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Posts posted by LadyPatricia

  1. Weds 29th April

    Woke up about 7am this morning to a dull, overcast sky. Kettle on to warm up the boat more than anything and then sat and enjoyed a nice cuppa. Deb was really tired last night, I think the long day cruising coupled with the worry about the impeller issue had worn her out so I left her sleeping. It was around 9:00 when Deb woke and again I made her morning cup of tea. We didn't really have any plans for today so we had a leisurely breakfast of toast and then a bowl of cereal each. The wind was gusting quite strong this morning so we decided to relax at WRC for a few more hours.

    After a short discussion it was decided we would head back to Somerleyton and do a few small jobs that needed doing. We had only just turned out of the WRC and on to the main river when the temperature gauge shot up to full again and stayed there for a while. The gauge always goes up and down on Lady P, it has done since we got her but it doesn't normally stay up high for long before the thermostat opens and lets the raw water in to cool it down. This time it was over a minute. Just as I was about to turn everything off the temp dropped. We continued at a slow pace all the way to our home marina and made it with no other problems.

    Once moored up we decided to drive to B&Q for a few bits Deb wanted to tidy up the boat a little. On our way I remember someone mentioning a Volvo-Penta specialist at Oulton Broad. A quick check on Google and before we new it we were at Northgate Marine chatting to a really pleasant and helpful gent.

    Armed with a little more info we returned to the boat. I removed the thermostat, boiled the kettle, put the thermostat in a jug and filled with hot water. Slowly the stat opened. I then filled the jug with cold water and the stat closed so all appeared ok. I reseated the seal around the stat and put everything back together. We started he up and left on tick over for about 15mins, the gauge hardly moved so I said to Deb we should go for a quick run up the river to test it while running under load. Off we went for about 10 minutes and everytime the gauge hit 80 it started to cool again. Hopefully a good clean may have resolved the problem, if not I will get a new thermostat.

    We've had a couple of difficult days on this trip but I guess that's our baptism to private boating. I've actually enjoyed the challenges and have learnt a lot on this trip.

    We've had a lovely meal and watched a film on the iPad tonight. Tomorrow we will head out in the morning for a longer test run and then back to the marina as it that journey home on Friday

    We will update with regard to the test tomorrow ;)


    Steve & Deb

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  2. When we crossed Breydon yesterday we followed a boat across that was to say the least going all over the place. When we approached the turning up the Yare going past the Berney Arm they decided to take a short cut and proceeded the wrong side of the green posts. The result was a very sudden holt.

    I think this was a Freedom boat but not 100% sure, it looked like Lady of Freedom. I hope they managed to get themselves free and back under way.


  3. Tues 28th April

    Woke up far too early today, 5 o'clock and I was making two cups of tea ( this seems to be my job while we are away, Deb does do it every morning at home ). Kettle boiled and tea brewing the inevitable sound of Deb starting to snore again as she drifted back off to sleep came from the V birth. I soon put an end to that ;)

    We had decided to go for breakfast at the stokesby shop / cafe. A full English went down well and was enjoyed by us both. Back to the boat to wait for 11:30 to start our return trip down the Bure, over Breydon and down to the WRC, our overnight stop.

    The cruise down the Bure was great. We went all the way from Stokesby to GY on tick over as the outgoing tide carried us on our way. As the fuel gauge was faulty we decided to top up the tank at Goodchilds just to see how much we had used. We had done from WRC to Beccles then Beccles to Stokesby and stokesby down to Goodchilds. The grand total of £8.64 went in the tank, again now Deb is not too worried about fuel consumption.

    As we left the mooring at Goodchilds Deb noticed a smell of hot / burning rubber. The temp gauge had shot up to max and was not coming back down which it sometime does. I moored at the 24hr moorings just down the Waveney and began investigating.

    We had the engine service last week so I called the guy who did it for us and he advised we check the raw water was getting to the engine. I turned off the inlet and removed the hose to the engine. Turned the inlet back on and all was ok, no blockage. Removed the other end of the pipe and with a good old fashion blow down the pipe a few bits of muck came out the other end. All hoses connected I started up the engine and the temp rose straight away so off again. The I removed the cover to the impeller .... BINGO ... Two broken fins on the impeller. Luckily the old parts from our service had been left onboard so I put the old one back in using the lubricant in the box and put everything back together. I started the engine and the temp instantly went down.

    Not much of a job for the more accomplished members on her but I was quite happy that I had thought it through logically and managed to resolve the problem, albeit after an hour and a half ;)

    We started down the Waveney again keeping a close eye on the temp and managed to make it to WRC by about 18:30.

    Made use of the wet rooms here and had a meal in the pub. The wet rooms are very well kept and are probably THE best showers available to the public on the broads. The food was good and the accompanying Ghost Ship went down really well.

    It has been a long day but a good one as we have learnt a lot more about Lady P today. Let's see what tomorrow brings

    • Like 9
  4. Mon 27th April

    Woke up to a lovely morning at Beccles, sun was out and lovely blue skies. All morning rituals followed we were ready to head off around 8:15. Slack water at GY was at 12:20 but knowing the Bure sometimes runs out for about half hour after that we wanted to be there about 12:45ish. Canopy down, with an extra jumper on, we started up to prepare to leave. We noticed the fuel gauge was not working but having filled Lady P up yesterday I knew it was either the gauge itself, wiring or a faulty sender causing the issue. It was decided we would investigate when at Stokesby, our destination for today.

    It was a lovely run up the Waveney, a little breezy at times but lovely none the less. We stopped at the WRC to empty out our chemical toilet ( I put that in for info if anyone needs to empty one of these toilets ) Then back on the river for the rest of our journey.

    Our friends on Broom Captain followed us up from Beccles and just managed to squeeze through Somerleyton and then St Olaves bridges. On up the Waveney and on to Breydon we went. Deb was a little apprehensive about our 'little' boat going over Breydon but I assured her at low / slack water we would be ok. As we started over Breydon Darren opened up Broom Captain and what a sight that was. They had to be as close to slack as possible because the air draft on Captain is about 8'10" I believe. As they passed and Lady P rolled around in the wash they quickly became a dot on the horizon. The next time we saw them was when we moored up at Stokesby. We crossed Breydon at a leisurely 5.6mph, that's flat out for us ;), but crossing for the first time on our own boat was a really pleasant experience. We turned up the Bure and as it turned out we had timed it just right. Once through GY Deb took the helm for about 45 minutes ( I think she really loves the boat now we've used her a few times and Deb's confidence has grown ). We arrived at Stokesby and moored up at around 15:00. Lady P had just completed her first long cruise for us :). I had a quick look at the fuel gauge issue and I think it's the sender unit that is faulty. If I short the feed to Earth the gauge goes to full but I get not reading when connected back on the fuel tank.

    After the disaster of the tinned curry the other night we decided to order an Indian for Acle Spice. The food was delivered to the car park of the Ferry pub and was enjoyed by both. We then headed in to the pub to enjoy a couple of pints of Ghost Ship and Deb had a couple of shandy's. We finished the evening with a coffee and the retired to the boat to turn in.

    Another fantastic day


    Steve & Deb





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  5. Sun 26th April

    We both woke up about 8am, really unusual while we are on a boat. The plan today was to head down to Beccles, stopping at the WRC on the way for some diesel. We didn't rush as we wanted to use the incoming tide around lunchtime to our advantage. We left the ferry inn and headed on through Reedham then turned down the new cut. A pleasant run down to the WRC and moored up at the pumps. We reported to the shop and requested some diesel. We were told a gentleman would be waiting when we got back to the pumps, and he was. I think his name was Mr Turpin, Dickie to his friends. At £1.25 per litre for diesel I felt like we were being robbed ;)

    While refuelling Dave (deebee29) cruised past on Silver Elegance. I could hear someone calling my name but thought it can't be me as no one knows me up here. Dave had recognised Lady Patricia. I asked if he was going to Beccles and if he was we'd have a chat there. He said he was and proceeded on his way.

    Everything filled up and paid for we started towards Beccles. This stretch is where I think the Waveney really comes to life, green vegetation along the banks really makes a difference after so many reeds.

    We arrive at the Yacht Station to find find the spot we had booked was right next to where Dave had moored. Being the lovely forum member he is he was there to help us with by taking the ropes from Deb. Whilst coming in to moor stern on I found an interesting thing about Lady Patricia that I'd noticed before but thought it was me doing something wrong. When going backwards with the steering full to port I get very little reaction when forward gear is engaged to 'straighten her up'. When fully to starboard I have all the control I need. Is this down to rotation direction of the prop?

    Anyway all moored up and secured we had a good chat with Dave, a lovely guy and it was a pleasure to meet you Sir :)

    We had pepperoni pizza and tear 'n' share garlic bread for dinner and then headed for a few games of pool in the club just by the yacht station.

    We've decided to give the good Lady P a run over Breydon tomorrow and overnight at Stokesby, slack water is at 12:20 so 8am (ish) start should see us at GY at about the right time.

    We will let you know how we get on tomorrow. Deb is a little apprehensive but we will have our friends on Broom Captain following.


    Steve & Deb


    • Like 4
  6. Sat 25th April

    Woke up about 6:30am. Made a cup of tea and did a few minor jobs while waiting for Deb to open her eyes. Deb woke about 8am, surprising seeing as the cabin is open plan and my moving about never woke her earlier. Just as a good attentive husband should do I made her a nice cuppa as soon as she opened her eyes. Breakfast sorted and everything cleaned and put away we just chilled and chatted about where we should go and when. As usual nothing was really decided. Waited until 11:30 to see if Alan and Dave made it up to the Marina, those lads just can't stay away from Orca ;). Unfortunately we missed them but will hopefully catch up with you both next Friday.

    The rain started about 8:30, these lasted until we left the marina at 11:45.

    We headed up towards St Olaves and then on the the new cut. Whilst traveling along the cut we passed another forum member going the other way. We saw the burgee on his boat and we got one of the biggest waves we've ever been given whilst afloat. Sorry we never caught the boat name but I'm sure you know who you are :)

    The plan was to overnight at Loddon only for that to be thwarted by a full staithe when we arrived. A quick 180 and we were on our way back up the Chet. We are meeting some friends today whom we first met a couple of years ago on a previous holiday. They are having a 2 week holiday on Broom Captain. As Loddon was full we made a phone call and agreed to meet at the reedham ferry inn.

    Ian and Marina, if you read this, we saw Sweet Kingfisher today and she looked lovely ;).

    Alan (RB) we also saw Ranworth Breeze whilst moored up at the ferry inn, what a fantastic looking boat she is :)

    Our friends arrived and had a quick look at Lady Patricia. We then went aboard Broom Captain and all we can say is .....WOW, a fantastic cruiser.

    A few beers in the pub and then back to the boat for a curry ....... I really wish we'd eaten in the pub . As we walked back over to the boats we were treated to the appearance of a seal, it's so fantastic to see these animals in a natural environment.

    Just relaxing now ready for tomorrow's adventures


    Steve & Deb

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  7. Ok, we are heading up to the boat for our first 7 day outing on her.

    Friday 24th April

    We left home in Hampshire at 15:45. The M25 was its usual 'pig' of a road on a Friday afternoon meaning we eventually got to the marina at 21:15, this did include a quick visit to Tesco for some goodies.

    Unloaded the van and started to unpack everything on the boat. Deb was busy down below ..... Maybe I should rephrase that ....... Deb was busy packing bits away in the cabin while I did the donkey work too and from the van. Another vehicle came in to the marina and pulled up behind our van. I shone my head torch over towards the car only to see some fluorescent paintwork on the car, it was Mr Plod.

    Deb, coming from London, instantly started panicking. Oh what are we going to do. He's coming over here !!!!!

    The policeman approached the boat and I had a very polite conversation with him while the 'London Lout' stayed in the cabin . It appears the thread running on here regarding thefts was the reason for his visit. He advised there had been several incidents recently and having seen my head torch when he drove in to check the marina he came for a closer look. Good to know that the local constabulary are working to fight the scum that commit this sort of crime.

    Anyway nothing much more to tell. We have everything stored away and just chilling before bed.

    Tomorrow we will hopefully see Alan and Dave (Jaws Orca) before we head off for Loddon.


    Steve & Deb

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  8. Glad all went well for you both. Those new 12v sockets I put in yesterday after you left the marina worked a treat mate. Used the 15A cable and fitted a 10A fuse, thanks to your input I will run new cables ASAP.

    I was good to be there and see both Dave and your faces as Orca was lowered in to the water.You should both be very proud of yourselves, well done guys ;)



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  9. Morning all.

    We found we have got a water leak on our water pump. There is a constant drip from the hose connection that comes from the water tank.

    I can't tighten the jubilee clip any more. Would PTFE tape around the inlet and then fit the hose and tighten work? If not how would you guys resolve this?


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