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Posts posted by addicted

  1. Came home from the boat Sunday after a week away .Boiler  won't work,  We have  a  great plumber, who came Monday, ! It's the circuit board apparently needs replacing and no longer available.  He can install a new boiler on Thursday, Oh well, not to worry we have an immersion for hot water and a gas fire, installed as a back-up should the boiler fail, in the lounge so should be o.k. for a few days. gas fire does the job perfectly Sunday and Monday, broke down today needs a new battery. Impossible to get a replacement except on Amazon as it's a specialised battery. Well it would be wouldn't it? Oh the joys of modern living!




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  2. I firmly  believe an awful lot of bugs are picked up off a supermarket trolley, we always keep antibacterial wipes in the car and have good wipe  of hands, car door handles etc. when we come out of the supermarket after stowing the trolley.




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  3. 12 hours ago, Wyndham said:

    I do apologise and accept that my previous postings were a little childish, I will attempt to redeem myself by exposing the male form of pudding and dumpling. ( just for you ladies!!) 

    two fat blokes.png


    Oh! Be still my beating heart!




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  4. 22 hours ago, Gracie said:

    Right, calling all hirers, including stag and hen parties (especially stag and hen parties) head South, there are no monsters or sailors that eat babies just plenty of moorings, beautiful scenery and loads of pubs to have a pub crawl, give these Southern softies something to moan about :default_norty: :default_party0010:


    Gracie that's quite enough! Behave! Next you'll be telling people, that the South is peaceful, quiet full of decent restaurants , pubs and has much more to offer than the beautiful North! Stop it at once!




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  5. I used to live opposite to a golf course in North London, we built the House ourselves and had the front windows glazed in 1/4 plate instead of the standard of the day which  was 16oz in anticipation of stray golf balls. We had one incident where a "plug" of glass was"shot" out of window, we thought at the time it was unlikely to have been a golf ball and more likely to have been some sort of firearm. We had the car dented by  a golf ball though.




  6. 23 hours ago, KingfishersTime said:

    What I find slightly odd about the original post is that there is not really any other public mooring within a few minutes walking distance of the quay!! Which leads to think of one or two scenerios.

    1. The man walked back to his house and got his boat and then moored it on the public quay, which would seem a little odd, and totally out of order.

    2. Perhaps there is a prequel to this story? The couple could have been waiting patiently for a mooring when they spot someone departing and head for the space, only for some opportunistic boat coming along to get there first. They then go and moor somewhere temporarily, for instance The Southern Comfort mooring to confront the boat that had nicked their space. On approaching the mooring the other boat sees them and departs. Hubby then goes and retrieves the boat etc.

    With regards to pub moorings it is simple. Their land, their rules. If I want to eat at a particular restaurant or pub I will ring ahead and book a table. If I'm not that fussed I may just turn up on the off chance of getting a table. The same applies to moorings. If I particularly want to eat at that establishment, then I will ring ahead and book a mooring and table, otherwise I will just take a chance, but it is a bit ridiculous to book a table and not a mooring, only to find you may not be able to use the table if you cannot get a mooring.

    The rest is down to how well the pub manages it's moorings. To me it makes good business sense to find out when your customer is arriving and reserve the mooring from that time onwards, allowing the use of the mooring for other short stay customers.  But then I think about places like The Reedham Ferry and how often do you walk in there late lunchtime and find no where to sit because all the tables are reserved for that evening? Again reserving tables from a certain time onwards makes sense to me.

    They were moored by the the slipway used by dinghies, but were slightly too long for the mooring but at least they were moored. Having watched the whole scenario I felt what they did  was out of order.




  7. 9 hours ago, Malanka said:

    Personally I don't mind it I find that a lot less offensive than the true word with substitute letters in it. If it's the decision not to use it that's fine with me but it is a little pc as it sums up the feeling at the time without recourse to disgusting hurtful foul language which was all going at huge volume in my direction including the C word. 


    As for nets  he left them deliberately and I had no choice the wind was pushing me in which is what I told him. He spent more time collecting His huge stash of empty beer cans which took an inordinate amount of time swearing at me the whole time, in the full hearing of my daughter and my wife and my sixteen yr old son. After that my feeling is that particular epithet fits the bill.


    apologies if you don't agree



    If he threatened you with Christmas no wonder you were cross!




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  8. 3 hours ago, ranworthbreeze said:

    Hello Carol,

    Check the date on the activators, usually there is only a couple of years service on them, ours are due again this year, so I will be checking the dates when I am on the boat next week (I am on the boat from Tuesday) if you want to pop up staging I will have a look for you.




    Clearly they both need attention where we take them for this?






  9. 1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

    It's annoying but it's no different to grabbing a table in a restaurant or a sunbed by the pool. 

    We've been known to remove towels from reserved sunbeds in foreign hotels. Tony is not  the type of man whom one is encouraged to take issue with!




    • Thanks 1
  10. This afternoon we took a drive in to Horning and parked up on the quay to watch the coming and goings. A boat pulled off leaving a mooring space. A couple came along on foot, the man went off the woman remained standing by the space.A boat came in  to try to moor there and was turned away by the woman, he pulled off again. A few minutes later her husband arrived in a boat and moored there. I think this was out of order, after all first come first serve. The other boat was there first and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have stood for that. I thought it was really cheeky.




  11. Yesterday while sitting in the cockpit reading the papers,we heard a small explosion followed by a hissing noise. Investigation found a life jacket laying on a shelf in the forward cabin had inflated. Anybody got a possible explanation for this? The other life jacket laying on the same shelf is seemingly unaffected. Both jackets have been kept on the shelf for ages.




  12. We have had lots of incidences of birds flying into our half glazed back door judging from the perfect impression left behind on the glass, the culprits are usually collared doves. Thus far we've had no casualties and no incidents recently It usually occurs during theSpring/early Summer. I've always assumed they are seeing their own reflection and flying at what they see as a rival Bird invading their territory.




  13. Narrow boats use entirely different fenders , flatties and pipe style ones. Wevfound the flatties were useful when negotiating a  particularly narrow lock.







  14. Doing it that way will certainly prevent damage to your canopy from being rubbed by the ever moving tarpaulin, if you can secure it properly. A chap who worked at a  marina we used to moor at told us that wind getting under tarpaulins had caused huge damage  by causing boats to shift while on hard standing.




  15. While entering a lock pen in a howling wind we got pinned up against the concrete wall at the entrance, a  hired narrow boat being helmed by rank novices attempted to go past us into the lock pen and was slammed by the wind into  the side of our boat, if we hadn't had  fenders all along the side of our hull at staggered levels the damage would have been catastrophic. As it was we had none at all, unbelievably

    So I disagree with your assertion Robin -big time!




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