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Posts posted by addicted

  1. When we used to cruise the Great Ouse  during the nineties and noughties, we shared the lock  pens at Earith  and Brownshill with a seal quite often. It was  widely rumoured that local fisherman used to try to shoot them  to prevent the depletion of the fish stock though I don't know how true this was obviously.



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  2. We once lived temporarily (while between houses) in a house on a  farm. Although it  was a modern house it  soon became apparent that we had "lodgers" in the shape of mice. They got everywhere.  Fortunately I'm not  averse to them as some women appear to be. My bête noir is spiders. We were living there during the Christmas of that year and I had one parcel left unwrapped which I asked my daughter to wrap for me. It was a Terry's chocolate orange which had been left on a chair in the dining room. She brought it to me asking if it looked "right" to me. It ceratinly didn't half of it was missing! I then noticed a hole in the wall of the adjacent chimney breast. The only thing I had to hand to plug it at that time was a ball of tin foil which I stuffed into the hole.  Later on that day we heard  a real racket coming from behind the tin foil as the little blighters  tried to chew their way through it to get to the chocolate. A more permanent  remedy was applied  and that was the end of the problem in the dining room. After we had moved on we subsequently  learned that the adjacent house occupants were less than hygienic and when they vacated their house it was found to be so overrun with vermin of all types as to be uninhabitable until fumigated.




  3. I used to smoke at  least 30 a day on a "good" day!  Rothman International which my local shop used to get in specifically for me and which I used to buy 200 at a time. I gave up on the persistent  nagging of Tony and because a good friend of mine had had a very difficult life bringing up 2 children  as a single parent and had met a man who was emphatically non smoking and had told her that they had no future together while she smoked. She had promised to give up on New Years Eve 1989 so thinking me smoking would make it harder for her and I wanted her to have a better future I gave up too and have never smoked since. I always loathed a smoky atmosphere and used to buy bulk orders of anti smoke air fresheners from the wholesalers so my home never smelled even when I smoked. Today  I really dislike the smell and notice it instantly. Also because smoking is not nearly so prevalent these days as it was it's much more noticeable I think. I would hate to use a boat that smelled of stale cigarette smoke and anyone lighting up  in close proximity to my grandchildren would incur my extreme displeasure. the irony of this tale is that I never smoked again but my friend didn't manage to quit and he married her anyway!





  4.  M y parents used to tell the story of a somewhat bombastic character of their acquaintance who hired a boat on the Broads for the first time , it was many years ago so was a " woodie" He was given some basic  instructions which included  a quick mop down each day with the mop provided for the purpose. His response to this once underway  was something along the lines of "  I  should coughdrop, I've paid to hire their boat they can clean it themselves when I  bring it back". He was very fortunate with weather and enjoyed unbroken sunshine until the last but one day when it poured down all night! flooding through the dried out planking and all over them in their beds!



    • Haha 4
  5. 4 hours ago, ranworthbreeze said:

    We also use Fabsil. We clean the canvas first and inspect for any repairs, and then apply the Fabsil whilst the canvas is still damp. Use waxed chord/cotton to avoid leaks.

    If you have any pick-nick tables in your marina these come in handy for applying the proofing to the zipped out sections. Try and pick a dry day if you can to allow the canopy to dry out after applying. Treat any leeks in seams/zips with canvas wax (the sticks come in a couple of shades).

    We need to do ours ideally before the season start but it is all down to the weather.




    Where do you get the wax sticks Alan and do they come in black? We thoroughly cleaned and reproofed the canopy on Hot Gossip  last year but didn't manage to totally eradicate the resulting slight weeps on some parts of the seams.




  6. 10 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

    I'm on Vodafone too Carole and have to say I get 4G almost everywhere. Loddon Staithe is one place it seems to be more difficult to pick up though.

    Fortunately for me though, as I mentioned I can get on the WiFi there usually.

    I've never yet failed to get sufficient signal to book a table at our chosen venue for dinner, which is the only thing I require a signal for.


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  7. 21 hours ago, Jono said:

    If it is the only answer then that will be it. I know my place and I haven't been in the Coldham Hall for many years.



    Well I clearly don't know mine because  I've been in on numerous occasions!




  8. When we hired a boat on the Canal du midi a few years back we  were amused to note how easy it was to distinguish a privately owned boat from a  hired one  - the former was arrayed with fenders by the score , and very wisely so. We always cruise with fenders down and they have saved us from a scuff many a time when another boater  whose helming skills lack much to be desired has come a little too close for comfort.




  9. 49 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

    Carole ( @addicted ) it's no good making confused responses to my posts, they will never make sense, I said them :default_biggrin:

    You are more than welcome to just say, what the hell are you talking about Jay, everyone else does :default_rofl:

    Oh but they do make sense - finally!!



    • Haha 1
  10. we used to regularly go to the  Essex boat jumble  which was usually held  at the Essex showground in early March  if I remember correctly but they changed the venue and with it the usual date moving it to early February. The new venue was o.k. but the date was invariably during a cold period making it not nearly so user friendly to amble round and just browse.
    The most comprehensive one we ever went to was back in the mid eighties, was at Chatham Dockyard and partially inside which was great.



  11. 14 hours ago, Pumpmedic said:


    Busy looking for a boat and came across one where the hull has been wrapped, seen it on cars but never heard of it on a boat before. Opinions?

     About 5 years ago friend fr ours had a Sealine that had picked up a few scuffs before he bought her and he had it vinyl wrapped in a metallic gold finish  It looked immaculate and he was advised that if it got damaged in a "scuff" it could be simply remedied with a patch that would be invisible once applied He never had to put that to the test though but on the whole the appearance of the boat was greatly improved.



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  12. 1 hour ago, vanessan said:

    I thought that at first but now I’m not so sure. Take Your Pick was ‘open the box or take the money’ wasn’t it? Hughie Green definitely used the phrase (amongst others) ‘and I mean that quite sincerely folks’. They were the days of innocent television although I do believe behind the scenes all may not have been so ‘pure’!

    I think the Hughie Green quote may have originated on  " Double Your Money"



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  13. 19 hours ago, vanessan said:

    I can honestly say I’ve never heard of that although I’m sure it would have been on in my young days. Can you put a year to it Carole?

    It could have been as early as the late 40s as I was very young but certainly early fifties I'd imagine. In the same programme there were stories about a cowboy called Hank which were told in a somewhat crude aniimated form.



  14. If you want to go back a really long  way TV wise who remembers Humphrey Lestock and Mr. Turnip? My father refused to get a TV until 1955 when  commercial T.V.  first started but my Nan had one as soon as TV began back  in the thirties  ( not that I was around then!!)




  15. I' m missing Strictly too. Don't fancy the greatest dancer programme, but do enjoy Dancing on ice, having grown up within 10 mins walk of an ice rink I spent a lot of my growing up years faffing about on the ice and my entire social  life collapsed when it closed.  I used to be  fairly  proficient  at ice dancing  -   going at least 5 days each week I should have been! Todd Carty heading helplessly down the exit tunnel a few years ago on Dancing on Ice remains the funniest thing I have ever seen on T.V.




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  16. My husband has gone down the town to get papers at the moment, however he was crowing about the result of the recent Spurs match ( I'm a Spurs supporter he an Arsenal)c I take very little interest in football and so did not know about this stuffing the Arsenal got - just wait till he returns!!!




    • Haha 1
  17. Spent Christmas Day at my daughter's in North London, it was superb, Turkey crown and all  the trimmings. It made a change for us as I usually have the family come to us on Christmas Day - I really enjoy the cooking side of things and it's lovely to have the house full. I  also  like to give my daughter a break as she runs an internet retail Company that is horse and pony related and is aimed at little girls aged between about 4  and 16 years old and it is manic for several weeks leading up to Christmas ( one day last week she personalised, packed and posted  120 assorted  garments So by Christmas Eve, having had about 6 weeks with a similar schedule she was well  and truly exhausted. I couldn't do it this year because I had a  hip replacement op' in the Autumn and although I  have made a good recovery and am walking unaided and  without a limp for the first time in years my stamina is not back to  full strength and she wouldn't let me do it. Glad to see how many of you enjoyed the holiday too. My very best wishes to everyone for a very happy, healthy  New Year.




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  18. Received a text last night purporting to be from NHBC  telling me my account had been frozen  and | needed to click on the link to reactivate it, as I haven't got a NHBC account I don't think I'll worry too much!




  19. Very best wishes to everyone for Christmas and  the New Year, I'll be raising a Glass in memory of Iain  our dear Broadscot on Christmas Day, still very much missed by us all .




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