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Posts posted by Islander

  1. 2 hours ago, ZimbiIV said:

    A nice Aran sweater size large would be welcome.


    Sadly Ruth can't knit anymore due to arthritis but crochet is possible, also cross stitch. Dolls house carpets come high on her list of hobbies, most her own design. All this allows me to work on our boats......or is it she lets me play boats to get me out of the way.:default_biggrin:



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  2. Thanks Peter, so far we are both ok but don't want to take any chances.

    A longer lockdown will not be a problem here on the island but fresh food will be replaced with dried and tinned. As long as Ruth doesn't run out of wool we will be ok.:default_biggrin:

    Colin :default_winko:

  3. We fortunately have a few bottles of gin as our kids keep sending them to us.:default_biggrin:I've still got about 20 cans of lager and a few bottles still on Lady Linda.

    This is just as well as Ruth had a call from the doctors telling her/us to isolate due to Ruth's medical history. Looks like we are going to be in lockdown for at least a month if not a great deal longer.

    Stay well everyone.

    Colin and Ruth :default_winko:

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  4. Some years back we had a lady on the island whose man friend was connected with the TA. We had a shipment of boxes full of just out of date '10yrs' tins. you name it, it was there including rice, sugar, jam, curry, stews etc. It was really good grub too. The tins were much thicker too, made to last though army handling.

    Ruth went through our cupboards yesterday and has found, among other things, a gluten free pizza base that is vacuum packed. Its 18months out of date!. The sniff and taste test will be used when I open it.

    I think Ian that you may end up with a Ready Steady Cook type challenge from some of us in the near future.

    Hope you are keeping well

    Colin :default_winko:

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  5. Not sure if Roger is self isolating at the moment but Rebecca and her mum Ellie who live in the bungalow I'm sure will help. I'm not sure about pumpout but water and possibly gas bottles too as we have an account with Calor. 

    Stay safe everyone.

    Colin :default_winko:

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  6. Hi grendal. Have to agree. I can get through 3 tins of plum toms in less than a week. In like people in houses we have limited storage on board but we have stores on both boats and haven't even touched what's on Lady Linda yet. We haven't stockpiled but think we could go at least a month or more without leaving the boat. 

    One thing that we will all notice is just how long some food will keep. 

    Food for thought :default_biggrin: ..........:default_coat:

    Colin :default_winko:

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  7. Sadly there are still a lot of people still crammed in tube trains this morning. Maybe the idea of an ID card was not such a bad idea as I'm sure most of those were not essential workers. London is going to get so bad.

    Colin :default_winko:

  8. YnysMon, I would stick to the allotment if I was you. It's exercise all that digging.If you are worried about your boat then call the yard where you keep it and get them to check on it for you. After all isn't that part of what you pay for?

    Fortunately for us Lady Linda is moored alongside The Green Lady ( our residential boat ) otherwise she would have been on our mooring at St Olaves. This does mean we only have to step from home to holiday without any travelling but, presuming we can stay well, I will use the time to make further improvements to Lady Linda and as for our mooring at St Olaves, the grass will just have to grow.

    Colin :default_winko:

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  9. 22 minutes ago, grendel said:

    should we be asking for suspension of the 24 hour limits on the moorings.

    At least turn a blind eye to it and have the Rangers keep a good stock of electric cards as most of the outlets will be closed including the BA offices.

    Colin :default_beerchug:

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  10. 2 hours ago, Vaughan said:

    I may have been wrong there - I think it was an OSOKOOL. Anyone remember them?

    Just for those who have freezers stuffed with food. This will still work in a power cut. :default_biggrin:


    One of these and Blakes stores list and you are well sorted.

    Colin :default_beerchug:

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    9 minutes ago, SteveO said:

    We are down to our last half dozen bog rolls and are staring having to use newspaper in the face, so to speak. I have last Saturday's Daily Telegraph and Monday's Mail, but even newspapers seem to be in short supply here. I am pondering sacrificing some of my extensive collection of books to the good cause. For some reason Lord of the Rings comes to mind. :default_blink:

    What about 'War and faeces' or ' Tale of two s..ties'

    Sorry. That's the best I could do after my grog ration. :default_coat:


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  12. I've just lifted this from Twitter. I don't think I need to add anything to it.


    'Whipps Cross A&E yesterday. Funny how nobody has a nose bleed, tummy ache or splinter when they might be at risk of catching something else.'


    I hope this is genuine as a&e can do without time wasters.

    Colin :default_beerchug:

    Stay well everyone.

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  13. 24 minutes ago, DAVIDH said:

    The UK figures will soon be of no use, as we are no longer asked to report cases. 

    I agree David but can we be sure about the figures from other countries. What I hope we will see is the recovery of those that are recorded to date.

    As a side note the site is quite interesting if look at other info on the site. It's something to do if you are going to be stuck indoors for the next few months.:default_biggrin:

    Colin :default_beerchug:

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  14. I agree with John that you may need an upgrade in your electrics. There is nothing worse than having a flat starting battery. My option would be to ditch the big 1.2.both switch and fit separate 'red key' isolator switch for starting and domestic. Trace and extend the alternator out and fit a split diode charge. Preferably the fet type as there is no voltage drop. This would eliminate the risk of leaving the 'big switch' in the both position.

    Quite honestly, the sky's the limit with electrics. You can go on and add solar panels and inverters etc. Now this may not be your kind of thing but looking to the future demand on electrics now could save you money later.

    Colin :default_beerchug:

    P.S. When we bought Lady Linda she had 2dom and a starting battery with a relay that combined the batteries once the engine was running. She now has 3 dom, 1 starting and 1 bow thruster with fet split charge by 70A alternator plus a 260w solar panel for domestics (soon to be upgraded to charge all). This powers everything for 9 months without shore power or running at moorings. Saves diesel too :default_biggrin:

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  15. Hi Magicaltrout. The only fault I can see is there should not be any other connection to the neg batt post other than the shunt ( i.e the short cable supplied with the monitor) as per the diagram referred to in a previous post.


    In your image you still have a heavy neg cable still connected to the battery. This should be with all the other neg cables on the other end of the shunt.


    I think, at present, the only current drain that will show will be from whatever the three thin wires are connected to. Possibly additional kit added other than original wiring like extra auto bilge pump, stereo system, spotlight etc.

    As to your question regarding the connection to the battery post it appears that you already have copper tube ring connections on all wires although the heavy cable looks to have a larger hole, maybe 12mm. Ideally this should be changed to the same size as the shunt connection which I think is 8mm.

    Hope this helps. Don't you just love electrics :default_biggrin:


  16. 6 minutes ago, grendel said:

    do you know where i can get some handcuffs (asking for a friend) as this would be the only way I  He could manage this.

    Now I know I'm on the right forum. I was off down the shed to find the cone collar the dog had to ware but the handcuffs sound more fun.

    Colin :default_drinks:

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  17. We  were out shopping today after our monthly appointment with our chiropractor and Ruth noticed that Aldi and Home Bargains had no stock of hand sanitiser. Guess where you can buy it.


    Nice local boy selling it. ?

    And not the only one on eBay.

    While we were in Gt Yarmouth yesterday (Sunday) having been to check our mooring at St Olaves for flooding/wind damage we popped into the Harfreys estate to Poundland. The man behind us had a large box of dust masks and what was loose on the display, basically taking all their stock. Now he has either got a lot of rubbing down to do or he is just profiteering on people's fears.

    Sadly panic is setting in and stores and supermarkets need to restrict sales of some items like they do with pain killers.

    Colin :default_drinks:

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