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Posts posted by addicted

  1. Hi Sam, Gosh you were brave to tough it out on board. Can't say I'd fancy that in all that wind. How were things  in general on the marina,  have any boats sustained any damage? High winds are always a worry especially if you have a canopy.  A few years ago while moored on Brundall Bay marina  similar conditions managed to unzip the rear section of our  canopy and if we hadn;t seen it when we did we would have lost it.



  2. The call purporting to be from amazon that I posted about a couple of months ago asked me to press a number which I stupidly did,  resulted in nothing. This scam was reported  in my local paper and apparently pressing the key resulted in someone trying to get your bank details etc, This did not happen to me all I got was a man assuring me that all would be sorted if I just filled in the form he would raise for me online but he didn't ask for my e mail address and terminated the call still assuring me all would be well. I've received all my phone bills and nothing untoward was on them.  I've just  had a recorded call this  morning purporting to be from BT telling me my   internet and phone line were going to be terminated, I didn't listen any further as  I'm not with BT anyway not that  I would have taken any notice.




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  3. 2 hours ago, Lulu said:

    Nope! Selsie usually does the driving and I always peer over to have a look as we cross, and also on the A47 towards Brundall. I dont know what boat yard it is there on the left under the bridge that I always  gawp at. 

    Hi Sam, if I'm not much mistaken that's Sheerline you can see from the viaduct and if you look carefully at the boats moored on the river front you should be able to spot Hot Gossip still  awaiting a  buyer. At least I hope she is still there and not , as Tony speculated. on her way to Reedham courtesy of all the high winds we have had lately!



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  4. 17 minutes ago, vanessan said:

    Then don’t keep watching them! :default_wink:


    48 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    It's a man thing, soaps dismay me too!

    It's not just  a man thing - you  couldn't pay me to watch any of the soaps, I find nothing whatsoever entertaining watching the daily antics of lowlife. While I must agree that standards have sunk to an all time low we have noticed that regrettably we see more incidents of  missing good manners among our own generation lately. It sometimes seems  as if some elderly people have the misguided notion that being  old entitles them to be afforded consideration and there is no need to acknowledge it.




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  5. 1 hour ago, floydraser said:

    Had the paper shop blown away?:default_coat:

    Not quite, but then like me it's been around for a while  and being in the east has no doubt seen the worst the east wind can throw at it so is therefore more than match for Ciara.




  6. Last nights hooley here in Cambridgeshire took some more  felt from the summerhouse roof and sent the patio furniture ( faux rattan sofa & two chairs) into the flower beds. Judging by the crashes and bangs heard during the night, suspect that some of our neighbours had a few mishaps too. Still blowing it  was all we could do to stay upright when we walked to the paper shop this morning.




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  7. School dinners! Oh yuk! Powdered potato, forks that were tangy  and tasted of fish and worst of all some sort of awful cheese concoction the smell of which was enough to make me heave. As previously said one was obliged to eat everything served and I wrapped the ghastly cheese slop  in a paper towel and shoved it up my sleeve hoping to slide  it past the teacher on sentry duty at  the returned dirty plates station but she spotted the large bulge at my wrist  and enquired as to what it was I had no alternative but to come clean and tell her the truth  I think she had been expecting an elaborate  invention and the truth so took her by surprise she let me off.




  8. I miss being able to buy attractive clothes  or shoes that don't look as if they were made by Swan Hunter! Why does so much of todays'  fashion have to look  so ugly? Colours  for example, the  most popular seem to me to be various shades of sludge.  Oh how I long  for the return of the sort of clothes such as those typically worn by Doris Day in her popular films made in the 1960s.




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  9. My daughter has a much loved Shia Tzu named Lulu who will be 16 this year. Coincidentally  she shares her birthday with both myself and my son-in-law. She is now very deaf and almost blind,  but is still  very active and  manages to give the young , boisterous Boston Terrier acquired last year a run for his money.  I know when anything does happen to her the whole family will be distraught. Really sorry to hear about Cici. I imagine most of us have known the heartbreak of losing a much loved pet and know only too well just how heart breaking it is, I certainly do . I still mourn the passing of Toby my Cocker Spaniel after 35 years! and as for the loss 20 years ago of  my  much loved Alexandrine parrot who was hostile to everyone and everything other than me - dont' ask!







  10. I believe the hospital you are referring to is the Royal Veterinary  College which  I know very well having once lived in Brookmans Park for many years. If this is the case  be assured your cat is in very good hands, their reputation is second to none.  I hope she makes a full and speedy recovery, It is very distressing to lose a much loved pet and I feel for you.




  11. I have  never been able to understand the widespread persecution of Jewish people. It's not as if they are of one race. There are Jews of every race the world over and yet they are the victims of universal hatred. For goodness sake why?  l found the recent events occurring in our own country to be very disturbing and felt very uncomfortable with it all. It was almost as if the clock was being turned back to times we had only been told about. and viewed with horror. Any form of prejudice is disgusting to civilised people but still it rears its head. My great grandparents  were Prussian and during the war were often mistaken for Germans and subjected to hostility because of that. Their feelings for the Germans were similar to those of their persecutors  and my father used to tell the amusing story of how his grandmother was hanging out washing in the garden of their North London home when  some German planes appeared in what was one of the first daylight raids and he heard his grandmother cry out "Ach mein Gott the bloody Germans! . Things were so difficult that their children felt obliged to change their surname. All because of pointless prejudice.



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  12. An old friend of mine who was headmaster of a north London girls' school,  used to give tuition to prisoners and I remember him telling me how he used to coach Myra  Hindley for English GCE. He said he could feel evil radiating off her and used to sit as faraway from her as possible.




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  13. Got up this morning to find a section of felt blown off the summer house roof, the pump on the water feature appears to have packed in and the dishwasher is playing up, wish I'd stayed in bed!



  14. I'd really love to believe that those birds in Peter's garden know something we don't .  But somehow I doubt it. We've also got spring flowers showing their leaves in the  garden but I really can't imagine that this early in the year we've seen all here is to be thrown at us by the Winter, much as I'd love to think so. Could my scepticism be something to do with that experience we oldies have that was mentioned by Griff in his moving recent post?




  15. Glad  all went to plan. A nice family get together  will no doubt be a welcome occasion after all the stress of the recent times. I quite envy those who have family around at times like these,  having no extended family at all.  I was the only child of two only children hence no uncles, aunts or cousins. Hope once you are both home again things return to normal quickly.




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  16. Thank you  so much for those kind words Griff.  I can't say I'm embracing this  stage of my life with much enthusiasm, and when catching an unexpected reflection of myself find myself thinking "who the hell is that"! I think having to give up the boat has caused me the most angst,  especially as from the neck upwards I can still hop off and on   the boat as easily as  always,  so it's hard to accept. I'll try to bear in mind what you have said.  Thoughts with you and yours for  the  funeral.




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  17. My father was a cabinet maker and was once charged with the task of making a  10' high long case clock for King Alfonse of Spain. This he did and when it was finished it was shipped out to Spain. During transit a foot was broken off and it was returned to dad for repair. In all,  this occurred 4 times! He often wondered what became of his clock and  if it stood up to the rigours of the Spanish civil war of a few years later.




  18. On ‎05‎/‎01‎/‎2020 at 14:39, vanessan said:

    Walking more than 20 yards seems to be alien to some folk! I love walking around the Broads area, riverbank or otherwise, there are some lovely footpaths and tracks. It’s not so easy now as it used to be but having dogs makes you get out and about and helps keep you fit. :55c8f94984577_default_AnimatedGifDogs(127):

    Not a big fan of walking I must admit.  In fact  I would go as far as to say that  my feet are only there to stop my ankles from fraying!



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  19. We've only been to Scotland twice and then for a very short time.  We  once took the over night train  from London to Fort William to go and look at a boat on Loch Laggan The conductor gave us the heads up  about the beautiful scenery we passed though vey early and asked if we'd like him to give us a knock. It was absolutely breath taking We ate a superb breakfast while watching the most magnificent landscape go past. We've never forgotten it.  On another occasion a few years later we spent 4 days in Edinburgh which we also enjoyed very much.



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  20. I had a friend a few years ago whose family had a small estate somewhere  on  the West coast of Scotland and they used to always spend their Christmas's  there. He said they usually  all went for a swim in the sea on Christmas Day  as something to do with the gulf stream used to make it unseasonably warm.




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