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Posts posted by addicted

  1. On mooring up following our trip to Loddon yesterday, after cutting the engine heard the aft bilge pump running! Always a cause for concern. On going to investigate I found my self paddling through the carpet! Couldn't make out where the water had come from. Had the water tank  (situated under the Island bed)sprung a leak?  A look at the bilge ascertained that although running the bilge pump was spraying water everywhere rather than pumping it out. Called Sheerline Gary arrived shortly after  with replacement bilge pump which he then fitted and investigation found a steady drip coming from the domestic water pump situated at the bottom of my wardrobe.We'd 'already begun to suspect this may be the source. Gary returned today with replacement water pump which he has now fitted. The carpet put in the cockpit to dry now relaid. What great service we always get from this company.Nothing is too much trouble and never a rip off bill either. Can't sing their praises enough.




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  2. 7 hours ago, Snowy said:

    We went to The Copper Smokehouse in Oulton Broad last night

    the food is amazing along with the service

    very nice place, we will definitely be going back

    We tried to get a table there last week but they were fully booked. Did you by any chance take their phone number? Next trip to Oulton we'd liketo book a table, it sounds just the place to go for a good meal.




  3. Although we don't have a dog at the moment we've had numerous dogs over the years none of whom have been allowed to bark to the annoyance of others. After having the incident of the foul mouthed woman and stone throwing boys at Loddon yesterday, a boat came in with three dogs on board who arrived barking their heads off and continued to do so all afternoon. We've been cursed with the same problem on the marina as well this season. We had a boat moored 3 berths along who would arrive with 3 large dogs which for some reason they would leave in their car with all the windows open where the dogs would bark continuously, until the owners having allowed it to go on for long enough to drive us nuts would then take them on their boat. The owner once told us proudly how he was an early riser up almost before it was light! He didn't need to tell us we heard him walking his dogs along the pontoon past our aft cabin window at about 5.00am! You can imagine how sorry we are to note the boat appears to have gone




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  4. Don't you just love it when you're moored in a nice peaceful location enjoying the serenity when in comes a boat with multiple dogs that bark incessantly receiving from their selfish owners not one word of admonishment. After a short time of enduring this you're practically barking too!




    • Like 10
  5. I went to see my daughter yesterday and we got  to talking about the things  that never fail to make us laugh. For me it's Loca the pug that can't run and she said for her it's the angry goat on you tube , where else? I must say, having viewed this, this  animal does have attitude, having said that I think I'd have attitude if confronted by the same  idiot man gabbling away at me.




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  6. 2 hours ago, Gracie said:

    We always take them, very useful for fishing from a bank and sitting outside of an evening with one of those foldable camping tables, nice little table cloth, some nibbles, bottle of wine and a glass and you're sorted.


    Glass? Glass? a  straw is better!





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  7. 2 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

    I love dire straits, but I wouldn't have thought it "river cruising music", no, I'd go more on some classical guitar music or perhaps any other of the more gentle classics. Schubert's Trout maybe. :)  

    We like to listen to the classics when  sitting in the cockpit on a warm Summer evening, but when cruising prefer something livelier, another favourite being Donna Summer! 




  8. I usually get the phone number from the shop web site and order over the phone. I usually order what is called a hoist flag - small triangular, it' s small enough not to flap against the bow rail so doesn't wear out so quickly.





  9. When we came here from the river Gt. Ouse in 2010 we were struck by how much less bird life there is than on the Ouse. There is less of most types particularly Grebe but geese are about the same in numbers it seems there certainly seems to be less swans here.




  10. 1 hour ago, troutman62 said:

    Hi Alan,

    Dont get me started on B & Q for Heavens sake, another place to avoid at all costs. I make a 20 mile round trip to  a Louth D.I.Y  just to avoid the experience of being "served" in our local B & Q by a bunch of miserable buggers who don't know the difference between low voltage and low wattage , true !!



    I can well believe it A couple of years ago, we were in the electrical department of John Lewis Norwich helping a friend who needed a new TV for his boat. We approached the dept. Manager and asked if he could show us an AC/D/C t.v. he went a very bright red and after stuttering a completely incomprehensible reply left us realising he thought we were asking for something with a flexible sexual orientation!





    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
  11. Last Summer while sitting in the cockpit on our mooring on Brundall Bay's Kingfisher quay I saw an otter emerge from the foliage that separates the dyke from the road, cross the road and go onto the pontoon ramp where it got the astonished attention of a black Labrador sitting in the back of a Landrover Discovery by the open tailgate. By the time the dog had recovered from it's surprise and leapt out of the car, the otter had dived into the river. 2days later while driving  along the marina road heading for our mooring  a very large otter came slowly strolling from our left and ambled across the road in front of us. A few minutes later we saw another much smaller one come out of the bushes and disappear into the river.




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  12. Having got fed up with sitting on the mooring we decided to take a trip to Oulton Broad. We left just before midday on  Tuesday, arriving mid afternoon having had a really lovely trip which believe it or not involved a very jovial conversation with the operative at Somerleyton bridge!, It's a first in the 8 seasons we've had on The Broads. We stayed for 2 nights eating on Tuesday night at The lady in the lake another 1st but it was pouring with rain and we didn' want to venture any further. At first we couldn't understand why the restaurant opposite was fully booked and the lady on the  lake was practically empty. We soon twigged!. I ordered a sirloin steak and asked the waiter to inform the chef that if it was tough it would be finding it's way back to the kitchen  The steak was perfect although not cooked rare as requested but very  tender. Naively we requested a wine list They don't have one, well with only 2 wines on offer they don't need one really We ordered a Shiraz, it was truly disgusting. If I hadn't broken the seal myself I'd have sworn it was watered down! The steak and trimmings were perfectly fine but the side salad? That consisted of hacked salad items, most unattractive, but to their credit when I asked for salad dressing  other than the bottle of salad cream on the    table the chef made some and sent it out in a little jug. Full marks for that. Wednesday even though it was raining yet again we walked up to the Red H erring, we had an absolutely superb meal. I had a skate wing that came with a huge portion of perfectly cooked samphire  and beautifully cooked new potatoes.Tony had a smoked chicken Caesar salad which he declared delicious and we also had a very nice bottle of Malbec. All well worth the extra walk in the rain. This morning we woke up to a howling wind which persisted all the way back to Brundall. It was so windy that for the first time ever were unable to come in on our own berth having instead to come in on a double width berth 2 along from our own. Still we're back in, if the wind dies down we'll move  on to our own berth.




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  13. 13 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

    That he is well qualified to comment.

    Mind you, he is always very defensive of motor cruisers and the comfort & good living that his friend's Broom provides. 



    I rest my case.





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  14. 10 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

    So very true! As a very wise man once wrote 'departing and arriving is the highlight of a journey on a mobo whilst on a sailing boat the journey itself is the highlight'!

    He couldn't have been that wise or else he was on the wrong mobo!




  15. Thank for all the helpful info' Trev We are with Nav' Gen and have been for the last few years,Tony always phones round to get the best deal he can and will try these peop!e you use when it's due in October. Your response is much appreciated.





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  16. 10 hours ago, tjg1677 said:

    Mine is 3200 moorings, 250 insurance, 575 tolls. Then add in gas, diesel, shore electrics, maintenance etc. I figure that is about 400 per month. Or to look at it another way 2 weeks hire peak season for a premium boat or about 8 weeks hire for an economy range boat. Do the figures stack up? If you ask an accountant it is probably a resounding no. If you ask a boat enthusiast or broads lover, then probably Yes, well it works for me anyway as I don't holiday anywhere else so arguably a big family holiday abroad would be about the same as a years running costs. Horses for courses..........or that's what I tell myself every time I sneak guilty out of a Chandler with some new purchase  :default_smiley-angelic002:.



    I'd be interested to know who you insure with as £250 sounds good to us




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