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Everything posted by Vaughan

  1. In the 2nd paragraph of the article there is a link called extraordinary saga, which will take you back to a much more detailed article of 2021. Worth reading again - it explains a lot!
  2. This is the title of an article just appeared on the EDP website. Read it for yourselves, and form your own opinion! I wondered what had happened to this little gem of BA planning policy but sure enough, we now have the result of an enquiry by a law firm, commissioned by the BA to try and clear their name. Three years later. They don't say how much this fiasco has cost in legal fees, coming out of our money. The article ends by simply saying that one member, James Knight, voted against. Well now, I wonder why? What the article doesn't mention is why the BA objected to the new quay being used as moorings. Some of us with a little memory may recall the underlying reasons for that. I wonder why this should remind me of the saga of Jenners Basin, all over again?
  3. Thank you Ray, I have just had a read for a few minutes, until it started telling me to join! A bit like the curate's egg, by the look of it. I did notice that a friend of mine has posted, as I asked him, to mention that there are a lot of us out here who don't do Facebook but would like to support the group's intention. The answer was that they are considering ways of expanding their coverage. It doesn't sound as though it will be very soon, though!
  4. So at least the Broads Society have got something to say for a change. Closing the bridge would put a lot more pressure on the crossroads on Station Rd and make it dangerous, so it would need the cost of a roundabout for safety. Just like there should be on that awful junction at Tescos in Stalham.
  5. Just FYI, Frank Brooker was the MD of Blakes (Norfolk Broads Holidays) Ltd, always known as "Jim". The others would have been the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Yacht Owners' Association.
  6. Actually this is Rockland Broad, in the dawn but I am sure South Walsham would be much as me ol' mate Wossname describes!
  7. And there is the big difference! We don't have a BA spy in our midst : we have a forum membership called @BroadsAuthority. We know the BA read what we say here and we appreciate their input when Tom comes back and answers our queries. This naturally also qualifies the remarks that we may make about them. That is as it should be and I hope it will continue that way. Doesn't hold me back - but there you go!
  8. I have only read this through once : I shall go through it again tomorrow morning. There are things which "shout at me" immediately : The mooring charges will bring in around 100K extra revenue. Two days ago it was 40K. Sounds like a bit of a moving target. Will toll increases lead to fewer private boats on the Broads? "During the last recession, numbers of private boats actually increased". Of course they did!! As boatyards went out of business, there was a glut of cheap secondhand hire boats on the market. Nothing new about that! It was the same in the 60s, and in the 70s. If those new owners are like me, however, they may be thinking of selling their boats, right now. They have had a DEFRA grant for a plant cutting machine. Why? Water quality is the responsibility of the EA, not the BA. Water quality has improved beyond measure over the last 30 years, which is why there is so much more weed. And the BA have had nothing to do with that improvement. It was down to the boatyard owners who installed the pumpout system, and the local councils who improved town sewage works. If they now have a new weed cutter, then go and cut the weed on Hickling Broad! Ah, but we can't do that because the Green elements say it is "rare" so we have to preserve it! They have more rangers in order to control antisocial behaviour. This is a civil matter of public order, which is down to the Broadsbeat Police and not the Broads Authority. As to all the things that are not mentioned in this response, I am sure we are all thinking about those.
  9. Hello Maddy and welcome to the forum - on your second attempt! As it is your first trip, I will stick to some boat handling advice and let others tell you about all the pubs! If you are coming at Easter it will be pretty busy on the rivers - or at least the boatyards hope it will be! As a hire boat, you will have free access to moor at other hire yards, such as at Horning (where you can walk to the pubs), and Potter Heigham. There are free overnight moorings provided by the Broads Authority although there is talk at the moment, of a possible charge to moor at Ranworth. Don't try and do too much the first time - it is a relaxing holiday - and don't go down the Bure beyond Stokesby, so that you won't have to worry about strong tides. There is a tidal current at Stokesby and Acle all the same, so when mooring, make sure you are coming in against the current. The rest of the Bure is very placid with no strong current. There may be strong winds in April; if so, try to moor on the windward bank of the river, by putting the bow in first and then pulling the stern in with a rope once you are ashore. If you moor on the leeward bank, the wind will push you against it, which is uncomfortable at night and you may not be able to get off again in the morning! Always make sure you have enough food on board, to that you can always cook your own meal if you can't get into a crowded pub mooring and have to use "plan B". Above all, take your time, and have fun!
  10. I can't remember who it was, who said the most efficient form of committee is made up of three people: Two of whom are off sick.
  11. Seems I am not the only one asking this question! There is now an article on the EDP website entitled "Are toll payers propping up the National Park functions of the Broads Authority?" Sorry I don't know how to link it here - maybe someone can? Towards the end it says "Mooring charges at Yarmouth and Norwich will increase from £6 to £8 for a day and £13 to £16 overnight. This is the first increase in charges in these locations since 2017." There is no mention at all in the article about any new charge for other moorings.
  12. Your question has its own answer! Rank and file hirers - the traditional life-blood of today's navigation - are surely represented by the hire yard owners on the committee? But the owners cannot take part in discussion. What nonsense is this? There can be no question of a "declaration of interest". Of course they have an interest. That's why they have been appointed to the blasted committee! Isn't it?
  13. Tell that to Dr Packman, then. Please don't think me flippant - I very much appreciate your posts which are very useful and well worthy of serious consideration. When talking of a funding stream, the National Park question becomes relevant since the Broads, unique among the "Family" has the additional income from river tolls, owing to the obligation to navigation. Other NPs have to rely solely on the fluctuation of Government funding. This additional funding stream is dedicated to the maintenance of the cruising area and should be maintained separate from the funding of the "national park". I trust that this is still the case and there has been no temptation to "rob Peter to pay Paul"? After all, during the years of pandemic, the river toll income stream remained the same, as all river tolls, private and hire, continued to be payed in full. Which makes me wonder why a 13% increase should be needed now. Just asking . . . .
  14. Thank you. The EDP reported simply a vote of 9 to 1 with one abstention. I am glad and relieved to hear that my colleagues in the business had nothing to do with it. But then again, should they have done? It's their customers, who are going to have pay for the moorings.
  15. My wife Susie joined Facebook, just so that she could keep up with family news but never posted on it. She ended up getting her identity hacked by someone in New Zealand and had an awful job to close it down. I am very unlikely ever to go near the thing but I am in touch with a lot of the people who are forming this group. I wish them success.
  16. yes, and I hear it has only been going for 48 hours so far.
  17. But it is! I have stood so often, behind the reception desk when customers arrive for their holiday, to see their faces when they realise how much they have to "wad out" in extras before they get on board their boat. And it's not a couple of Grand these days on the Broads - it is the thick end of three Grand. The "all inclusive" package is arguable, but it only covers fuel, insurance, car parking and the like. So those who have paid three thousand Quid "all inclusive" are those who have had to earn their "dosh" over the years. They are not going to like being fleeced for a tenner (or much more) every time they want to moor their gin palace to the bank. Even when they moor up for the night outside a pub where they will happily spend several hundred pounds, they have to "wad it out up front" before they can step off the boat. Those customers will only come here once, at this rate.
  18. That reminds me. I assume all those fishermen who squat on BA moorings and thus prevent boats from mooring there, will now have to pay their "ten quid" as well?
  19. Thank you Fred - it took me a long time surfing their website before I found the right place, but I have now sent a letter to the Chairman, detailing my objections to the charges, which are for two reasons: 1/. As a private toll payer. 2/. As someone in the business who fears how much such a move will affect the tourism upon which the whole area depends. I have not mentioned this forum, so that admin need have no fear that their stated wish to be un-involved should be compromised. I was amazed to see that four members of the navigation committee are boat hire operators and I have copied my letter to them. This means that even if two of them voted against or abstained, the other two must have voted in favour. So it seem the turkeys really are voting for Christmas!
  20. How very sad. I had always hoped for rather more than that from this forum. I suppose I have been too used in my time, to voluntary service on organisations and bodies which get their voice heard and get things done. The Broads Society used to be like that. In fact a large number of the public staithes that we enjoy today were only re-opened because of their efforts. So here is where we can have a little gripe among ourselves but with no expectation of achieving anything. Fair enough. Full many a flower was born to blush unseen ; and waste its sweetness on the desert air.
  21. What is a vocal member, on a forum? A contradiction in terms, if ever I saw one. Perhaps this is why previous "vocal" members have been elbowed out, if they started to talk too seriously about real matters of concern. A sadly missed opportunity. Two things to say here : 1/. Those of us who contribute our knowledge and experience have also put in countless hours, to create the archive history and Broads "savvy" which is available to all its members. The forum also depends on the input of its "vocal" members. 2/. Your comment could describe the Broads itself! It is what it is today, because those who came before us have fought for it. When I say that my father must be turning in his grave, I genuinely mean it. Life should surely have taught us that that you have to defend what you hold dear. It seems I should devote more of my time to other groups which I am invited to join and who are prepared to speak up for the future of the Broads. St Matthew chapter 11 verse 3. - King James version.
  22. Just also wondering when the ownership and admin of this forum will realise that we are a considerable platform to get our voices heard? It is all very well to say we are a "discussion forum" but we are representative of literally thousands of members, all of whom are concerned about the future management of the Broads that we all love. We have a link here to the BA and it is called @BroadsAuthority I assume they are reading our comments and could Tom Waterfall please confirm that?
  23. How did you do it, Fred? I have been looking at the BA website but can't seem to find an e-mail address which will actually connect with someone. All they seem to have is an on-line complaints form, which I imagine will go directly to the nearest storage bin.
  24. That is very true. At Hearts in the 50s and 60s, hirers were told to lift the fenders, on the rial run. Mind you, there were only three each side anyway!
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