members of the authority together with members of the navigation commitee, the MPs expressed concern about the authority's governance, consultation processes & toll levels, a major concern is the lack of representation of navigation interests with only 2 if the 21 commitee members representing such interest,

    However, some good news may eventually come out of this, as it is now being proposed that the authority should now appoint a director to liaise directly with the navigation commitee. Lori :-)

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  8. These things are common on the Thames and Severn, both of which have strong currents. I have seen them several times going through London. I think the art is experience and preparation. So I agree that in the hands of the inexperienced Reedham could be dangerous..

    hi max , the thing that would worry me would be the very narrow sides & how easily you can slip, & being on the broads that can be dangerous. lori :-)

  9. :wave  I hate to say this but,some hirers make it easy to steal a boat, they chain all their keys up to the dashboard, but I always take it off & put it on my keyring while we're hiring it, I know it's probably because people keep losing their keys but if someone gets on your boat when you're hiring it, not only does it make it easy to take the boat ,but they also take your belongings, which can be heartbreaking if you've got a lot of electrical goods onboard, we once went with another company, but I can't remember who it was, but they'd superglued the key in, & we went to loddon & went across road to have a cuppa & some cake at carolines, as you do , :grin:  & while we were there we watched some bikers go over to our boat ,& they had a good look around & left then came back again 10 minutes later, so I went over to the quey & made it clear that I was watching them & they took off, but it made us very nervous, so we didn't stop the night,   lori

  10. :wave hi all, don't know if this is the right section to put this lol,  apparently according to my towpath paper, the first narrowboat for hire will be on the broads from chedgrave ,where it is to be based,  it is a 40ft nb called whisper, which will sleep 2 to 4 people, & is being refurbished at the moment,& the prices start from £420 for a four night midweek break,  although I wouldn't have that the broads would have been an ideal place for a flat bottomed boat, with all the rocking about that you sometimes get on the broads, just curious to know, what are your thoughts on this,  lori :Stinky

  11. hi all, i know that they say that you should leave your fuel tank full over winter to stop condensation building up, but for those that do that but don't winterise their boats are making it easy fir these theives to go on a long joyride, it's a pity there is'nt any way to actually lock the fuel off, so that it stops these theives in their track &also put a tracker on the boats so that you know where it is . lori :-)

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