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Posts posted by addicted

  1. 2 hours ago, ChrisB said:

    My late wife made ours and they were looking past their best so I bought 10 zip pulls from Ebay for £1.89.

    On the subject of zips I lubricate mine with a small can of silicon spray £2.79 from Screwfix. It is very good on hatch seal rubber also







    Yes we discovered the merits of silicone spray sometime ago, I believe it's original intended use was for plastic curtain rails, having said that it's great for zips. 




  2. Oh! You've done it now! Bought a boat? That' s decided what you will be doing with your spare dosh  (and not so spare)  for the foreseeable future! You won't begrudge a penny of it! You've just bought in to a new way if living your life. Hope you're prepared for it! Welcome to my world!




  3. Not sure if this is the right site for this but thought some of you might find this a good idea. We put loops made from cord roughly twice the guage of an average shoe lace through our canopy zip fasteners tabs. It makes them much more user friendly and altogether easier to operate. Most chandlers selling ropes have cord in the right  guage. We got ours at Hoveton.




  4. I watched this, thought it quite entertaining, although to be honest I find Jane McDonald a bit irritating. I'd like to have seen more of the boat than just the glimpses we got. Was I even vaguely  interested in a Jane McDonald look alike Russian doll? Well no! But then the last series was full of this sort of gratuitous minutiae as well. I will watch the next one as anything boat related is attractive to me. I'll grin and bear Jane McDonald!




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  5. I remember on one occasion Tony had just bought some new fenders and inflated them The next day was very hot and we were sitting on the bank by the side  of the boat when we heard a very loud bang! 0n looking round  we found a fender had been somewhat over inflated (Tony doesn't do anything by half!) And had exploded in the heat. We never stow fenders for river use,You never know when they will be needed as protection . When mooring at spots with drastic rise and fall we do sometimes stagger the levels and we do that if we're moored anywhere where we're vulnerable to being clouted by passing or manoeuvering craft too. We have much larger black fenders in fender pods and we use these when mooring to give more protection and to help  keep the white fenders clean! We have no blue fenders at all.




  6. I rarely if ever listen to radio,  On the day of Diana's demise for some bizarre reason I  turned on the radio only to find it playing funereal music on every station!  9/11 I returned home to Soham, where I then lived,  from shopping for a birthday present for my daughter  in Newmarket, switched on the t.v.in the kitchen to catch the lunchtime news  while making lunch and watched it unfold before my horrified eyes.




  7. I see in this morning's Daily Express that a BBC executive is quoted as referring to the present obsession with Diana as "Mawkish  Drivel"! I never thought I would find myself agreeing with anyone from that particular establishment. Well said I say!




  8. Am  the only one who is fed up to the back teeth with the present obsession with the Late Princess of Wales? Is never a big fan and found the papers' preoccupation with the minutiae of her life tiresome in he extreme.  However my reaction to her death at the time was "sad, but at least maybe we will be able to open a newspaper without it being full of her activities in which didn't have the slightest interest. I think it is grossly unfair that in the wake of the present wallowing in  the anniversary of her demise that Prince Charles has suffered downturn in his popularity.




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  9. 1 hour ago, Cheesey said:


    I hate it when I wave and I'm left hanging with no reply.

    I wonder is it because the lack of mooring is adding to a competitive feeling on the river?


    Is mooring in that short supply? It doesn't seem to be much of a problem on the Southern side. Sshh! don't spread it around!





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  10. documentary not really my bag, although I do like history matters Tend to go for quizzes, if | correctly answer a  question on University Challenge it makes my day! Also quite like crime drama (Morse, Lewis etc.) some cookery programmes (not bake off!) and  Judge John Deed was my favourite programme of all time, thought the scripts  were so cleverly conceived. How could you have watched the first series of Downton Abbey without getting hooked? Beats me!




  11. We couldn't just pass by a boat in trouble either but you're right there is not the same boating spirit out there that used to be the norm.  When my husband and I were first married and he decided to get a boat ( he'd had several before) we were out going round various brokerages and I noticed people spoke to him as we walked by. I expressed my surprise that they should remember him after being out of the boating scene for quite a few years.  He was enormously amused at  this and between chuckles explained that boat people were always friendly and acknowledged complete strangers in that environment and so it always was. In the old way we always give a wave to acknowledge passing craft on the river,  and are disappointed  how these days so many look right through you or else view you as someone who clearly needs sectioning!





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  12. 1 minute ago, Ricardo said:

    Charlie no one is getting excited its purely a difference of opinion that is all , no one is going to agree with every one  all the time and I as has Griff a right to alternative views I personally see no reason for moderation as many threads have got far more heated well before any warnings re moderation were given . 

    This is what makes this forum stand out from the others, We don't do "heated" on here!




    • Like 4
  13. Griff, Although Woodies are not really my thing, (too much hard work involved) I do admire the glorious sight of well maintained ones strutting their stuff out on the river and thought the photo of the three moored abreast superb. Take  no notice of the bleating about blocking the river there is always someone who wants to rain on your parade!




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  14. This weekend a boat opposite us being used by a family we've never seen before and are not in a hurry to see again ! All arrive early morning ,mum dad, grandad,  little girls one Alsatian with a high pitched yelp rather than a resonant bark. Kids shouting and screaming,Fair enough that's what excited kids do. Enter 2 swans, dog hysterical, this is clearly a highly strung dog it never stops yelping. The swans are making it very agitated. So what do they do? They feed the swans . Dog not happy about this to say the least! Nice peaceful sunny afternoon has now degenerated into mayhem. Having been fed the swans are going nowhere soon the dog becomes ever more agitated and noisy. Fortunately they decide to take the boat out. 2 hours later - oh joy! They're back! So are the swans and the whole racket Starts again. This performance was repeated during the whole weekend until fortunately they departed late afternoon Monday .Dogs have driven us nuts here this season. We've never known anything like it. Of course it's not the dogs'fault , it's inconsiderate owners. If they had put the dog on the boat  instead of on the pontoon where it was within a couple of feet of the swans it would have not got so stressed . Nor would it have been scolded and wacked for being so loud.




  15. I think that one of the reasons that an incident like this evokes such outrage is that many people myself included see a boat as something to be revered and loved and not just an inanimate investment. And to see one treated cavalierly really offends. If some one damaged our boat the money she cost to buy wouldn't even cross my mind, however I'd be incandescent with fury if it was carelessness and not a genuine accident I'd have trouble dealing with it calmly even if it was the latter.  Owning a boat is very personal to the owner, well it is to me anyway and I find it absolutely great the way some of you  feel about the boats you have hired so it obviously isn't just owners to whom it's personal  and that's brilliant.




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  16. Well now isn't this a novelty? a bank holiday that isn't 'accompanied by howling wind and cold rain? Whatever next? I'm getting a bit too long in the tooth to cope with shocks like this! Certainly not a weekend to waste on painting a bathroom! That is really looking a gift horse in  the mouth.




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  17. We went out for a cruise today going from Brundall towards Norwich on our way back a litlle downstream from Brammerton, in the space of less than half an hour we saw 3 kingfishers! This is a first for us never seen more than 1 before.




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  18. This is the totally unacceptable side of sailing that we are treated to on a regular basis. There is no justification for it It's just ignorant arrogance and we get sick to death of it. If we never saw another wind botherer again it would be too soon! As you say we are all wanting to use the river for pleasant relaxation and we are entitled to do so.




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