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Posts posted by LizG

  1. On 29/03/2022 at 13:10, DAVIDH said:

    White Heron just added to the Hoseasons site. It's a Broom Captain by the looks of it, but for two people. The fuel inclusive icon is not currently showing, but it is new, and will probably be added when Brooms rfeview it.


    That's an interesting name. White Heron was a Broom ?captain owned by Mr & Mrs Dinnage who were Jennifer Broom's parents

    • Like 1
  2. I know there have been more recent topics discussing the New Inn in Horning (however, in the search engine this was the first to come up) - this appeared on one of my FB feeds last night - "Great News the New Inn in Horning is going to get a late night bar and food. It will have a late night license from 11pm to 12.30am."


    I think they want to also be able to have a pop up bar outside which is often the norm these days?

    I don't know whether they plan to open every night or just have the option.  Not 100% sure if I was living nearby I would be too happy - the late night noise for those living along Lower Street and living a 'normal' non holiday life might be a bit more than they want?


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  3. When it is your own boat you are in control!  So avoid leaving a full tank or even a slightly full tank until another visit, don't skimp on pump outs - find a boatyard that does a good pump out - the cleaner it is kept the fresher it will be?  I also used to keep the door slightly open when the boat wasn't in use so the air could circulate.

    I can vouch there is nothing worse than going on a boat with a smelly loo!

  4. I bet they didn't advertise that at least one of the mattresses on WR was horse hair.  We found that out when I replaced one around 2010 - Peter Jeckells was quite surprised - it was under two covers!  I offered it to the Museum of the Broads but they didn't want it!

    • Like 1
  5. 56 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

    An eventful day out - You remained safe and got homme ok, that's the most important bit


    Yes! Luckily I wasn't that far into my journey and without a passenger who would have left their car somewhere else - that's when it gets complicated. 

    For people without modern mobile phones the experience would have been much harder - I had a link to a progress update so I knew when they were due to come, the registration number and the expected arrival time.................

  6. Changing from fuel prices but still car related..............I went out early this morning to meet up with a friend to travel around the M25 to the M40 to do a spot of Brown Hairstreak butterfly egg hunting as you do!!! So trundling along in my trusty 2006 Fiesta having just joined the A414 dual carriageway into Hertford (at the height of the school run/rush hour) there was a clunk, and then a very big clunk and the car lurched to the left.  I was lucky that the verge was wide enough to fit my car and hazard lights went on.  I knew exactly what had happened - the suspension had gone again.  This is a very common failure in Fiestas and the previous ones had all been in the driveway - I often wondered what it would be like if you were driving - now I know!

    So first a phone call to my husband, then I started ringing the breakdown number we have in the car.  The cover is free with our bank account but the number didn't work so back to another call to my husband who confirmed soon afterwards the bank had recently changed to the AA and there was a new number.  So the lengthy process started of phoning one number, listening to all the recorded messages first and hearing about Covid, then getting a text to fill in all your details and then another phone number to ring and so on.

    In the meantime my husband couldn't get hold of our garage so went down there and got the okay to bring it there.............and went to do his usual Friday shop!  At this point I did get out the car having got so close to the crash barrier - it was a bit of a squeeze and I waited on the other side of the barrier. As I was in a dangerous location, it was only about 30 minutes before a van arrived..................he put on a special AA tyre and said I was to drive slowly to the garage and he would follow.  A police car did eventually stop and blocked the inside lane - the car had to be put on the carriageway as he needed to jack it up!

    So having got the car to the garage, had a chat with the manager, I then walked home - and my day out was aborted!  I have broken down before but never in a situation like this - so a bit of an experience

    Ps Fuel at Sainsburys in Enfield is also always cheap (er)!

    • Sad 6
  7. https://www.channel4.com/programmes/extraordinary-escapes-with-sandi-toksvig

    Well I watched about 10 minutes of episode two before giving up!

    Within a few seconds the dreaded word was used (at this point I screamed in anger and the cats all freaked out!)

    Then they visited the famous windmill and cottage that has had all the character removed..........

    The only things I noted were that the sails on the windmill could turn and once inside the cottage, the way the windows and mirrors have been constructed make the views stunning but otherwise.................


    • Thanks 1
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  8. We had waves on our tiny pond yesterday. In 2010 I persuaded a friend to accompany me in WR to Oulton Week. We booked a mooring from the Harbour master just off the Wherry. He said it was secure a train wheel! On the Monday a hoolie blew up during the end of the cruiser race and the waves were terrifying and as soon as possible we retreated to the Dutch Tea Gardens for 48 hours before we got back across Breydon! 

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  9. My daughter and 3 year old grandson were coming by train tomorrow from South Wales to Hertfordshire!!!! Trip been planned for months. His half-term is next week.....

    Well once they confirmed trains wouldn't be running she could bring it forward to this evening after leaving work early but even that train was delayed due to 'an incident' on the track!! 

    Husband on his way to Paddington to help them through London.

    Won't be doing anything tomorrow but at least they should be here 🤞


    Stay safe everyone!

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