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Posts posted by Islander

  1. Mark. Not as extreme as you think. There could be four of us wishing to share 50 ft (25ft either side of the ladder). The mooring will need a few more posts or just rings so that all boats can be moored for n aft. Not rocket science. 

    Thanks for the offer to moor but the idea is not to have to motor to the other end of the green or lug shopping that far.

    It will be interesting when Pub and Paddle start hiring again as they always have to be told to leave the ladders clear.

    Blue, I've always like blue. The point of the tatty looking dinghies is that no one wants to nick them. A Catch 22 as far as the council is concerned. Nice dinghies are stolen.

    Colin :default_drinks:

  2. Hi Mark. I wasn't sure as to the present situation but it doesn't surprise me that things move so slowly. I have not as yet approached them over renting a space next to the ladder near us otherwise it will mean taking our dinghy down to your end of the green and then walk back to the church end to get our car. This may not sound like too much of an inconvenience to some but with Ruth having arthritis and my back not going to get any better that is a long trip in wet and freezing weather. Should they come up with a sensible contract and statement of their obligations to the leaseholder I may sign on the dotted line. That's if my dinghy is pretty enough, if not I think I'll paint it blue with pink spots. Red with black spots seem OK :default_biggrin:.

    As you know, there are likely to be security issues with boats left overnight, especially at the weekends and a webcam with recording is of no use to the west end of the green, in fact I see the webcam as nothing more than a PR exercise.

    Colin :default_drinks:

    p.s. When will you bring your fleet back this year.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I don't think we will see the webcam until the conversion of the Ladies into an 'Information Centre' has been completed. They haven't even started on it yet. By the way, the Gents will become a unisex so the Ladies won't have to wait till they get home :default_biggrin:.

     Don't hold your breath on this, we talking local council here.


    • Thanks 2
  4. Hi Andrew, the old bylaws are still being used, I.e. Stay 24 hr with no return for 24 hr. The new bylaws are still being rubber stamped as far as I know but boat reg numbers are being taken twice a day even at weekends. Time will tell if they ever get their private mooring scheme off the ground.

    Colin :default_drinks:

  5. Ok, I'll live with the increase ( what choice do I have other than removing the boats from the broads to somewhere more costly ), it's not much above inflation and a least the workers are going to get their pay rise.  I did think that Broad Sheet was a bit skinny for my £800+ toll this year. I would like to hear more about improved moorings and that the work at Hicking will be more than 'hopeful' for the boats that use it. We are too big to get there but have friends that sail there a lot.

    The only thing I found disappointing is the proposed campaign over having the correct markings on your boat.  I.e. size and location. Not long ago the ranger only needed to see the colour of your toll disk to know if you had paid. Now they have to read your registration number and then check on a website to confirm this, all because a printer used the wrong ink one year. I liked the old toll disk and I'm sure it's cost was vectored into the toll charged. 

    Well, that's my annual moan about tolls over for this year :default_biggrin:. Anyone else want to have a go.

    Colin :default_drinks:

    • Like 2
  6. Hi Robin. I think you will find the small tank on the hot is an expansion tank not an accumulator. I suspect you will find a non return valve in the cold feed to your calorifier cylinder. Don't remove it ( the expansion tank ) otherwise every time the system heats from cold the over pressure valve will dump water. I would try fitting a large accumulator tank just after your pump and things should work fine.

    Hope this is some use.


    • Like 1
  7. Welcome to the forum and hope you are ready to be on the water for spring. Don't ever expect to finish your boat. There will always be something to put right or repair. That's the fun of boats. 

    Where are you going to berth, north or south.  If you are south, keep a look out for Lady Linda and give us a wave.

    Colin :default_drinks:

  8. What about Surlingham Ferry. Only a short hop from your pickup point. Not sure what the signal is like there but it was good from John Broom's yard when we were there.

    Colin :default_winko:

  9. I agree with the Danish oil with a wood reviver before to bring the colour back but beware the wire wool if this is going to be exposed to the weather. Tiny particles of the wool can remain in the grain and cause nasty little black spots after a while requiring the whole lot being rubbed down again. Use fine sand paper folded by a scotchbrite pad to apply the oil. 

    IMHO the brass would look it's best polished but do what feels best as its not a valuable antique, it's a tool for a job.


  10. Having lived on ours for nearly 20 years we are no longer as nimble as when we first moved on. Ruth suffers with arthritis now and my back and knees are not their best, none of which are going to improve. We fitted a bow thruster to Lady Linda when we bought her and in windy conditions it's essential also when leaving our St Olaves mooring where we have to back down a narrow chanel past 4 or 5 other boats. It really doesn't matter how much experience you have the wind can catch out the best of us. A bow thruster can save the day.

    Anything that will keep us afloat is got to be worth having.

    Colin :default_beerchug:

    • Like 8
  11. We use to have a Reliant Rialto as a second vehicle as Ruth could drive it on her bike licence. Those lumps in the road were a nightmare if you didn't get the alignment right. Much better with the full width speed bump. At least with the motorbikes we could weave round them.

    Colin :default_drinks:

  12. Anyone have any details of the boat. Impossible to tell what it looked like before. A comment elsewhere says it was called Maggie2 but not been able to find it on Craig's list. The nearest is Maggie II but shown removed from reg 2013.


  13. Vandals a possibility but the edp and Norfolk fire service confirm it as a boat on fire with someone pressumedly injured trying to put it out. We can only hope for a follow up article when a reporter actually goes there.


  14. We had four fire tenders pass us earlier, two had boats in tow. I initially thought it was a boat in commissioners cut but could see from the footbridge at Thunder lane it was much further down stream. Lots of smoke was coming from the area near to the BA and Griffin marine. I do hope whoever was injured that it's not too serious. 


  15. Hi Violeta and welcome. As already mentioned, you could try WRC as James recently gained planning permission for residential moorings. It's possible they may be able to help if the caravan is only to be stored.

    I would suggest you contact the Residential Boat Owners Association for advice. I would contact the secretary as I'm not sure if their reps phone number is correct.

    I would definitely find the mooring before buying a boat. If you decide on the Norfolk Broads then a 30-35ft boat (broad beam) would be better suited to the moorings here. Narrow boats are not very popular here.

    Very best of luck with your search and don't hesitate in asking more questions as there is a wealth of knowledge on this forum.

    Colin :default_winko:

    p.s. Ruth and I have lived aboard for the last 18 years. Plan it properly and you will have no regrets.



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  16. Just found this on Suffolk Fire Service site.

    Fire Crews from Beccles and Bungay stations arrived at Waveney Quay on the Beccles Bypass to find one a 20 foot Cruiser moored at the quayside on fire. There was a propane cylinder involved in the blaze, so firefighters used foam to extinguish the flames. The owner of the boat received assistance from the officer in attendance and crews made the area safe.

    Hopefully no one hurt.


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