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Posts posted by addicted

  1. Sadly the forum lost it's ethos. Last Summer it was a real pleasure to be a part of the fun that was the forum, then it seemed to get  hijacked by people always ready to see insult where none was intended and responding with aggression, treating differing opinions with contempt and responding with gratuitous sarcasm etc. all of which served to totally spoil what was a thoroughly enjoyable outlet. The effect was that people like myself (I haven't posted in almost a year) and Gracie felt uncomfortable making contributions. Fortunately, some of those responsible for  this shift have it seems moved on thus it may be possible to recapture that which was lost as a lot of the "good guys" have stayed with it happily. Let's wait and see.






    • Like 17
  2. Has anyone heard if there is something amiss with Gracie? I had a pm from her a couple of weeks ago which I didn't answer for a few days as I was in hospital having a hip replacement op' and as I haven't had a response to my reply I m getting  rather  concerned for her wellbeing.




    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Hylander said:

    You want to be in Tesco's Grace when they announce " In Isle 3 we are giving away. ......" If you are not careful you will be run down in the stampede.    Every other isle is completely empty.   Most of this queue is made up of pensioners.     Yes and  I am very much one at 72.   This happened a few years ago and I was astonished.


    They did this recently in our local Tesco and nobody   moved a muscle I was astonished too Strange lot these fens people




  4. We frequently travel to London on the A1 and coming home late at night as a rule we often find whole sections of the A1 closed with very poor detour signs taking us on wild goose chases through small villages up and down tiny country  lanes in the back of beyond. The signs dry up  leaving us to find our way, it puts miles on the journey and considerable time as well and late at night  In the total  blackness that is the norm in these places is really not much fun either.




  5. 5 minutes ago, SueH said:

    So do I pure escapism, glitz and glamour.  Sue

    There's nothing that compares,  I love to see the gradual improvement each of the entrants makes which is I think a testament to the genuine hard work they  put in. You can't compare X factor it's not in the same class.  It's a pity most of this years  celebs' are so obscure, it makes for better viewing when they are really familiar figures I think, but it's still great for all that, Some of the costumes are great, so exquisite and beautifully designed. There are not many programmes that have captured the public in this way. That says it all I think. they must be doing something right.




    • Like 1
  6. 38 minutes ago, ranworthbreeze said:

    A number years ago I came to the conclusion that there is no point in taking out white goods insurance, if you get it to last out the manufactures guarantee all the good, if it fails there after the additional amount you have paid in additional insurance is halfway to the cost of a new appliance.   

    Mind you being handy and a wife who can break anything of a technical nature does have its drawbacks; one of them in repairing the small white god in the utility room oh hail  thee washing machine please keep working:default_norty:



    I never take out an insurance on an appliance, it seems to me just a price hike in disguise. If the appliance breaks down in what seems to me to be an unreasonably short time I make a huge fuss and get it  repaired gratis, as I did with my 2 years old washing machine a few months back that needed a new drum. New Drum!!!  I yelled  Don't be ridiculous! They saw my point and fitted the new one free of charge. I usually get very long service from all my appliances fortunately.




  7. 4 hours ago, smellyloo said:

    What I dislike about the X factor (apart from everything) is the talent (some anyway) is overshadowed by the heavily scripted "spontanaity" and the unfathomable inclusion of pantomime judges.

    I've never been tempted to watch a single minute of this animated dross.  I don't think it is at all funny to set up  people who believe in themselves  as objects of ridicule.



    • Like 2
  8. 16 hours ago, SwanR said:

    Not sure how this has come out. Hard to tell on a small phone screen. Windiest weather I've ever experienced moored up this evening. Will be very relieved when this calms down!


    Wow! Jean your phone certainly made a better fist of it than mine by the time i thought of using the tablet instead it had faded.. Where were you when you took this? .  It's pretty much as it was over Brundall Bay where we were




    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, SueH said:

    I'm still on the fence about the judges.

    I have had a soft spot for Debbie since the beginning.  I did like Ruth on Saturday and Susan was a joy.

    Was it a bit early in the series for a ten?  A lot to live up to methinks.


    I couldn't remember if we had seen 10s this early before, but I think they  were earned.  I just get the impression this new judge is rather showcasing her own knowledge. and I've really not taken to her at all and her presence is I think causing Darcey to be a bit OTT.




  10. 3 minutes ago, Labrador said:

    Went to take dogs to pub at 5 o'clock, Oh my looks like it's going to pee down. Really weird sky, gradually went to a vivid orange, only had my phone with me, pathetic photo. A sky not to be missed.

    My phone totally failed to to it justice as well, it was really spectacular wasn't it?




  11. I thought in light of all the lightweight stuff we've been bogged down with  recently it  was high time for a  little gravitas, Now folks What do we think of the new judge on Strictly? It's a thumbs very firmly down for me. I 'm afraid she badly flunked the "how to win friends  and influence people"course by a mile.Darcey has gone into "She's not eclipsing me"mode which is a  pity. I was never a    fan of Debbie McGee, but she totally  won me over in the canal boat programme she did earlier this year and I'm rooting for her now.





  12. We're on the boat in Brundall SBD it's downright weird and I can't help thinking we're going to get a right old downpour any minute. Apparently aircraft are getting strong smells of burning causing a lot of concern and there is strange activity  in the atmosphere over the Sahara which is affecting us.





  13. Tony gets really irritated with the weather girl on Look East I forget her name, but it's not Julie Reinger it's the one with the curly hair . She continually punctuates her delivery with "errs"and "ums" It irritates the hell out of him and he counts them up during the broadcast and announces how many there were at the end with a tone of total disgust!




  14. 29 minutes ago, Polly said:

    Windows 10!,,,, I really loathe it! I just spent the best part of two days trying to get a big machine embroidery app installed, but the operating system + the very few apps I hadn't deleted was taking all but 4gb of my hard drive. THEN it updated and took 2 more! Argh! 

    I have now put the boot in on the laptop and reset the lot, if I am fast enough I can get my software installed before Windows 10 fill the whole 28gb with goodness knows what!

    When did you learn to speak Chinese?!!


  15. 6 minutes ago, Dilligaf said:

    Poor old Micheal Fish, all he did was give a true forecast and has had grief ever since, there was after all no hurricane.

    Having had him sitting behind us on an airport transfer bus listening to him wingeing and whining for 20 minutes that his wife and 2 young daughters hadn't carried as much luggage as he had, I am unlikely to  have any sympathy for him ever! Petulant wingebucket!




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