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Posts posted by Islander

  1. Very happy to recommend Smev. We had the 4 burner version on The Green Lady Too which we live on. It lasted 15 years before the hob top rusted through near one of the burners ( this was an enamelled version) This had been fitted before we bought the boat so don't know how old it was but was well worn.

    We have just (5 years ago!) fitted the three burner version to Lady Linda. We could not be any happier with it. I can say that as I cook and have done for the last 20 years.

    A couple of things to note. Buy one with the controls down the front as the models with them on the top get mucky with splatters. Don't bother with a four burner. You will never get four standard pans on it and do you really want all that washing up and go for a stainless steel version. They're a lot easier to clean.

    Propane only as Butane useless in cold weather.




    Sorry, I don't have a pic of the finished job.image.thumb.jpeg.2ae9d48b004f536f666fa899688cd7cf.jpeg

    forgot to add, this cooker cost £600 . Add another hundred after brexit.


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  2. I have the same problem with my iPad. I suspect it the amount of Java the pages seem to have but I thought my old ipad2 has a lot to do with it.

    The Whitlingham article took several attempts to read the whole page with it crashing. I rarely ever get to the comments section without it having to reload.

    The Edp web site is about as good as their reporting :default_pcwhack:

    Colin :default_drinks:

    • Like 4
  3. That's taken years to get my dinghy looking like that JM. Nice looking boats round here get ' borrowed'. Anyway all that flaking paint is protecting the boat underneath and the previous owner had painted the entire hull with self eroding anti foul which still comes off when touched 14 years on. If you touch it you get covered in it.

    Colin :default_winko:

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  4. Hi Vaughan, I don't think there is any noticeable change in levels really. There will always be the exceptions depending on weather. We are just coming into neaps so with less tidal range hopefully the run off from yesterday's rain won't push the river level up to much. So far not had the quay on the green overtopped as we have had in the past.

    For those of you fortunate to miss the rain here.


    I had only pumped it out the day before. With wellies on l stepped in to connect the pump and bail, only had a couple of inches freeboard so a bit unstable, this took a good 5mins to empty. I will say this is the most water we've had in our dinghy in one day.

    Colin :default_beerchug:

    • Like 2
  5. We use this and are very pleased with the results. Speed over ground very useful. Having used it going up and down the Chet we found with the flood only needing 1000 revs for 4mph but on leaving against a flood 1300 to get the same speed. This app is a lot better than others we've tried and the Three Little Words is being picked up by nearly all the emergency services.

    Gets my vote for best app.

    Colin :default_winko:

  6. I speedy. I'm pretty sure she was listed as a Colvic but I can't find my photo with the reg on. She is def a woody and rare for the broads, more likely to be seen on the Essex rivers but without the aft cabin.

    Anyone passing that way today should be able to read the reg.

    Lets hope they get her up soon.

    Colin :default_winko:

  7. That boat is on the south side of Thorpe island. It was a very pretty little woody. A Colvic as far as I know. I do know who owns it and they are intending to recover but when ??? 

    Colin :default_winko:

    • Thanks 2
  8. Hi Bill, just to say that similarly my response is not to have a go but with a smile.Life is too short to waste what I hope I've got left on silly arguments. I'm glad to say that your health and agility are far better than mine even as my senior but there is no way I could have got out of my tender at the time that pic was taken and anyway why bother putting yourself at risk when there is a perfectly good ladder to be used. Just to add to the pic I posted earlier. This was taken on the same day( check the exif, I don't remove them).



    I do know who owns the boat you refer to, they are a lot younger than us and do occasionally spend the night ashore ( both work) as for a couple of the others, well yes they obviously belong to those that work. If they are who I think they are one works for The Environment Agency and the other the UEA. The boats nearer to The Rushcutters I can't comment on as they are quite often shared. Should someone be away for a while then usually they get a lift across or their tender is brought back over. I know it doesn't happen every time:facepalm:But on the whole that's what happens.

    We bought Lady Linda through Richardsons Boat Sales about six years ago now where, I believe, she had been used as a liveaboard. I don't have the paperwork with me at the moment so can't say for sure. We are about half way through the five year plan to try and bring her back to her former glory so another six years, with luck, we may complete her. Then it's just maintenance :default_biggrin:. We no longer add up how much we had spent when we passed £15k and you can't see half of it.

    The proposals for the green will be for all boats otherwise it wouldn't be fair. All the tender will be forced to use the 50' next to the staithe but a few of us are willing to lease 50' near the church end as long as we have use of the ladder.

    Internet was available via The Buck but sadly closed and up forsale at present, as for the other pubs I don't know. The island of cause has its own and Ruth and I have our own.


    Now off for food and beer. Nothing sensible from now on.

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  9. Hi Bill, ours is directly opposite the church gate. During the winter months Lady Linda (our other boat) is moored alongside.

    While I accept that there are those that moor without concern for other users on the whole most of us try to cluster near the ladders which is the only way to get on land. Have a closer look at the pic, although an extreme low tide in that image, it's not unusual to find the quay at chest height when stood in a tender. Now I don't know about you but I'm 65 and not getting any younger plus my wife suffers from arthritis so the ladders are essential.

    Now we come to the problem of clustering the tenders. Much as it seems an ideal solution it's ok until your boat is third from the ladder and you have to get it past two others at low tide. Not an easy task and do you then take the responsibility of untying and moving other people's boats just to move your own. If we add into the equation some thing in the region of 15 PubnPaddle canoes spread around the ladders too. Plus all the other day boats and hires. Just to top it all off you then have the fishermen who, for some reason, seem to congregate next to the ladders. Now where possible I will always try to moor away from them so as not to spoil their enjoyment.

    Now I don't know what boat you have Bill but we recently had to take our 31' boat across to take delivery of a washing machine and had no trouble finding room but this was 9 am. We also take Lady Linda across when preparing for a trip and she's 35' but I will admit you do have to pic your times of day. Same as anywhere else. Try Bramerton green around lunch time or after 4pm and the you will get those that moor a 25' boat in the middle of a space fo 2 40' boats and won't move. So if you see me come across the river in our 10' tender directly to a ladder can you blame me. No intending to upset anybody here but it's the same as anywhere else and that is ' first come first served'.

    So let's look at your other options..The Rushcutters have nice new quay heading, excellent food and beer, I'm told, and easy walking distance to a bus stop. The River Garden room for a few boats and of cause The Town House with brand new quay heading too. So at present there are quite a few options.

    As to the future.  You do realise the council are intending to lease private moorings from the church end upto the war memorial. The next section will be a 24hr mooring with no return in 48hrs upto just short of the staithe. The rest commercial for the island service vessel and Bishy Barnaby Boats.

    Anyway Bill and anybody who wants a chat over a beer pop along to the green and if you time it right you will have no trouble getting in.

    Just as a footnote I'm not responsible for other people's actions but do try to influence them if possible.


    p.s. This is Pyes Mill at 11am today.


    Busy spot so I'm told.

    Following is the new signage for the green, not, as yet, in use but watch this space.





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  10. Morning Vaughan, just to add to your comments. The pumpout system extends as far as the barge and boats do not have to move to use it. The system was extended many years back now and recently been overhauled.


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  11. Fred, maybe this will help. Sorry for the pun but I really want to get to the bottom of this.


    This is the most recent pic I have. Can you identify the boat you saw this couple leave or is it not in this image?


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  12. Fred.

    Bushes, what bushes, are we talking about the same place. There are no bushes on the green.  There is, what I'm told, a good clean public toilet? Did you bother to report what you saw and take the number of the boat or take a photo? Can you substantiate you claims?


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  13. Glad to see you said some of those Fred. The issue with the boats is both the BA's and councils fault as Roger wanted to install our own ferry. Secondly not all the boats belong to our part of the island. A couple belong to people in houses opposite and then there is all the 'Pub and Paddle' canoes, the Canoeman's boats, Thorpe island boat hire boats plus all the visiting day boats and that's before those that want to moor an rc45 arrive, so please before you blame everything on the few that live on the island have a closer look at the boats tied up there. Sorry if I seem a bit ticked off but we are fed up with taking the blame for everything that happens in Thorpe.

    Colin :default_badday:

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