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Posts posted by LizG

  1. Back in the summer, I was driving back from Norfolk along the A505 to Royston.  As I approached a north bound side turning (bear in mind at Royston I turn south) it said road closed ahead (but as usual not where!!!) so I continue on hoping that the road closure is after the short cut to the A10.  I meet several cars coming in the other direction so I am hopeful but no the road closure is just where I want to turn off.  About turn but the last thing I want to do is go several miles towards the north bound A10 so I continue on until my first south bound route!!!  What wound me was why didn't they say at that junction the road ahead was closed!!!!

    Two weeks later, they again closed the road but this time, they told you at the south bound side turning first!!!

    PS was in Bletchley last Sunday visiting Bletchley Park and encountered the grid system and the road closures!  Daughter was directing my husband - it was agreed I would drive home!!!

  2. 20 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    Thanks very much Liz, I hadn't seen that before.

    Nice to see Dougie Blewitt on the mainsheet and I noticed David Bray as well. Dougie was chairman of the trust at that time.

    Thank you. I assumed you had seen it. I'm so amazed that I had never heard of this adventure! I was expecting to see you on board!!!

  3. JA and Grendel have explained the anomalies!

    A photo of the boat might give a clue to some of our more knowledgeable members or to try and find a bulk head number - there is the possibility of one being intact depending on how much rebuilding to the boat has been undertaken.  You can then take that information to the Norfolk Archive and find the boat logs that are there.  Hence how I know more about the age of Water Rail and the other Herbert Woods boats


  4. I am informed via my mother in law that Flavours has shut for the winter and the chef has returned to the Blue Boar in Sprowston (where he was the chef!) - he was good there as well!

    This is based on word from one of her neighbours who spends a lot of his free time in the Blue Boar so it is probably accurate!


    ps we were very impressed with Flavours when we visited in August

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  5. Its a mini Three Rivers Race organised by the Snowflakes SC - they use the Horning SC base in winter.

    Its starts in Horning - today from the club I understand but sometimes they start at Horning Ferry or at the Waterworks depending on the weather conditions.  They will probably finish at the clubhouse but if the wind conditions aren't favourable they might make the finish at the waterworks or the Ferry.

    Open to all sailing boats including single handed they sail to Thurne Mouth then down the Bure towards Acle - turn and then go up  the Thurne to close to Womack Dyke



  6. It's a hard one as it's in the past. Sitting on WR or with friends on rafted boats nearby at Barton.  Enjoying a drink, a shared meal and the relative peace and quiet of a Broadland evening.  Or moored at Thurne watching a Barn Owl hunt over the marshes. Or a murmuration of Starlings at How Hill or hearing the bittern booming in the early hours whilst on 3RRs guard ship or...

    I have the photos...

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