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Posts posted by LadyPatricia

  1. We arrived at our boat late one night in April, pitch black it was, and while unloading my 1 bag and Debs 20 ;) we saw a set of headlights driving around the marina. It was a nice Policeman who came over for a quick chat and once it was confirmed it was our boat and all was ok he went on his way.

    I actually commented to Deb that it was good to see this sort of thing happening. I don't know if anyone called them or it was a 'normal' patrol but none the less it was good to see things are being checked.

    Looking back we must have looked right dodgy, jeans, hoodie type tops as it was a bit nippy and head torches on.

    Deb was very rude, never offered the poor chap a cuppa, she is fully trained now ;)


  2. My advice would be to turn out of freedom heading down the Yare towards Reedham. Keep going, past Polkeys mill and Berney arms, cross Breydon and turn left at the yellow post.

    This way you won't have to put up with the 'dullness' of the south side and you'll have a fabulous time up north.

    PS. forget Geldeston, nothing there, not worth wasting fuel. Honest Guv ;)


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  3. I'm in the no TV corner on this one. Can't understand why people spend hundreds of £'s on a holiday or thousands on their own boat then sit and do exactly the same as when at home in the evening. Music on the other hand is a must in the background and after 10yrs married we still manage to chat about the day and other topics.

    5 more years and I may need to rethink my opinion as we could be in the same situation as dnks34 :)

    Like everything else I suppose, it's horses for courses.


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  4. And welcome from Deb and I.

    We too only bought our first boat last year. The guys n gals on here have been most helpful with info on best way to do things, where to get stuff from, that sort of thing.

    If you need any advice on wine or shoes or bad jokes then Grace is the one to ask. ;)


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  5. Sorry to go a little off topic Gareth, we tend to do that here but soon get back on track ;).

    On our run down to Beccles on sat afternoon I noticed all 3 of the BA 24hr moorings between WRC and Beccles were all full. There were also 2 or 3 boats on wild moorings when we did the run back to the marina on sun morning.

    The South is definitely getting busier.



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  6. Sun 24th May

    Woke early to a lovely sunny morning. Had breakfast and then we did a bit of tidying up in the cockpit. Alan and Dave ( Jaws ) arrived at the marina about 9:30 and once moored up popped over to Lady P. We had a chat for a few minutes and Dave was kind enough to check the fixes I did yesterday. After we had finished playing with the engine we decided it was time to test my handy work and take a run down the river.

    I suggested a run to WRC but Alan instantly replied."nah, let's go to Beccles' so Beccles it was and a two hour run would be a good test for the engine.

    We headed down the river being closely followed by Orca. As we approached the WRC Orca moored up for fuel and we carried on towards Beccles knowing that if we had any issues the guys on Orca wouldn't be far behind.

    Our run to Beccles was trouble free, the only down side was having to moor in the rain.

    Orca arrived a the YS about 20 minutes later and moored next to us. The YS was busier than I'd ever seen it before. It was decided we would walk to a hotel on the river for a beer. I can't remember the name but the wherry was good. We booked a table for the four of us for that evening and returned to the YS.

    Relaxed for an hour or so then it was time to head back for dinner. The food was good as was the company. Unfortunately Dave was a bit off colour and headed back to the boat and was asleep when we returned. Alan joined us in the cockpit of Lady P for a beer and a chat. It was a pleasant evening and we sat with the canopy open. We called it a night and said goodbye as we were heading off early in the morning to return to the marina and drive home via Debs Mum & Dads.

    The run back to the marina this morning went well, hopefully we have sorted out the couple of issues we had for good


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  7. Sat 23rd May

    Left home around 5:30 for the trip up to the boat. Had to make a detour via Bury St Edmonds to pick up some carpet for the boat.

    Arrived at the marina around 9ish and after checking all was as should be we started fitting the carpet. After a lot of cutting and trimming and a few expletives the carpet was down and it doesn't look too bad even if I do say so myself ;)

    Next job was to look at a small diesel leak. We had purchased a mixed pack of copper washers but Sod's law said none of them would fit. Looking at the existing washers they were slightly curved. I decided to turn them round and try that. All put back together and tightened we gave it a test and low and behold ..... no leak :)

    Next was changing the thermostat. Old one out and new one in all seems ok but won't be out on river to test until tomorrow.

    It was time for Deb to make one of her lovely cups of tea. Kettle filled, ring on cooker lit, kettle on ring and then the gas ran out :(. We put the empty bottle in the car and drove off to OB for a refill. Advised by the guy in Jeckells that they only do Calor and we couldn't get any Flogas until Tuesday as no local suppliers were open. I was a little dubious about this so went to check with Google, he was right. We had to bite the bullet and buy a new Calor bottle and regulator ....... That ended up being the most expensive cup of tea we've ever had.

    Spent the rest of the day doing odd little jobs and then relaxed with a nice curry ordered from OB and delivered to the marina.

    Off for a run down to WRC tomorrow, accompanied by Orca in case we have any problems. After that,time allowing, we will see if we can remove at least three of the five batteries we have onboard.



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  8. Good evening JawsOrca,




    Yes indeed channel 4 would be channel 4.


    PMR 446 is 8 UHF channels that can be broken down into sub channels known as Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System or CTCSS (which is sometimes called tone squelch). Let's say that you have more than one group of people using the same channel, CTCSS mutes the other users if they are using a different CTCSS tone or no CTCSS... you can wake up now!


    The radios that you can buy over the counter in Maplins or even online can range from simple to advanced.


    As Robin (London Rascal) has said above, the one that he uses is initially a 70cm & 2m amateur radio (VHF) but this can be reprogrammed to use the PMR frequencies.


    I use the same type as Robin except mine is waterproof and I have programmed mine only with channels 1 to 8 (No CTCSS) and removed the access to the amateur bands. Like Robin, I can recommend both his choice and mine as they do what it says on the box.  


    I bought a pair from fleabay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2015-Upgrades-2PCS-NEW-BAOFENG-UV-5X-UHF-VHF-Dual-Band-2-Way-Radio-Cable-UK-Ship-/111535174776?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item19f803b478 and they came within a couple of days with the data cable and some chinese software to program the units. A quick look at the UK site and I was able to download the software in English. The radio can still be programmed manually but I suffer from 'Fat Finger' and decided that the computer was a better option.


    Sorry for boring the pants of everyone.

    Alan, this is what Colin posted re the radio. Not sure it will help :)


  9. Going to have the head unit down in the cabin Alan as we will generally only be using it while chilled out in the evenings. 2 speakers (front) in cabin and 2 (rear) in aft cockpit area for those long hot summer evenings.

    I thought I'd do it this way so we can turn off the outside speakers when we a sat below.



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  10. Next trip is planned for this weekend. Not sure how much cruising we will get done as the list of jobs that need doing is growing by the day. So far the list is:

    1. Try fix fuel leak spotted by Dave and Alan (Jaws)

    2. Run all cables and locate a good place to install our radio and speakers.

    3. Play with voltmeter to try and get fuel sender to work.

    4. For some reason we have 5 batteries on board. 2 for engine and 3 leisure. We want to change our isolator switches for one unit to control both sides and drop from 5 batteries down to 2. (Will not play with this myself, hopefully catch up with Alan and Dave for some advice).

    5. Fit and cut new carpet for cabin.

    After all this is done we will be allowed out to play ;)


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  11. Hi Iain,

    'Twas a great tale and a good read. Shame about you giving the FE a 'Glasgow Kiss' and coming off second best ;). We hope the aches and bruising are healing fast.

    It appears you still managed to enjoy your holiday even after the incident. Great pictures by the way.

    The only thing for it is to book another trip ASAP :), you know you want to.


    Steve & Deb

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