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Posts posted by addicted

  1. People who block access to the newspaper stand in the supermarket because they are busy reading them rather then buying one. When  I took a paper off the stand  to buy it last week a woman actually had the cheek to complain to me that she was in the middle of reading it!




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  2. I checked Thingamybob's profile a coup!e of days ago and he hadn't logged on since he announced his departure. So it seems he was as good as his word. I'm sure if he had received messages such as I did we could have persuaded him to reconsider. It was his departure that upset me more than anything else really as he received that horribly rude post because he echoed my sentiments. And what is continuing to infuriate me is that that the individual who posted it must be aware of what she's done and has made no attempt at reparation  on the forum




  3. What a corker of a day it's been here in Brundall today. Took the boat out to top up the fuel for the coming winter months and then a short cruise to the Postwick viaduct and back. As we came out of the marina the Sunday rag and stick parade were every which way all over the river in their usual well orchestrated disarray . One of them seeing us approaching promptly went into ramming mode! With his usual consumate skill, Tony managed to avoid him- just!. Next time I am in Tesco  I really must remember to stock up on Exocets and Semtex! Just kidding, honest! It was abso!utely love!y out on the river this morning. Sadly we don't know when we shall manage to get back this season as Tony has to have an eye operation next week, followed shortly after by another, so that could bring our season! to a grinding halt!






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  4. Just want to say a big thank you to all of you who have so kindly sent me messages of support. I couldn't possibly think of running out on you now could I? We need to all pull together to make this forum the friendly place it was and make it plain none of us will tolerate rudeness aggression or bullying and that all our opinions are valid and we are free to express them without being called names or bring subjected to sarcastic rhetoric. Although I can't be sure of course I strongly suspect that in all probability our poisonous troll who has caused so much alarm  will turn out to be some geeky little no mark who is about as frightening as a garden gnome. When I was in the telephone service we had for months been p!argued by anonymous obscene caller whose turn of phrase was really frightening, we telephone operators managed to arrange for him to be caught and he proved to be a 14 year old spotty bespectacled schoolboy! I' m frankly more concerned about the people on here who are less than user friendly if one dares to ho!d a differing opinion. I have no intention of leading my life according  to the rules laid down in that well thumbed vo!ume "the Life and tTmes of my Grandad! And I doubt that any of you subscribe to that old toffee either!  Best foot forward.








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  5. 1 hour ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    She was in the end.It was a surprise. We went from London city Airport. I did not tell her until we got to the airport. A great city l would love to go back one day.

    Back to tv there was a whole group of programmes at thetime.I liked the saint.

    Me too . at the time my dad's car was identical to the one used by the Saint. He got so fed up with being expected to race every aspiring Stirling Moss , he didn't keep it long.



  6. 11 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

    I know what you mean.Theres always the  smart A###.Where are you going for you holiday,two weeks B&B in Southend.How about you.Oh we are going sking in the Swiss alps staying in a lodge with the use of a heilcopter  to do the black run.Then they go on and on about it.

    Ps did I tell you when I took Marina to Geneva ?


    Beautiful city hope she was suitably impressed.



  7. All the current talk of hurricanes reminds me of an incident in the late 1960s. I was working at that time for Eastern Electricity, running the switchroom in their head office. One day I got a call from one of the department managers. Apparently one of his clerks was due to fly off on holiday the following day and was being Rather tiresome, gloating about the exotic place she would be in while everyone else in the  office would be working. He asked me if I could come up with anything that would take the wind out of her sails so to speak.  I said I'd give it some thought. I cane up with the perfect p!an. I l phoned her and to!d her I was from the meteorologist office band asked if she knew now hurricanes acquired their designated name. She said she didn't, I exp!ained that the meteorologist office took the name from the passenger list of a plane heading for a destination due  to be affected by a hurricane. Did she have any objection to hurricane Mavis (her name). A long pause was followed by a her hesitant "no".   I thanked her and rang off. A few minutes later she called the switchboard and asked if we had taken an outside call for her I said we had and she asked who it was from and I replied "the meteorologist office I think.  This was greeted by a small scream and "Oh my God it was genuine"!. About half an hour later her boss called me ,he could hardly speak for laughingand said hecwas going to have to confess as she was in such a state. She was so relieved she forgot to be cross.









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  8. 4 hours ago, YnysMon said:

    Double knit fancies...whatever next. I think I need to stop reminding people that I grew up in the 70s. :default_coat:


    Lucky you Wish I could get away with saying I grew up in the 70s I feel as if the wheel was invented only slightly before I was born!




    • Haha 2
  9. My daughter was trying to persuade her father to let her get a puppy. Using the preemptive technique very familiar to salespeople she asked "now what shall we call it? Her father without even looking up from his dinner replied that he knew just the name . "what's that"? asked my daughter , "Homeless "he replied




    • Haha 4
  10. When they were little my daughter used to take my two granddaughters to restaurants/cafes that specialised in young families where the kids were allowed,expected even to hurtle all over the place. One evening while on our way to the boat for the weekend we took Mollie aged 4 to dinner in a rather nice restaurant. A few people looked a little dismayed at the sight of sduch a young child ,clearly expecting her to be troublesome. She was as we knew she would be impeccably behaved. When she finished eating she asked permission to get down. I explained that this wasn't the sort of restaurant that children could run around in. She thought for a moment and then with her arms held out and her face full of cheerful expectation she said"Well Nan how about I just walk?"





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  11. We. for many years always had the boat lifted and stored on hard standing between  November and March.  these days recognising it is in  fact warmer in the water  than out of it during very cold spells.we leave a  tube heater on a thermostat in   the engine bay. also  an oil filled radiator in the both the saloon and aft cabin, We have her lifted during the Summer and antifouled this  usually takes a couple of days maximum. We much prefer this way of doing things.  It means if we decide to use her during clement weather we can do so.




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  12. What a great shame to see the demise of Monarch airlines. Flown with them many times never had a cause to complain, wish the same could be said for  BA, flew with them to Cape Town. The seats were so crammed in together that after putting my handbag on the floor between my feet I was  unable to  bend down to retrieve it without  getting out of my seat and actually standing up. Without an aisle seat  that wouldn't have been an option either. On the return flight  they  left us for 4 hours without offering any form of refreshment. Complaints elicited the response that  turbulence made it too difficult for the cabin crew  to get round , absolute tosh it had been a really smooth flight, the flight out had been much bumpier but we got service during that.  I wouldn't even consider flying with Ryan Air their attitude and reputation precludes that. The best service I 've ever had was  with Varig  on a flight to Lisbon and KLM Stansted to Edinburgh was pretty good too.




  13. 7 minutes ago, Philosophical said:

    Never be tempted to flush one down the bath plughole, they crawl up the pipe to the bath overflow and hide behind the grill, so they watch you having a bath

    Now there's a creepy thought. I find it a bit tricky to climb out of the bath these days ,but that thought would have me out faster than  the speed of light!




    • Haha 1
  14. 1 hour ago, thingamybob said:

    My friendly house spider seems to have deserted me, I have not seen him/her for a couple of weeks now.

    However there are loads of them in my garden. There are enormous webs strung everywhere. They are really industrious little creatures, I wish the people I used to work with (lazy b*****s) had the same work ethic. :default_huh: 


    Your friendly house spider has probably gone out into the garden to seek a mate and when it finds one if asked the question "Your place or mine" will no doubt reply "mine" which will in effect be your house. Good luck with that!



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