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Posts posted by addicted

  1. I've totally given up watching the news on t.v. The  t.v. coverage has been of very poor quality in fact no quality at all just quantity. All gloom and doom with the same questions being asked in a dozen different ways. We're still continuing our routine of a   daily walk to the paper shop plus a weekly shop in the Aldi in  our town. Last week this was something of an ordeal as when Tony joined the queue at 10.30 am on Tuesday it was snaking right round the car park. He counted  and found that he was 48th in the line .The whole procedure took  more than hour and a half! This week we went after having an early dinner arriving  at about 7..00pm Having walked straight in, mission accomplished in  20 munutes. No prizes for guessing the new routine.




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  2. Tony is super particular about his hair and wouldn't let me and a pair of scissors within  a mile of it, not that I would even consider it! He says that when it gets that long  he will get a violin and go busking!



    • Haha 1
  3. This situation is very hard for couples who live separately my no.1 granddaughter and her boyfriend are having what she calls virtual dates. They sit and watch the same film at the same time with their phones on and they prepare and cook meals and sitdown to eat them in the same way.  I admire them for sticking to the rules, it can't be easy.




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  4. Today is our 31st wedding anniversary but we will not be spending it the way we would have done in other circumstances. Still it is what it is.  I got  a lovely bunch of flowers  - well two actually,  one of roses to mark the occasion and one of tulips because they are my favourites. No doubt we  shall do justice to a decent bottle of  Malbec this evening. Whatever you are doing today I hope it goes well.




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  5. I  have a hairdresser come to the house usually and  does both my and Tony's hair.  I am now in danger of finding out what colour my hair actually is as apart from when it grew back after falling out courtesy of the chemo back in 2005 I haven't actually seen it  "au naturel" since I was about 16!




  6. The very first issue  of The Sun was on September 15th, 1964, the reason  I Know this is because they gave  away silver  christening mugs to all babies whose parents could prove (doctor's letter of confirmation)  they were born on that day.  My neighbour read about this and applied on my behalf as that was the day my daughter was born. It was a beautiful mug - solid silver with a sun engraved on the side.




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  7. At goodness what cost, cycle paths have been recently been installed on the A142 Ely road. the hold ups during the installation were horrendous and now that they are there do most of the cyclists use them ? Do they heck! I do think that if there is a cycle path available to them then cyclists should be obliged by law to use them instead of causing holdups on the road , cycling 2 abreast sometimes and I also think that cyclists that use the road should be obliged to have insurance in place.




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  8. Our bin collections he not been affected by the present situation at all. Last week we taped a thank-you note to our bin as our bin men are always very obliging and I wanted them to know we are grateful for a job well done at a difficult time.




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  9. I note that there are calls for Capt. Tom  to be knighted - very appropriate, I have been thinking recently that when they are looking to compile the next list of honour recipients instead of looking at show business personalities, sportsman and  the like they should look instead at the ordinary  men and women who are putting their lives on the line on a daily basis for the benefit of us all. That would make the honours creditable again instead of the farce it has become.



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  10. Our boat is still on brokerage and as things stand likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future. Frustratingly all this lovely weather would probably have made it more likely for us to find a buyer. Just to make things  perfect, we went to go out to do the weekly shop this morning to find we are going nowhere as the car battery has gone flat due to lack of use.




  11. At the end of last season, some of you may recall we made the difficult decision to give up boating as, age having caught up with us, the maintenance etc. had become too onerous. I'm so glad we made the decision at that time as  if,  on top of everything else,   I was champing at the bit to get down to the boat I'd have felt 100 times worse now than I do.



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  12. As a child I used to motor through France with my parents travelling down to the Riviera and I well remember noticing the difference in the attitude of the French people compared to the Italians,  the latter being much more welcoming and friendly. I don't think the French have forgiven us for whopping them or for saving their bacon either! In fact I think they resent us more for the latter  - remember the old adage "no good deed goes unpunished"!  Griff is spot on  Beautiful country utterly  wasted on the French.




  13. If I remember  rightly, To qualify to receive the shingles vaccination, your birthday had to fall between certain years I qualified but Tony didn't. Apparently there was no particular rationale, in that the dates were significant it was just a way of saving money!




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  14. Shingles is horrible. Having seen someone suffer it I always had an absolute dread of getting it a and was very relieved to be offered a vaccination against it a few years ago. Your poor wife has my extreme sympathy. It's often brought on by stress.




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  15. In order to get some exercise we walk into town each morning , buy papers and  walk back -  a round trip of about 1-imile. it's not far but enough I hope to stop everything from seizing up. We buy the papers from a small Nisa supermarket.  If there's anyone in there Tony waits until they leave (he goes in alone), They have fitted screens at the counter to help everyone keep their distance and protect the staff. We rarely  see anyone on our way, occasionally the postman whom we talk to from a distance far in excess of 2 metres. He's very worried about his nan who was taken into hospital following  a fall and has caught corona virus while there, as of Friday she was showing signs of improvement fortunately. It's a beautiful day here in Cambs today and we'll probably spend some time in the garden later. There's about 200 or more daffodils that need dead heading. Enjoy the sunshine everybody if you are able and stay safe.



  16. When you look at the obscene amounts of money footballers earn these days, it seems even more incredible to us that Tony was obliged to turn down the offer of an apprenticeship with the Arsenal because the money was so low he was earning a  better wage as an apprentice  printer!




  17. There's no doubt that things as we knew them pre-corona will not  return to the status quo. But we'll cope. I believe that my generation (born 40s) has seen more changes than any since the Victorians.  The way that technology has advanced is truly breath taking,  and I often find myself thinking stop the world I want to get off! We're coping (after a  fashion!) There'll be things we'll mourn the loss of, well I do that anyway all the time, nothing .new there. There will also be  new things we'll not be very happy about - nothing new there either.  Like most I'm finding the forced isolation difficult  and missing my visits to the family and there's to me but (providing I don't fall victim to this virus ) they'll resume I 've just got to be patient as have we all.




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  18. More of a nightmare than a  dream, I've never enjoyed films etc with this sort of theme always finding them sinister because it is  all too possible  and  of course as we now see it is! It's like living in some sort of sci-fi scenario. I think the fact that  it's so open ended makes it all the harder to cope with.



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  19. My husband spent Tuesday doing exactly the same thing as our summerhouse roofing felt went AWOL during the recent high winds and Tuesday was the first day when the wind was light enough to do the job of replacing it. Problem is,  we can't get the timber needed to replace the existing rotten facings so job still only half done sadly.  It shouldn't cause a problem as he has wrapped the felt  down over the facing - it just looks a bit naff.




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