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Posts posted by Islander

  1. The best dive ladders are made that way MM. Having done a bit of diving in the past, that form of ladder is the easiest to climb in full scuba kit. You can climb out even with your fins on( not flippers, that a dolphin on tv). Now I know not many people are going to fall in wearing full scuba on the broads but soaking wet clothes are blooming heavy when you get past shoulder level climbing out.

    If you have never had to climb back onto a boat soaking wet you will not believe how difficult it can be. It's worth asking at your local swimming pool (when they open again) if they will let you try. They usually have lifesaving classes or even a local scuba club night. We use to have training nights once a week at B'Stortford and additional bodies were welcome so as to practice rescue techniques.

    Colin :default_drinks:

    N.B. Please remember this is a very serious situation and once you start laughing you'll never get them out :default_biggrin:

    • Like 1
  2. This is great news for those able to travel to their boats and spend the day cleaning or even a short trip out. It will be nice to see boats passing again with smiling faces on people.  

    Please remember that there will be some boats that appear to be overstaying on some 24hr moorings and probably will until this is all over. Most yards have been closed and norwich yacht station is only open for water. This may change now.

    Play safe everyone and one day we can all party again

     :default_party0010::default_icon_music: :default_party0010:


    Colin :default_drinks:


    • Like 5
  3.  I might just be tempted to put in a bid but I still have the Mrs CX500 custom to bring back to show condition. :default_biggrin:.

    Colin :default_drinks:

    Like I haven't enough to do.

    Happy VE DAY tomorrow.



    Actually Griff, l would love to see that back on the road.

    • Like 1
  4. Mission accomplished.  Thankyou Morrisons and bigger Thankyou to the young lady that loaded my car. Only had to wait 10 mins as only on other being loaded.

    Hopefully this lot we last us a few weeks. The beer might not but we still have the gin store or should I say ' Ruth's gin store '. :default_winko:



    Stay safe everyone.

    Colin :default_drinks:

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  5. Tomorrow I hope to pickup a click and collect order from morrisons. I have lost count of the time I have spent even trying to get a slot with any of the supermarkets. We have been in isolation as recommended by Ruth's doctor but we don't appear on the' at risk ' list so don't get any priority with delivery or collect. So finger are crossed that what I've ordered is available as we are down to our last fresh carrot and a few spuds otherwise it's all tinned and dried from the back of the cupboard.

    Colin :default_drinks:

    • Like 2
  6. 31 minutes ago, BroadsAuthority said:
    • We're aware of the difficulties that the live aboard community are facing right now, and the unique situation they are in. It is reasonable for them to move their vessel to obtain supplies or get a pump out, but not to go cruising around for leisure. Rangers are undertaking welfare checks on those who need them and are conscious of the need for leniency with regards to the current situation.

    Being one of the many that do actually live aboard we are fortunate to have a mooring with all the facilities, so have no need to move. Many of the other boats, especially in the norwich area are struggling for services as many of the yards are shut including Norwich YS.

     Our other boat, Lady Linda, would normally be at our St Olaves mooring but was not ready to move before the inevitable lockdown so is still currently moored alongside our 'houseboat'. If we had moved her in March we would not now be able to even visit her but being off the river and moored over my land I wouldn't have had to pay her toll. 

    Now,as yet, I still haven't paid this years toll but will do in the next few days for all our boats currently in the water. This year equates to about £850. I don't begrudge the BA the money only I wish they would class our static boat a house boat. Probably because they don't want an increase in houseboats on the broads. I will point out that I would still have paid the toll for Lady Linda even if she was at St Olaves.

    Colin and Ruth :default_drinks:

    Currently isolating the best we can.

    • Like 3
  7. Ok so my work may not be as good to look at but rather than be idle with the nice weather I decide it was time to fix the leak I had in the shed roof. How hard could it be. I had a roll of felt and a bag of clout nails so of I go up the ladder and start removing old felt. Was this such a good idea?  Needless to say in true boating style it was going to be a bigger job than just new felt. So here I am, self isolating 10ft off the ground with crow bar, claw hammer and pincers removing rotten t&g and what seem like thousands of felt nails.

    I must point out I made this shed out of one that was to be pulled down from behind the bungalow on the island and what I rescued from it built one a third of the size but still 8x12 and that was 12 years ago.

    Meanwhile back on the roof. I think there were 5 layers of different felt on it with lines of nails for each. Having removed said nails and some of the planking what it really needed was a new roof. Not going to happen due to isolating as per Ruth's doc instructions. Back down ladder again ( I've lost count ) to measure what I might have to repair where I can. So remains of 12mm osb3 sheet found and although nothing like enough for the side I'm repairing it would replace some of the rotten wood. So I have a patchwork roof which will holdup for hopefully a good few years. Total cost £22 for felt and nails. The osb3 was left over from another project.image.thumb.jpeg.d9c488720b4c127563beb73d2d638d06.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.a16777803cc6971e2290e13f187580e8.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.e314e04d1a8666fa66c7a1135dbc3e24.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.1f692b79d7e683605913a6407e3b6c6c.jpeg


    Now I can spend a while getting this corner of the shed organised and remove the rust spots off some of my tools.

    Next job will be service the lawn mowers.

    Colin :default_beerchug:

    sorry pics a bit fuzzy, taken in haste.

    • Like 6
  8. Hi chap. You could try Freedom cruisers . They may be able to do pumpout but not diesel. Couple of cans and a trip to a garage could be your only option.

    Goodluck stay well.

    Colin :default_winko:

    p.s. Welcome to the forum

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