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Posts posted by addicted

  1. Fed up at the prospect of another evening of dismal boring T.V. We took ourselves off to the cinema and saw Little Women. This was a much loved book from my childhood, read over and over and the film didn't disappoint. Tony was a bit reluctant to see it understandably until I reminded   him that I once sat through Platoon and Full Metal jacket! He actually said that Little Women wasn't as bad as he feared even if it did skip between time zones - a pet hate of his in both films and books. I can thoroughly recommend this film. I found the casting superb with the main protagonists looking exactly as I had pictured them all those years ago.




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  2. We never watch any reality t.v. It's just not entertaining. Strictly is  the only thing we watch in that sort of genre and I don't see that as reality t.v.. You couldn't pay me to watch The Voice or X factor and as for Big brother or I'm a Celebrity. Don't even go there!  I hear my daughter and her family wax lyrical about this fatuous twaddle and  know for certain that  the  generation gap is alive and kicking!




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  3. following on from my original post I have today received my phone bill and the are no charges relating  to the call I received purporting to be from Amazon. So if it was a scam I can't see what they hoped to gain from it.




  4. Unfortunately having made the painful decision to give up boating I can no longer look forward to the coming season the same way, however I can look forward to reading  about  the  boating adventures you are all going to have in the coming months and I'm  sure that will make entertaining reading.




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  5. My strongest memory of IaIn is of his lovely, gentle, sense of humour. The forum has been a poorer place without his presence, I still miss him enormously as, I'm sure, do many others on here. To be held in such high regard by others, many of whom, myself included,  never even met him says such a  lot about the man.



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  6. On ‎30‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 19:22, CambridgeCabby said:

    Before we purchased Cerise Lady we looked at that Sancerre , if memory serves me right it was called something like Panda.

    We didn’t like the boxing in of the stern well and were warned against the twin to single conversion by someone who knew the vendor and the trouble they had had with the craft since the conversion had been carried out.

    During the nineties there used to be a Sancerre moored on the river front at Ely marina called Sea Panda which was reputed to belong to a retired senior police officer. It was also reputed to be an excellent example of it's type and much admired thus  when it was offered for sale was sold in a a day.




  7. 9 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

    Glad you had a good time Carole, you tell your hubby (?) to enjoy each and every one of his birthdays, no matter how many he has had they are each a privilege denied to far too many.

    Ooh that's deep for me, true though :default_biggrin:

    Have a great New Year everybody :default_xmas2:

    Thanks Jay, I have pointed out to my husband that  the alternative  to having birthdays (ie: not having any more)  is much  worse!.

     Happy New Year to you and yours,



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  8. Went to London yesterday as planned,  The traffic was much heavier than we had expected. We were pretty dismayed to see that the traffic travelling North approaching the Black Cat roundabout on the A1 was backed up for about 2-3 miles and we wondered about our return today but it was clear and the traffic generally much  lighter. Enjoyed a relaxed day with the family and Tony had a lovely birthday although he doesn't acknowledge birthdays these days if he can help it he feels he has had rather too many of them!



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  9. Had a great Christmas Day. Started with me coming down to a perfectly cooked boiled egg  (not so easy to achieve as some think) with toast that had been twice through the toaster on account of the fact that I immensely dislike soggy, leathery toast The kitchen filled with the sound of Rod Stewart's Great American Song book, Bliss. There was just the 2 of us today which is a rarity but made a nice change, no-one to please but us. Turkey dinner  with all the trimmings when we felt like having it, Day punctuated throughout with mulled wine, some old films on T.V and much loved programmes. Totally relaxed day, Lovely.  Lunch out today, Tomorrow, Tony's birthday, will be spent in London with Daughter and family. All in all, just perfect.






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  10. Word of friendly advice to allyou pet owners, please remember that turkey while enjoyed by yourpets will probably give  them the galloping trots. When in the pet trade we used to triple our order of anti-diarrhoea tablets for the post Christmas period when the after effects of the Christmas treats manifested themselves.

    merry Christmas,




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  11. We had a black cat when I was a child. His name was Smokey Joe and every now and then he would take it into his head to come and meet me from school, which was several streets away. I would emerge to find him sitting patiently on the pavement opposite the school gates. The street adjacent to our house in north London was a designated overnight lorry park and the lorry most often there  used to go  regularly to Birmingham. After Smokey had gone missing a few times returning about 6 weeks later somewhat  thinner and footsore we deduced he was sleeping overnight in the lorry and being accidentally  driven to Birmingham from where he would make his way home, Sadly he didn't make old bones as he was stolen by cat thieves, They were caught with their cargo but we didn't hear about it soon enough to go and claim him from the pound.






    • Sad 1
  12. On ‎22‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 00:34, SteveO said:

    Found it quite tedious. Resorted to cooking dinner instead. Salmon marinaded in Teryaki sauce made me feel much happier.



    Never having seen another version of this film and indeed having never read the book I actually rather enjoyed it However I would much rather have  someone cook me salmon as you describe than watch any film.



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  13. What better place to say that on Christmas Day I will  raise a glass in memory of our " Pesky Mod" Iain whose steady hand on the tiller of the good ship NBN is still greatly missed and will always be so. R.I.P. Iain.




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  14. Well we are nearing the end of 2019, it has been a bit of a life changing year for us, having recognised that we are a bit too long in the tooth to continue  boating, which occupied our life between  the months  of April and mid November for more than 30 years, so this coming Summer is going to be  something of a voyage of discovery sadly not literally though. Although we would have laid the boat up for winter by now, I'm already missing her.   No more regular trips to  Norfolk to check on her that we took every couple of weeks during the winter months. And the point of counting down the weeks to April that started immediately after Christmas is no longer there. I find reading the activities on this forum very helpful. I've especially enjoyed the stories of the Winter trips some of you made and the photos. Winter cruising was something we never quite got round to organising although we discussed the possibility.  I  was always a bit wary of icy pontoons. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New  Year and to those of you lucky enough to be able to spend  it boating - make the most of it and keep writing the  blogs that give me a much needed" fix". Best wishes to you all



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  15. Hi Sam,

    How is the ground over where we used to moor. We always  worried about the possibility of flooding at this time of the year especially as we were on a fixed pontoon but were assured that it never happened.



    1 hour ago, Lulu said:

    This was the marina carpark yesterday 




  16. All these mind boggling (for me anyway) instructions totally explains why  the similar type of phone I bought was consigned to a cupboard within a few weeks of my buying it and 2 years later still remains there.  It was described as a  smart phone but the reality was that it was the most stupid thing ever!



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  17. There is a good side to Amazon. My daughter after selling her estate Agency about 15 years ago set up an internet company she could run from home called luvponies .co that specialised in all manner of things from jewellery to bed linen that is horse/pony related for pony mad youngsters. She did vey well but after a few years realised that Amazon was a concept she couldn't compete with so this Christmas for the first time  she used them as a marketing agent.  Her business is up by 68% on last year  Last week we were supposed to go Christmas shopping together but instead on arriving we found her snowed under with orders and spent the day working with her to clear the backlog of orders that had built up during the short absence of 2 members of staff. She has had to come off Amazon temporarily until she catches up. Amazon is very strict with the Companies that use it in that if they don't keep the promises made they are immediately removed and never allowed back. This has to be good for us the customers.




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  18. I'm usually quite savvy  about these matters, however in my defence the call couldn't have come  at a better time for the scammer, that very morning I had received a  delivery from Amazon that was bound in "Prime" tape which made me wonder if they had put me back in it again without my knowledge. This was apparently an error on  their part and the tape shouldn't have been used. Apparently Amazon never phone clients  which I didn't know - I do now and won't be fooled again.






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