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Posts posted by addicted

  1. Just now, ChrisB said:

    My cockpit seating (cream in colour) has been stained the worse ever this autumn.

    When we put the boat to bed for the winter, we cover the cockpit upholstery with  polythene dustbin  bags torn open to cover a bigger area or polythene dust sheets make a good job of it as well and are easy to tuck in for a good "fit".





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  2. Did anyone else read in the papers over the weekend that we are going to be subjected to a mass invasion of large brown house spiders? Apparently tens of thousands of the oversized blighters are heading for our houses on the back of a year full of ideal conditions for their breeding and survival. As if the approaching winter was not fun enough to look forward to now  we have this  little joy to anticipate.



    CarolE (confirmed, card carrying arachniphobic)

  3. Sorry to hear about your mishap. You do look cheesed off in your photo and with very good reason. To have to wait that long for an appointment   at the fracture clinic is a disgrace Let's hope you can get it sorted in time to get some boating in before the season grinds to a halt




  4. We used to live fairly close to a big exclusive girls' boarding school so could see their impressive display from our house. I once attended a fireworks display held at a boarding school near Woodford in Essex apparently the whole week prior to the event the headmaster had subjected the boys to numerous safety lectures regarding the use of fireworks. Hevwas in charge of the whole event dealing personally with the setting off of all the fireworks. Shortly after the display began a firework went off that was without doubt the most spectacular we  had ever seen. Well it would be really as the idiot had allowed a spark to get into the box and the who!e planned display went off in one go!





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  5. Just now, Ricardo said:

    Brilliant simply brilliant .

    As usual Tim your post is hysterical! In truth when I posted my original post it  was never my intention to open such a fierce "can of worms" I was just thoroughly p***ed off at having my little sortee ruined.  And wanted to share my pique. Incidently , I believe that it is  in Denmark that round hay bales are known as tractor eggs!




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  6. I find it so depressing at this time of the year knowing the time to "winterize" is looming ever closer. We've mooted the idea of spending New Year on board this year, I think we probably will. I 'm hoping if this is on the horizon I won't be quite so downhearted when we "clear off" for the winter as I'll have that to look forward to fairly soon. Having said that I've just had a call from the surgery to say the quack isn't happy with one of the blood tests I had last week so have to hope there is nothing going on that will thwart my plans.





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  7. We had the same problem in Brundall Bay it went on for practically the who! Season I contacted the council who did make an attempt to find the yard but went to the wrong place! However they were prepared to  do something about it as commercial outfits are not allowed to do this apparently because of damaging the air quality. The problem stopped, but I don't know if it came to a natural halt or was prompted by the council.






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  8. There was not the possibility of approaching the person responsible for the bonfire it was when I saw it unattended, neither was there any part of Brammerton that was unaffected by the fumes, so moving would have achieved nothing. Had I seen the person responsible I would have no hesitation in pointing out how polluted he had made the air and asked him to extinguish it.

    The fact remains that no one ought to be obliged to move because of someone else's thoughtless inconsideration. While the fire was on someone' s own land the smell and ash fall out was not, that was in the public domain where it had no place. I wonder if on the back of the growing popularity of wood burners etc. The repealing of the 1956 Clean Air Act in 1964 may be rescinded, there could certainly be a case for that I believe.

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  9. I was delighted when the law put paid to the awful practice of burning stubble.  The poor creatures who were living in the habitat died a horrible death.Charlie, just because something has been done habitually for a long time doesn't  automatically give it credance. Lots of thing have gone out of use because modern society recognised that they were flawed. Did you know that the practice of referring to a woman as a wench is no longer considered acceptable and indeed frowned on by some? There you go  you live and learn!




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  10. T

    Just now, Hylander said:

    Cat amongst pigeons time.  I think bon fires in the 21st century are anti social and unnecessary.  Nothing worse on a good day,  Windows open  some Hiawatha  decides to light up making all your bedding stink and your washing.  I have been known to take my washing round and ask for them to rewash it all.   

    The local council can prosecute people who cause a nuisance with bonfires.   Carol you have my sympathy.





    Thanks for the support. What sane person wants all that sooty smutty residue in thei soft furnishings, carpets etc. Who wants to be deprived of the p!easure of throwing open French doors and windows on a lovely day becausesome selfish person wants to burn some rubbish.Rather than take that route we pay the council to take it away.





  11. Presumably laws were brought in because people in general couldn't be relied on to live their lives without doing things that were detrimental to other folk. I really don't believe that anyone has the right to create a situation where a popular area used for recreation and by people on holiday is made unpleasant. I don't believe that it's being fussy to object to being given a sore throat by acrid smoke or intolerant to object to my boat being covered with black greasy smuts simply because  folk have had bonfires for centuries. There is is a multitude of  practices that were carried on for centuries that today's civilised society now recognize as unacceptable and inappropriate in a civilised world. To adopt the attitude "I want to do such and such  because it's been done for centuries so you'll just have adjust your preferred way of life to accommodate me" is arrogant in the extreme.




  12. 1 hour ago, ZimbiIV said:

    Come on Grendel, just how BIG do you think the crater is?

    If it's that big I will donate 1/2 of Jill's handbags!


    I think if you do that there's a very good chance that Jill will decide to donate you!




    • Haha 3
  13. 11 hours ago, Ricardo said:

    To be honest ray every time I pass there is at least once a week something is on fire , but kijw you say its his land but trust me if my boat stove was annoying other's it would be going  out instantly I'm not here to hack folk off :41_pensive:

    At one time it was an offence to light a bonfire during  the day and in fact it still is for business es to do it (builders etc.) It was a good law I wish it was still in effect. The smoke yesterday was really unpleasant and anyone with respiritory problems wouldn't have been able to stay





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  14. This morning we thought we' d head to Brammerton Common to spend a pleasant day and overnight. Got a mooring no problem, well just one the boat behind ,a very nice man but suffering from verbal diaorrhea! Eventually just as I was almost tearing my hair out his companion escaped on a kayak. Peace at last, not for long he then decides to vacuum his boat to within an inch of it's life!. He apologised very nicely and lengthily for the racket, what could one say? Then another boat comes in behind him, complete with yapping dog!  Oh joy this just gets better and better! But was it any of this that eventually drove us to return to our berth? Actually no. It was the selfish so and so  who lit a smelly bonfire  in one of the adjacent gardens and covered the boat with black smuts and stunk us out!




    • Sad 3
  15. We live on a fairly new estate, which is criss crossed by footpaths. These were insisted on  during the planning stages by the fire brigade to facillitate access in case parked vehicles blocked the way. The police didn' want them as they can be used as rat runs and they are a real nuisance as all they seem to be used for is for people to allow their dogs to mess and wee. They are horrible to walk through as they smell terrible. There's one just opposite our house and recently while he was pressure washing our drive Tony gave the concrete bollards at the entrance to the footpath a good clean around their bases removing the deposit of goodness knows how many dogs cocked legs! Apart from smelling a lot more pleasant it also looked better. But we've yet to solve the problem of  neighbour's cats using my rockery as a toilet. It's really horrible.




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  16. Has anyone noticed that big hairy spiders always come in twos?  If you find one galloping round the house it's odds on within a very short time another one will show up soon. There is absolutely nothing whatsoever and I mean really nothing that is sweet about them in any way!




  17. It's back!. It's Strictly time again! This programme is the sole reason I got a TV for the boat that has a timeable recording facility  It means we can still eat out on Saturday nights as usual leaving the t.v. to make sure Strictly is there to watch when we get back. Sorted!






    • Thanks 1
  18. We had just arrived for ablengthy stay with friends who live just outside cape Town. The first thing I noticed as we went into the house, high on the hall wall a creature that resembled a small lobster! It scared the hell out of me! My friend laughed indulgently, " Oh that's nothing to worry about, it's just a baby rain spider who arrived after yesterday's shower!" I was forced to announce I would not be going any further until it was  encouraged to vacate the house, there was no way I was going to sleep knowing that was rampaging around the place!




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