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Posts posted by addicted

  1. I used to be quite literally terrified of all spiders, didn't  matter what size althoughbreally big ones were more frightening obviously. To a great degree boating cured me in that my reaction to seeing a spider was always to absence myself and clearly when on a boat in the middle of a river that isn't an option so I gradually became less paranoid. Even so large ones do give me the creeps. I went to put a cistern block in the loo cistern at home once to be greeted by 2 of the largest hairiest blighters I'd ever seen, they'd set up home in there just above the water level which explained why I'd been finding teeny little spiders in the bathroom for some time. The lid was firmly replaced to await Tony's attention. 








    replaced   to await Tony's  arrival. Unbelievably, he just picks them up! My mother used to do this too but she was terrified of mice, which don't bother me at all.I find conkers definitely do work.




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  2.  Sitting on the boat on the mooring this afternoon doing nothing in particular our neighbour from a couple of berths away suggests a cruise up to  Surlinghsm Ferry for a drink. Great idea off we went had a lovely hour sitting on the front out on river front in the sun. Lovely glass of red or two! Decent pint superb. Our commpanion made the point that some time in grim January we could look back on this interlude and enjoy the memory. How right he is! Cloudless blue sky river like glass all' s right with the world.




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  3. Many years ago I worked for a very up market shoe company in Old Bond Street London, the Queen and the rest of the female members of the royal family numbered among our clients. Sometimes  customers would take out literally hundreds of  pounds worth of goods on "approval" and think nothing of returning them anything up to a year later!




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  4. As  you obviously know there isn't anyone on here who wont' be thinking of your sadness today and who won't be feeling sad for you. That many glasses will be raised to Frances there will probably be an upturn in the sales of alcohol everywhere!  I hope that is a comfort. it's bloody disgusting disease and causes so much grief. My thoughts are very much with you. I'm so so sorry




  5. 19 minutes ago, psychicsurveyor said:

    Well you lot jinxed that,  mid shower this morning the water went cold.  The boiler had gone into " I'm not playing anymore " mode.

    A few curses,  a bit more water pressure and an engineer reset soon had it working again.

    I have booked the engineer to come and do his biannual dark arts thing.

    Been a bit of a week for problems.

      one van blown head gasket, 

    one van broken starter

    One car engine light on

    My new phone disappeared down a 40' shaft. Goodbye phone.

    Pipe came off the pond pump,  one very large nearly empty pond.

    Tomorrow we go up to the boat,  I will not touch anything until next week  :default_badday:



    Blimey we thought we'd had a few disasters! I'd stay in bed if I were you!


    • Haha 1
  6. Temperature here in  Cambs. 18deg, wind completely died down, although we woke up to drizzle this morning. Got to book our flu jab Had my  BP checked yesterday witha ll that's been going on I thought it would be sky high but it was the lowest it's been all year. I was due some good news  so that's as it should be.




  7. Plumber duly arrived 8.30 this morning new boiler well on the way to being  installed and not a  day too soon judging by the weather forecast for the coming few days! Apparently it's going to get  a lot colder. Time to bring out the sheepskin liberty bodice?




  8. 8 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    Whoops, Once again I got it wrong.

    Carole, I have just re-read ALL your posts on this thread and it is plain to see your stance is, as spelled out to me in this most recent post.

    I unreservedly and publicly apologise. I took two of your posts completely out of context.

    In reality, we do agree on much, especially Diana and this latest mawkish raking over the ashes. Where we seem not to agree is the current situation regarding Prince William and family. Things are different these days. Media is permanently on overkill, technology denies any privacy and the Prince & Princess are in the public eye vastly more that our Queen was when she was a princess. I think to-date they are doing just fine

    I believe that when King, William will have a reign probably nearly as long as our Queen's. He is of that age. I doubt Charles' reign will be of great length, though it is essential that he does become King for Prince William to succeed him.

    If I have this right, If Prince Charles were to abdicate now, or if anything were to happen to him before the end of the Queen's reign, Prince Andrew would be next in line for the throne. No disrespect intended but I do not see that as a good thing for the Monarchy.

    If Prince William does take things easy for a bit, he will earn that time later when he will be very very busy, I hope for many years.

    Happy to accept the apology MM,  thank you Yes  we do seem to see things similarly,  I actually think Prince Charles will make a very good conscientious King, given the chance and suffers unfairly I think from adverse publicity. Air miles Andy for king? I would hope not!




  9. I am not remotely anti royalist, indeed I consider our royal family one of, if not our greatest, asset.  I'm just not and never have been, pro Diana.  Regarding William and Kate, latest figures show the number of "engagements" carried out by them fall very short of most of the rest of the working family  the reason being given, that they wish to  remain at home with their children I think this is grist to the mill of anti royalists and republicans and is basically wrong. I really had hoped they would do better than this and saw them as a breath of much needed fresh air when they arrived on the scene who would do much good for the royal family's image. The Princess Royal raised 2 children while carrying out a punishing work load and continues to quietly  do so. This is the sort of commitment that will assure the continuity of the Royal family. Do not accuse me of being anti royalist nothing could be further from the truth, but in todays' climate I do see them as something of an endangered species which I find worrying.




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  10.  Personally I  think PrinceCharles is seriously misunderstood and under rated, which is a pity. I  think he has a greater capacity for the hard work that being  in the "Firm" requires than his son and heir. I had great hopes for William and Kate as a couple but not now I think they are pair of idle freeloaders who seem to labour under the misapprehension that being a parent exonerates you from all duty. If only we had all had that luxury of saying "no, . you can't expect me to do anything remotely like work when I've got children that need me to be home"

    The Queen puts them all to shame, I also  believe Camilla should be Queen when the time comes, She's infinitely more suitable than Diana ever was. I think the only thing the latter was any  good at  was manipulating the press and Media into believing whatever she wanted them to. While bitterly complaining that Camilla pinched her husband she was busy pinching Julia Carling's husband . Talk about hypocrisy!




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  11. My daughter has a boiler that sits in the corner of the garage like a b****y great  Dalek the engineer that looks after it reckons it's at least 40 years old. I have never in my life had to buy a replacement boiler before and I'm less than impressed to have to be doing so now. My previous house Boiler was a New Home and was 20 years old when we moved and had never broken down in he 11 years we lived in the house. I don't care whether it's September or flaming June if It feels chilly on goes the heating - I don't do cold.!



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  12. Tony rants and raves  about the "cautious" drivers that habitually travel at  considerably less than the speed limit. His particular bête noir are those that brake as soon as they see an oncoming car. I'm infuriated when they turn out to be women as they give the rest of us  girls a bad name and something to live down. These days my pet dislike are young females who tailgate. So many of them do it.  On one occasion I got so tired  of the stupid girl behind who was inches off my bumper, when I got to a road junction I stopped. got out of my car, opened the boot and invited her to get in.,  to the immense amusement of the young man sitting beside her whom no doubt she wished to impress with her aggressive driving style. The stupid thing was that out on the open road, rather than in suburbia  where we were, her Corsa wouldn't have got near my XJS V12  Jaguar.




    • Haha 1
  13. My first visit to Geneva was when I was13 too. We had driven from France. We found an Hotel and my father ascertained how much it would cost and was happy with the rates until he came to settle the bill and realised he had forgotten the quoted price was Swiss francs rather  than French which made the bill  whole more expensive than he'd thought.




    • Haha 2
  14. Typical DJ I'm afraid. We went to s 50th wedding Anniversary bash a couple of years ago and the music was diabolical,   Rap  or something that sounds like that! One of our group went up to the DJ and gave  him a real telling off.  "Look around" she said, " who do you see here that is going to enjoy rubbish like that?. "The clue is in  the name of the celebration. 50th Anniversary. Our generation produced some of the best music of all time, so let's be having something more appropriate" In the face of such fury he didn't dare not oblige!




  15. I believe  the sister restaurant to The Swan at Ingham is The Wildebeest at Stoke Holy Cross which is our favourite venue for a special occasion when on the boat, I think the menus were pretty similar, with the chef at the Swan competing in Masterchef The Professionals last year if I remember ccrrectly. He didn't win.




  16. 50 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

    Personally I would feel wary and be checking myself if these parts can be sourced anywhere, even on second hand sites etc, could save you a bundle! 


    The company has gone and at the suggestion of our plumber we spoke directly to the company that originally took them over to try and arrange for their service section to come out and do the job  I dare say it would be possible to locate the part somewhere or  the other, but how long would that take and meanwhile we are without a working  boiler. It was an obscure make of boiler and we are not altogether surprised at the situation. Out house was a new build and the subcontracted  plumbers not all that good, and I can imagine them sourcing the cheapest  boiler they could find in order to get the contract with the cheapest quotation. I suppose the most surprising thing is that  the  system  lasted 14 years without giving trouble, apart from the thermostat which we had to replace earlier this year.




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