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Posts posted by addicted

  1. No possibility  of needing a mooring as with 12' width and12.6" height we had no chance of going by boat.. We went by car a really quick journey and the food was excellent. If we had a criticism it was that the menu was was rather small. However they were very obliging and left the batter off the only fish dish on offer. It was haddock and very good Tony had the meat pie and pronounced it to be absolutely lovely so all in all it was a success.





  2. We're going by car, Not really bothered how good the beer is or not neither of us  is what you would call a beer drinker Tony will probably have a half pint of the one on offer with the lowest alcohol content as he's the driver and  l'l lhave a large white wine. Will report on the evening tomorrow.




  3. On 13/08/2019 at 16:00, gancanny said:

    "within a reasonable distance."


              the white horse at neatishead is only a very short drive and does get very good reviews 

    We're booked in to the White Horse for dinner dinner tonight, hoping it lives up to it's good reviews





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  4. When we lived on the green belt north of London we used to have an enormous garden full of trees of all kinds and were visited by most birds but the one I remember particularly  is a golden pheasant who Tony use to feed each morning before he went to work. On his day off, therefore not up so early, Fred as we called him would come banging on all 3 sets of patio doors looking for his breakfast. He was a magnificent looking bird.





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    • Haha 1
  5. 43 minutes ago, vanessan said:

    I was wondering where you were Cap’n and thought maybe your kayak had sunk but I guess that’s next week. Now, I have no idea why you would decide to leave the forum (I must have missed something somewhere along the line) but I am very glad you have reconsidered. How could you even think of departing before the kayak stories have been told? :default_norty:

    I'm so glad you said that Vanessan! I've been trying hard to work out what it is that I've missed and then I  spotted a  "Jayfire said" with nothing following it and figured that must have been something to do with it -  what?, I cannot imagine!  At least after reading your post I don't feel quite so daft so thanks!




    • Like 1
  6. HI  Sam, So glad your "mission" was so successful,  We saw you depart from the marina but had gone home by the time you returned. Have very much enjoyed your blog and the trip sounds to have been  an absolute joy. We are at home at the moment and likely to remain as long as the weather is as dreadful as predicted. However when we are on board do feel free  to pop round again. We enjoyed our chat it was very nice to meet you.




    • Like 1
  7. We had insurance for the car with an internet company and although it was a very user friendly premium, I was always concerned about the possible scenario if, God forbid, we needed to claim. reading your account made me very glad we moved away from that company this year.  What happened to you was exactly what  I was afraid of. So glad you got it sorted. How different  being the parent of a  young adult  is for us than it was for our parents. the most they had to worry about was me missing the last bus home!




    • Like 1
  8. After our meal out on Saturday, Tony said "we need to get some recommendations for good places to go for a  meal  in this locality. " I replied that I agreed and that I knew just the place to source them and as usual you lovely forumites didn't disappoint! Thanks all for the info and input. We'll be checking some of the recommended venues out soon.




    • Like 2
  9. 12 hours ago, SwanR said:

    Always interesting to read other people’s thoughts on things. 

    As for eateries, the New Inn has become a regular lunchtime stop for us both when we’re afloat and when we’re out in the car. Have had a good meal every time. 

    The Sutton Staithe Hotel was our other excellent meal back in March but that’s a fair trek from Horning by boat perhaps. 

    One man's meat etc. Sutton Staithe is not an option for us by boat, sadly we're too high and too wide. We managed to get there with our previous boat and loved it



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  10. 8 minutes ago, vanessan said:

    I think it was Addicted who commented recently that hubby doesn’t eat/like fish. I looked at the menu at the Bure Cottage last week, if you do like fish then there is a superb choice of dishes (as you would expect in a fish restaurant of course!)

    Well remembered! I mentioned this restaurant to him last week and he went quite pale at the very thought of it. Sadly it's not a place we'll be likely to patronise although I would be in heaven  with  predominantly fish menu.




  11. Well, we've been on our new location for a month and so far we have been very pleased with our choice of marina.  What we have found a little disappointing is the quality of the local eating establishments.  The Ferry Inn is o.k. depending on what you order. The carvery is as carveries usually are - hit and miss.  I suppose to sum it up the quality of the food does not warrant the cost. The New Inn was dreadful -  an experience never to be repeated. The Swan was very nice but such small portions,  my cod loin was delicious but the size of a small fish finger, which made it very poor value, whereas Tony's steak was very good We were always very happy with the fare offered at The Yare and are hoping to find something offering similar quality and cost within a reasonable distance. We went to the pub in Ludham last Saturday (The King's Arms?) which  we have used several times over the years when moored at Womak Water and while my meal  was delicious Tony's was disappointing- a tiny lamb shank  with a spoonful of gravy set on top of an enormous pile of mashed potato - not ideal. The search continues.


    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  12. We always found when using Coldham Hall that if you arrive early enough( late afternoon usually does it on) the evening you wish to eat there and get moored,  at some point someone from the restaurant will come out and ask if you intend eating there that evening and book you in. It's a lovely place to moor up and watch the world go  by for a few hours. The last time we enquired they didn't take bookings for moorings.




  13. We have just spent our first week on our new mooring on Ferry Marina and have no complaints at all. We found our water tap ran so slowly it took  5 hours to fill our tank but a  mention in the office and a new tap was fitted a day or so later pretty good service  I think.  We have managed to park our car immediately to the rear of the boat each time we leave the marina to  get  papers etc. so no problems there.  True the extra journey is a bit of a pain but I think it'll be worth it. The cruising is very beautiful and very interesting. We spent a night moored at the quiet moorings Potter Heigham, the howling wind and spectacular thunder storm made for an interesting night. Out with the torch at 4.00am to check the mooring spikes were holding their own, noticed the chap in the boat behind doing likewise, all was well no need to fret.  On the whole it was a lovely week and we're looking to our return next weekend .



    • Like 4
  14. On ‎19‎/‎07‎/‎2019 at 15:42, Meg said:

    No she wasn't that one but I get your point about the name! She's probably much older than that one with a slightly different configuration. Suits me though, hadn't got much to spend on a boat and as an "Old Un" not that many years to cruise. Not hoping to pop me clogs for a long while! but bones get stiff and hips and stuff, so a couple or three years will do nicely.

    Don't worry that a a dodgy hip will curtail your agility on your new boat I had a new one fitted last year and it's brilliant no problems using the boat at all  unlike last year before it was replaced  using the boat was really hard .Congrats on your new purchase you'll soon begin to wonder what you did with your life before you had it and your money!!!)



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  15. Now you own our own boat you will probably  find as with us that winter becomes just  a time for marking off the months till boating time arrives. Since retiring 19 years ago ( We retired quite early) we have used our boat as a second home with a routine of staying on board for 10-12 days at a time then home for a few days  - mow the lawn, do the laundry spend a day in London with the family then back again. Marvellous! We really do get the most out of Hot Gossip.  We originally moored on the Great Ouse, moving to the Broads in July 2010.  At that time we had a Sheerlne 950 aft Cockpit It pretty soon dawned on us that no longer being governed by the restrictions of locks we could have a bigger boat and the Sheerline 1050 Aft  cabin  was acquired in October 2010. We still have her But do wonder how long it will be before we feel we need something a little smaller thus easier to manage It will be with very heavy hearts that we will part with her when the time comes.



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  16. I am quite partial to fish in all guises, however Tony hates it -  big time! When we eat out I invariably have fish because he makes my life such a misery if I attempt to cook fish at home, He's almost paranoid about the smell of fish,. He actually quite likes my  fish pie, which I hasten to add is never made with any of the 2nd rate stuff described by Jenny Martin, however even though he quite likes it I am not allowed to make it as he can't stand the smell! I don't dislike the smell of fresh fish as long as it is fresh that is.




  17. 57 minutes ago, SueH said:

    I remember when we had our share in Breeze.  We found getting to Ferry Marina a real pain, parking was awkward and we were moored next door to a metal 'bomber' with a pointy beam with a large anchor attached.  Getting in and out was really tight.   We sold up in 2005.   

    Getting back into syndicate ownership on Moonlight Shadow in 2011 we found Brundall far easier to get to.   We sold up a second time in 2018!



    We're still working out the best route having only made one journey home,  but each time we've been so far we've managed to park our car exactly behind out boat.  A lot  less distance to carry all the stuff aboard than we had on our Brundall mooring.  Manoeuvring is a little tighter than we had at Brundall admittedly ,but we  had a good look at the situation before choosing the mooring we settled for,  having looked  into all the pros and cons. We have only brought the boat in once thus far and had no difficulty  although it could prove tricky in windy conditions but then that applies wherever you are so hopefully it will prove manageable long term. If at the end of the season we find we are not liking it we'll return to Brundall




  18. 16 hours ago, ranworthbreeze said:

    Hi Carole,

    We were glad to leave Ferry Marina which we used to moor at, we have far better facilities at Brundall IMHO.



    Hi Alan, Having only just arrived at Ferry I can't really comment on your observation as the jury is still out, however, we have  no complaints about Brundall whatsoever and hope to find things similar  at Ferry. Have to say our experience so far is very positive.



  19. After 10 seasons  at Brundall Bay marina we decided we needed a change of scenery and have moved our permanent mooring to Ferry marina at Horning. Saturday 13th was the best day for us  to get the air draught  we needed to get under the bridges at Yarmouth.  With us being 12'6" high we need to take down the canopy, radar arch etc. and crossing Breydon water in inclement weather is not much fun I can assure you. But it was O.K. on Saturday a bit overcast and breezy but nothing too dire. Taking our time we berthed in Ferry  marina 5 hours 50mins after leaving our berth in  Brundall Bay. We've vey much enjoyed our years in  Brundall but have had a hankering to try the  Northern Broads for some time but  it was a case of finding a berth that met our criteria  which until this year we have never managed to do. We realise we have arrived just as the holidays are beginning making everywhere super busy which  may come as a bit of a shock after the  relative quietness of the Southern Broads but Heigh-Ho nothing ventured nothing gained.



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  20. We used moor on the river Great Ouse and the fishermen there were on the whole a hostile nasty lot .We were pleasantly surprised by the altogether more friendly attitude of the fishermen on the Yare. We can honestly say we have not once been subjected to verbal abuse in the 10 seasons we have had here.




  21. What  entertaining  posts Chris/Grounded. P!ease keep them coming II'm thoroughly enjoying them. We're heading north from Brundal hopefully next Saturday (13th) as long as the tides are low enough(with a 12'6" air draught) we're somewhat vertically challenged  at Yarmouth!


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