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Posts posted by Islander

  1. You may find these interesting. Have a look at the other stations around the broads.





    If you look at the tidal range for Brundall it would seem the tide is able to flood and ebb quite freely so not much requires dredging. 

    Now if the tide was able to flood the same in the northern rivers with say 2ft range then this surely be both above and below the existing levels. Great, at low tide there will be more clearence under the bridges but then at high tide the riverside properties will be flood. Imagine what another foot of water on existing tides would do to wroxham.

    These are my own thoughts and at no time are they to be considered those of the management. :default_biggrin:

    Happy theorising everyone.


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  2. https://www.ntslf.org/data/realtime?port=Lowestoft



    For those worried as to the level of the tide, hopefully we have just had the worst for now. The tide is ebbing here in Norwich and has not overtopped at Thorpe so Brundall should be dropping nicely now. If you logon to the Brundall . GOV site you can confirm the level the tide made. 

    Wind has dropped right off here now but more to come by next weekend.


    • Thanks 2
  3. EA just upgraded flood alert to flood warning for Monday and Tuesday.

    Colin :default_beerchug:

    This was sent only half an hour after the first email but our internet is really bad when the tide is low and I couldn't send it.

    Just to show what's happening with the tides see belowimage.png.62518349ac362d01ea9f5820cb6d4da6.png



    • Thanks 1
  4. Still going down and now just had an email from EA to say we have a flood alert for Monday and Tuesday.

    My theory. These very strong SW winds ha blown most of the North Sea towards Norway and Sweden. It seems to get to a point where it has to rush back again.  The North Sea appears to act like a shallow tray with water in it. A strong wind sends the sea from one end to the other and then back again. 

    Colin :default_drinks:

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  5. Sunday afternoon is going to be interesting!


    The Q, have you tried using 1 gallon plastic containers to hold some of your tarp down. We generally tie off front and back and then use water weighted containers to hold the sides. This seems to prevent the eyes pulling out or ripping. Just a thought as I think you'll find a lot of your bricks on the ground after Sunday's wind gusts.

    Stay safe everyone and let's hope it's not going to be as bad as forecast.

    Colin :default_smiley-char054:

    • Thanks 1
  6. "With 200 electric buses able to offset 3,700 diesel cars, it is clear they have a crucial role to play in bringing down emissions"

    Surely these figures can't be right. In my mind 200 electric buses will only take 200 diesel buses off the road. The 3,700 figure is a red herring as the same number of people will be using the bus regardless of how its powered. 

    As for the number of buses that pass here each day with less than 10 people on I wouldn't like to guess. The only time these buses have something close on half full is peak morning and evening times.

    Colin :default_drinks:

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  7. We have used 3 for many years with midi gizmo. Very variable. Today we are on the Whitlingham moorings. Upload 8Mb download 9 Mb! A few days ago at Somerlayton we had 34Mb up and 9Mb down. Tried to watch ourselves going through Brundall but lost the signal just past tingdene until we got to bells yard.

    I think for on the rivers it varies whoever you use. We have a payg tesco sim in the car and that's still in credit after 5 years :default_biggrin: and I only put £20 on it.

    Colin :default_beerchug:


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  8. Having decided to bring Lady Linda back to Thorpe from St Olaves for more repair and improvements the high pressure and hopefully Spring tides will make passing under the rail bridge a little easier as we need 8feet. So currently hopping between Bramerton and Whitlingham with the hope if getting in before the weather breaks. We may have to wait a bit longer the way the tides are going.

    During today's mooring hopping we saw this Broom forsale. I already have too many projects so maybe someone else will be tempted.


    She's not far from Freedom boats by river not sure by road. She always looked so good.

    Colin :default_winko:

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  9. Having passed these moorings yesterday lunchtime I can confirm the boats in the picture are on the upstream section that belong to Brundall Gardens Marina.

    The moorings at Thorpe River Green will be restricted to about a quarter as the rest is to be let as private moorings for boats ( the western end ) and commercial day hire boats ( the eastern end ). The 24 hour  with no return within 48 hours will be the section near the war memorial and the willow. Overstaying and mooring in the wrong area will incur serious financial penalties. So please be careful should you intend mooring there.

    I would like to reiterate just how slippery the moorings are having been on both Bramerton and Commissoners Cut in the last couple of days. Be extra careful if your playing boats at the moment.

    Colin :default_beerchug:

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  10. I do wonder how many readers of this thread would not be able to charge an electric car at home. My car is the other side of the river so not practical to run a cable. A lot of property along Yarmouth Rd, as elsewhere, don't have off road parking. Surely we aren't going to be able to run cables over pathways for safety reasons. In the boating world we would have to have charging/power hookup at every home mooring. As to removing my 2.5 BMC and fitting a whole new electric drive would cost more than my boat is worth and, I'm sure, would not add as much in value. 

    If they want me to produce less carbon dioxide I'll do less hopping between 24hr moorings and stay for 48 :default_biggrin: :default_coat:.

    Colin :default_drinks:

    • Like 3
  11. Hi Paul. To keep things really simple. Devide Watts by 10 to get approx amps required by inverter.

    i.e.  800w =  80A

    This will allow for the efficiency of the inverter. They are never as good as they tell you.

    The inverter will only draw a few hundred milliamperes without a load.

    As MM has said the gennie won't like this set up but put a good size battery in and it should cope with the switch on surges your tools will require.

    Hope this is of some help.


    • Thanks 1
  12. Up to the EDP's usual low standard. The 'carnage' was caused by the number of busses that couldn't pass the emergency services vehicles. We had just come back from shopping and parked up near The Rivergarden PH until the holdup cleared (about half an hour).  How the child ended up in the water I don't know but another female was also in the water and a man from the green jumped in to rescue them. All were safe but cold. Once dry they were taken to N&N to be checked over.


    • Thanks 6
  13. 2 hours ago, TheLaird said:

    A post code on the other hand, seven letters and numbers and a house number.

    That's OK in an urban area but what about somewhere between Acle and Gt Yarmouth and the person phoning for help is not sure where they are. This app is just what was need when in the middle of nowhere. In the middle of town a postcode and house number is fine but what about halfway down the Chet or somewhere along the Yare with no landmarks. I will keep this on my phone. I hope I never have to use it. 

    Horses for courses.


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