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Posts posted by LadyPatricia

  1. 'Some' anglers should be a little more careful. I've fished for over 30yrs and wildlife and the riverbank or lake surroundings should be given as much consideration as most give to fish care.

    I think the problem is exaggerated on the broads as many who know nothing about fishing buy a rod and reel and do what they think is right on their holiday.


    • Like 1
  2. Iain, we plan to enjoy those fruits as much as possible this year ;)

    Thanks Grace, will post a pic of curtains up when we are next up on 11th April :)

    Littlesprite - I may have recovered enough to start on yours in about 2yrs time, as long as Lady P doesn't need anything doing lol

    Thanks Alan, I was really pleased with the headlining on the hard top. Came out better than I thought.

    Thanks for the kind word all :)


    Steve & Deb

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  3. Hi all

    Just got back from 3 days hard work finishing off the work to get Lady P ready for the season. I know this is not a full restoration project so if it in the wrong topic area would one of you lovely mods move it to the appropriate one :)

    We've kept a photo log of all the work and jobs completed and thought we'd share a few with you all


    Steve and Deb












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  4. I don't see what all the fuss is about.

    Synthetic - the combination of two or more parts, whether by design or by natural processes. Furthermore, it may imply being prepared or made artificially, in contrast to naturally.

    Is this not what IVF is?

    People are just far too sensitive these days ;) live and let live, your a long time dead



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  5. Thanks Alan ......... I think ;)

    She's going back in at the end of the month. We are back up tues, weds and thurs this coming week to wash, polish and generally clean her up.

    Had a good look going down the lane yesterday. The transport should have no trouble :)

    We've also decided to keep her as Lady Patricia and not re name. We bought her with the name and have come to love her so why change.



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  6. What a fantastic day :)

    It's been a long day but very productive. We left home in Hampshire at around 6:30 this morning. We had the pleasure of meeting Mowjo ( Frank and Judi ) as we had arranged to pick up some bits from them before we continued on to carry out some more work on Lady Patricia.

    We arrived around 10ish to pick up the parts and were offered a nice cuppa, that really hit the spot after the long drive up. Frank show me around their boat and he looks to be doing an excellent job all round. A really lovely couple, thanks for the ideas and advice ;)

    Then we headed off to our girl. The plan was to anti foul her and try to fit the recovered headlining panel after our mishap on the last visit. I must say that anti foul paint is rather unpleasant stuff. Anyway a few hours later she was all done, We decided to fit the headlining and see if we could get it done before the light faded. After a little pushing and pulling we eventually got it all secured and offered up the beading. We secured the trim and but for a few minor adjustments needed next time it job done.

    Obviously nothing like a professional job but I'm actually very happy with the outcome for my first job on our lovely lady ;)



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  7. You definitely have the mooring Alan. I spoke to Mark on Monday. You have a birth on the centre pontoon.

    The office is a little slow, we haven't yet got our bill for next season but rest assured it will be here soon, after all they want their money ;)

    Ours is going back in at the end of the month. Got the next 2 weeks off to get up there and finish everything in time.

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  8. Thanks Frank I'll take a closer look at them ;) there used to be old metal vents up there and they were bent and twisted for some reason. I'm sure I could find some different ones if I come not to like these plastic ones but as I've said before we are still learning about this boating lark. I didn't realise you could get so many different types of what is basically the same thing ;) it a minefield sometimes

    MM this is where Deb got the fabric from, the link should go to the exact one she purchased for the curtains :)


    Alan, next month eh, sounds good. Now you've got me thinking about covering the beeding with the same vinyl as the headlining, that could look really good. I've got a small bit of off cut vinyl laying around, I'm going to cover a bit of trim and see if I like it ;)

    The carpet is a real mess mate, definately will need replacing as you'll see.



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  9. Morning all,

    Ok the weekend trip to the boat didn't go exactly to plan. We arrived early sat morning with enthusiasm and excitement. The plan was to clean all the carpet on the boat with foaming carpet cleaner, put up new headlining and check to see if Debs curtains fitted.

    The first couple of hours were taken up cleaning the lining carpet, it came up ok but really needs replacing as when we were working in the foam the fibres were just coming off like dust. We will get that replaced at the end of the year, it will have to do for this season.

    Next job was to fit the new boards and headlining. 3 of the 4 panels in the main cabin and the ones in the entrance and toilet went up reasonably easily to my surprise but when we got the 4th panel for the cabin out of the car it had been damaged in transit. A small tear near the hole for the cables to the light had happened on the journey up. Unfortunately not close enough to the hole to be covered when the light was fitted :(

    We also decided not to use the trim we had taken as it just didn't 'look right' when it was up. We discussed options and will take up some beading timber and fit that on our next visit.

    On the plus side the curtains Deb made fitted perfectly so she was a very happy bunny :)

    A few pics of what we eventually got done ;)






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  10. DF - there is no electric for any of the moorings at Somerlayton at the moment, although I've heard they do plan to install posts in the future. Being Norfolk, how far in the future is anyone guess ;) everything seems to get done at a relaxed pace up there.

    Congrats Alan, the floating pontoons were one of the main reasons we decided to take the mooring here. No doubt we will catch up with you there at some point.



  11. All 8 panels are now covered and ready to go up to the boat this weekend and be fitted. I even got a little adventurous and covered the battens that hold the cushions in place on the seats either side of the table. If i bang my knee now it shouldn't hurt ;)

    We will take some pics, assuming all goes ok and post when done





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