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Posts posted by LizG

  1. For the experienced Breydon shouldn't create any problems and the experienced would know what to do in a breakdown.

    However, the inexperienced, those that haven't read or listened to the guidance and know best will still run aground.  Its been happening for the last 50 years or so, nothing changes - just now we have social media so the world knows before the person aground almost does!

    Saying that, many years ago sailing back with friends in convoy from Oulton Regatta, we had a lovely sail down the Waveney and half way across Breydon, we suddenly realised that a violent thunderstorm was imminent (one of those that appear off Yarmouth!).  I can't remember the order but there was rain, thunder and overhead lighting and a terrific squall.  Both yachts had to immediately take action!  So we went head to wind, made for a post, held on, tied on, dropped the sails and masts and sat inside the cabin shaking!  If my memory serves me right, the other yacht in convoy went onto the mud.  No something I would want to do today.

    Rain stopped, wind dropped, mast and sails went back up (maybe we outboarded until through Yarmouth) and got back to Potter in one piece in lovely sunshine

    • Like 6
  2. 21 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    You can also see the Herringfleet swing bridge in the background.

    My father once had designs on buying the old signal box by the bridge but someone else bought it!

    • Like 1
  3. I remember this boat so similar to Lapwing and it would have been after 1965 but I don't recollect anyone suggesting she was recently built. I'll have to look at my old photos taken on South Walsham Broad ( in the next few days)

    • Like 1
  4. Following on from Q's here's my tales from the Galley!

    First an early morning visit on Saturday to the club followed by watching the race from the garden (as you do!!!) I was joined by Sue Hines who takes amazing photos so only took a few on my phone.

    Late afternoon I go down to the club to get the latest news! It was obvious this was a fast race and by 7 in the morning the Galley might be quiet so I offered to stay all night. From last year I knew that little things helped speed things up so I cut up all the sausages so that wouldn't need doing and separated 2 giant packs of bacon. The first boat was home at 19:50 and we opened the galley well ahead of the normal time. It was quite obvious that the majority of early finishers first port of call was the pub and then home with the plan they return in the morning when breakfast would be more appealing!

    So when the 22:00 shift arrived and started getting the breakfasts ready for the next round of finishers I could see the 07:00 shift could be equally busy, I went home to get some sleep.

    I awoke to hear cars sloshing through puddles along Lower Street. It had rained! Apparently initially it was manic but between 01:00 and 06:30 it had been quiet!

    The 07:00 shift started getting more sausages and bacon cooked but we had no idea what to come!!! The word busy was no exaggeration!  Q will testify. When I arrived in the morning the piles of loaves of bread  was high. When we finished there was just 3 left!!! All the sausages went, the beans ran out and I have no idea how many breakfasts the amazing crew prepared!!! 

    I got home just after 13:00 and apart from looking online on my phone I have done very little. Home tomorrow!

    It was a hard but very good race!










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  5. 7 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

    So what's the weather like for the race this morning?  It's blowing a steady stiff westerly here, if that's any help.    :default_coat:

    Hoping all concerned have a good day!

    Fresh! Could be chilly in the night and I suspect a quick race for many

    • Like 1
  6. My first introduction was in 1971 soon after we moved to Horning. Father volunteered WR for guard ship. We were sent to Stracey Arms in the days when the TA did the radios.

    After that I might help on guard ship - in later years they would be above Potter but I had moved away by then. But later I would be the grave yard slot time keeper. My shift would end when Fred Turner would arrive at a more civilized hour!


    • Like 2
  7. 12 hours ago, AndyTBoater said:

    Just signed up to help with bacon, eggs and teas (cooking not eating) on the graveyard shift, Sunday 4am to 7am. 

    Come and say hello at the yacht club. 

    I couldn't face the graveyard shift so I opted for the next one starting at 7 to finish so we will meet.  Hope it isn't too busy - last year it was very quiet as there was no wind and then suddenly one big rush!  Judging by the current forecast you might be busy!

    Guard ship days are over!


    • Like 1
  8. A friend of my husband who now lives near Wymondham actually emailed him to warn us of these roadworks!!!

    Can't be any worse than on A602 last weekend between Ware and Watton at Stone - road closed due to a new carriageway being  created so a lorry went via the diversion to Hertford and got stuck under the railway bridge at Hertford north - it was absolute chaos!

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Malanka said:

    My day: Got up took bobo (Boris the Airedale) to the vets for the third week in a row. He has crucial ligament damage to his rear right knee and will require surgery. Left him there for an x ray to rule out anything else. Just the start I needed with two interviews for different posts scheduled this afternoon. One to France and one to New York. Joy of joys ….

    Surgery will take place when we are on Silver Jubilee 1 so Fiona may stay behind which is not ideal. Internet in work pod in garden isn’t functioning so back in the house upstairs back bedroom hoping the dogs stay quiet. 

    Get better soon Boris! 


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