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Posts posted by addicted

  1. 1 hour ago, VetChugger said:

    Suspect you may well find that it was a premium number you accessed by pressing 1. Hope I'm wrong.

    That was my thought. I can't think of anything else that could afford them any gain as I didn't give any info' at all other than that I was  peed off at Amazon signing me up for Prime again. If that turns out to be the case I hope to head it off with a  call to my land line provider  on Monday.




  2. Today received a call which when I answered it was a recording telling me that my Amazon Prime subscription was being renewed  for a further year and that £39.99 was being debited  from my account. Having been unwittingly signed up to this  on  a previous occasion ,  I was very annoyed and  took their offered option of pressing 1 to talk to a manager who would arrange for me to unsubscribe.  The person I spoke to said they would generate  a  form for  me to fill in to unsubscribe. After ending the call I looked at my account only to find that I  was not subscribed to Prime   at all a subsequent call  to Amazon  provided the information that the call was not from them and was a scam of some sort. but what sort, I can't think what they have  gained  from the call as I was not asked for any information and I didn't volunteer any other than I didn't want Prime and had unsuscribed from it. Unless by pressing 1 I have  clocked up a big charge on the phone bill. I will be contacting my land line provider on Monday to see if there is anything untoward going on there. I  have now received an  email from Amazon  confirming that they did not phone me and would never have done so.




    • Thanks 1
  3. While Argos wins the best ad' IMHO surely the worst must be the M&S jumpers and pyjamas. They all look as if they have had a liberal dose of itching powder poured somewhere personal. Do I want a jumper that does that to me or pyjamas either? Well No!




  4. Each Christmas in recent years it has been a regular thing for various retailers to produce "special" adverts. For my money the prize this year has to go to Argos. Don't you just love that little girl bashing hell out of the drums? Her dear little animated face really tugs at my heart strings. Usually when  the ads start we mute the sound but if this one appears  it gets switched back on immediately.



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  5. How sad to read that Clive James has died. He was a very funny man. Many years ago I read his  autobiography of his early life  growing up in Australia. I used to often read in bed before going to sleep but I had to give that up while reading this book as  it was so funny and  made me laugh so much I was keeping my husband awake and it was  definitely not very conducive to aid me to fall asleep either. His unique humour will be sadly missed. Particularly as there seems to be precious little humour around these days.



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  6. I recently heard that whereas it used to  be having a Waitrose locally  that increased the value  of your house these days apparently it is having an Aldi that has  this. effect. We weren't sorry when they built a huge one in our small town having bought the local luck lustre Co-op. I find shopping there exactly as you describe Paul - What's not to like?




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  7. Aldi does a box of crackers (for cheese) that is without doubt the best we have ever had. Sadly they only appear at Christmas. We also shop at several different locations for much the same reasons that Timbo does. Last Spring we saw an advertisement for Aldi selling lamb at half price. While in there we bought a couple of leg joints.. They were absolutely gorgeous.  We've bought our lamb there ever since . One we took to our daughter's and  she asked where it had come from as it was so delicious. We went back and bought several more, stocking the freezer.  We see that they are having a siimilar offer during the  week before Christmas,  Needless to say we shall be  taking advantage of  that  - not just  because of the price but because of the quality.




    • Thanks 1
  8. I dislike Waitrose immensely. I used to use the one in Ely when moored there because it was the nearest place to buy a paper. Generally the staff were unhelpful, customer service was   non-existent . Whereas the service I get in my local Aldi couldn't be better and the prices better still!.T the quality of the produce is excellent. My only complaint is that a lot of the vegetables come pre-packed and I prefer to select my own and decide on the quantity I want. but it is small inconvenience  when  the enormous savings we make are considered






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  9. Last night a text came through on my mobile phone telling me that  I had got a payment due that was being paid to me via PAYM. All I had to do was register with my details Yeh! right! I've never heard of  PAYM and knew I  was not expecting a payment of any kind (sadly !)  Taking it for a scam I deleted it and on Googling PAYM today I found a notice on their website warning of a scam that had come to their attention.  I wonder how many unfortunates  will be caught out.




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  10. My husband's birthday is December 27th and it's always been difficult to get a decent card for him because of  Christmas cards taking priority in shops. What I do find though is that if you use smaller card shops rather than the big chains  such as Clinton ,  you often can get  a better choice. We have an excellent card shop in the small fenland town where we live and  I usually manage to get just the right  thing there and at a better price too.

     Christmas preparations  start the first week in October here as our little town is quite famous in East Anglia for it's spectacular street decorations  and they start putting them up the first weekend in October. They are truly amazing and all done by volunteers and paid for by donations. The switching - on ceremony is a big day of celebration The high street is closed to traffic from early on the first Saturday in December and a huge funfair is erected which goes on till late. A  minor celebrity is drafted in to do the honours at dusk and a great day of fun is enjoyed by all.






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  11. Breast cancer is frighteningly  prevalent these days.  My mother-in-law had three daughters -in-law - all three of them have had breast cancer although thankfully all three of us have survived it so far. My tussle with it was 14 years ago. Even when you survive it you are never quite the same again. Small symptoms that previously were dismissed as "probably nothing" become worrying.





  12. in 1990 we moved to a place called Brookmans Park which was just north of London between Potters Bar and Hatfield thus much more rural than where we had previously lived in Winchmore Hill North London and presumably  a lot more of the supply equipment was external because we had far more incidents of Off Supply than before. I wrote to complain because it got so frequent and as we were often on the boat for several days at a time we relied on timers  to keep the house looking occupied and the power cuts naturally played havoc with them. Following my letter  I received a phone call one evening from an  area Director  of the Electricity board who explained to me that a lot of the power cuts were caused by Squirrels!




  13. We owned a narrow boat for a short time and took the magazine this clown writes for, he used to write very aggressively taking the rise out of narrow boat owners who took pride in the appearance of their  boat. His philosophy was definitely that narrow boating is a contact sport. He used to come over as a thoroughly unpleasant oaf!


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  14. 3 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

    Carole. no, I'm not flirting, honestly, but you are an exceedingly nice person. Who could not like you?

    As for North London, my Suffolk born & bred daughter moved there (Highgate) from here. Liked the place, enjoyed the cultural side of London, always somewhere to go, better money than Norfolk would pay her, had eight good years down there but is now just so glad to be back.

    Thank you  for the compliment Peter.  Feel free to flirt till your heart's content.   Highgate!  My daughter opened an estate agents on Highgate High  Street in the early 90s.It's very "villagey" there and the locals gave her all all sorts of grief Until Christmas came and she charged me with the task of acquiring Christmas decorations for the office. As the décor  was very Victorian, I  themed the decorations likewise. The locals loved them and voted them the best in the village and invited  my daughter to join their  committee!



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  15. When we moved after retiring from North London to  a small town/village in Cambridgeshire we were never made to feel unwelcome. We moved onto a  small new development of about 12 houses and we were  the only ones who were not locals. Having heard of hostility shown to newcomers in other counties such as Devon and Cornwall we were quite prepared to be given the cold shoulder. I did wonder if the reason we weren't resented was because the  cost of housing in East Anglia had stayed relatively low compared with other parts of the country meaning young locals didn't have to relocate and could afford to remain local after growing up and marrying. We moved again to another typical small Fenland town and still have never received any hostility.



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  16. Last week we went out to source a replacement oven to replace the one with the missing knob.  Nothing appealed. not surprising really, I didn't want to get rid of the one  I have,  it was being forced on me by the fact that a  knob,  essential to it's operation had gone missing and a replacement  was unobtainable. When we arrived back home  we gave it more thought and reasoning that a knob couldn't just disappear decided to search further and  found the little beggar hiding in the pan drawer beneath the oven.  Brilliant! However on our travels just as Tony had thought his wallet had escaped unscathed  I noticed a very nice fridge/ freezer and  ours although mechanically sound is starting to badly deteriorate inside  with cracked drawers/shelves etc. so needed replacing - the  new one arrives on Saturday! So as things stand I'm very grateful to my little nob!



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  17. We got a cello for our boat as we wanted a t.v .that would record on a timer so I wouldn't miss Strictly when we went out to dinner on Saturday evenings!  It's smaller that that which you mentioned but it did the job perfectly. So impressed were we that we replaced our kitchen t.v. at home with one the same but a little larger. They've  both been giving great service for  number of years now without giving any problems.  If I remember correctly we bought them mail order  from a company in Yorkshire at a really good price.




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