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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Especially if March goes sour. We have a robin hanging around another box.
  2. Spring is just about here, I already have tits in one of my nesting boxes and numerous bulbs coming up in the garden.
  3. Surely not, more like yet another well known Norfolk luminary or hero, along with the likes of Edith Cavell, Thomas Coke, Henry Blogg, Anna Sewell , Boudica, Ruth Maddoc, Robert Kett and Howard Carter. Norfolk is not just famous for its Broads
  4. There is, or was, a paint specifically formulated for Trackmark. Have seen the result of using ordinary enamel and it's not been good.
  5. In my case I was effectively renting floor space to the operator on a variable rent, don't think for one minute that he, a very reputable operator from Yarmouth, would have done anything untoward, not worth risking his gaming licence.
  6. I never paid any rent but my split was a straight 50/50 whether pool table, video game or fruit machine.
  7. Nowadays most of us have a gaming machine and a video games console in our back pockets, our mobile phones. Darned things, along with the cost of stamps, have also killed the picture postcard trade.
  8. Pub gaming machines are not now the licence to print money that they once were. Was a time when operators made loads of dosh and brought up hotels and pubs for example rather than feed the taxman. As has been said a very successful family business, well thought of too. My guess is that Mr Tunmore is possibly downsizing, rationalising his interests, with retirement in mind.
  9. I suspect that the architects are considering two main factors, one being the overall height of adjacent buildings and the other the predicted flood levels over the next so many years, maybe fifty or whatever. Pragmatism is thankfully now alive and well in planning and building on the floodplain is generally allowed provided the habitable part of a house is above the maximum predicted water level by whatever it is deemed to be, hence raised buildings are now accepted.
  10. Very useful for accessing the pub during times of flood!
  11. The stilt height of a number of modern homes on Oulton Broad and Gorleston, for example, appears to be based not so much on potential flood levels but on making the space below the ground floor usable as a garage or whatever. Effectively the downstairs is designed to flood yet it remains as a useful space. Hope that that makes sense!
  12. I remember them, I stayed nearby for six or so months when they were practically new. I hardly dare admit it now but I rather liked them, a practical solution in areas subject to potential flooding. Because of the flat roofs the height of the roofline is not excessive. Maybe something on those lines at Acle Bridge? (Seriously!)
  13. No, but a battered leather cowboy hat does!
  14. Got me absolutely stumped, has that one! Just can't imagine . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
  15. The Authority did try!! https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/broads-loses-out-in-bid-to-join-world-heritage-sites-1-839392
  16. He is a keen cyclist! Often see him on two wheels around the byways & highways of North Suffolk. Could always stick a Riva badge on his kayak though.
  17. Also true of a number of locations in Broadland that I am aware of. Thanks for highlighting this. Of course we don't have a national park boundary for the Broads, a fact acknowledged by the CEO of the Campaign for National Parks, but we do have the BA legislative area that is similarly illogical.
  18. Is that a fact? It is quite plainly not de jure though.
  19. I wonder if the Coniston Speed Week will be going ahead in 2020? Oulton Broad has its power boat racing and long may it continue. It is an activity that is protected by the terms of the Broads Act, showing once again that the Broads does NOT share the same status/legislation as a national park, despite claims to the contrary.
  20. Apparently 'Je pense, donc je suis'.
  21. https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/sutton-staithe-up-for-sale-for-1-1m-1-6460866
  22. Peak period over pricing might have something to do with it!
  23. Something rather more modest that doesn't impinge on the river nor the open marshes too much. Indeed a great deal less vanity would go down well, at least with me..
  24. Was a time when you could! Wasn't there a seaplane base there during WW1?
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