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Everything posted by Bern

  1. A great turnout for tonight's quiz. Glasses were charged and raised in the break to our missing team member Mike. In joint 2nd place were SteveO and Turnoar with 10 points. The winner was TigerHawk with 13 points. He will be next weeks host.
  2. I will be hosting tomorrow nights quiz, and I have really struggled to come up with topics. Sooo ...... I have decided to do two halves each with 20 questions all about random stuff (general knowledge). There will be a break for glasses to be recharged and raised in honour of our missing friend and fellow quizzer Mike who so sadly lost his fight yesterday. Quiz will start about 8.30 in the chat room https://www.nbnplus.co.uk/chat/ no user name needed. Hope to see you then.
  3. Due to circumstances beyond my control I find I am unable to host the quiz this week. If anyone else can host I would be very grateful. Bern
  4. When we moored in Beccles Quay we used to leave our car in Beccles Quay car park and walk across the field to our mooring. The parking was free there then, not sure about now though
  5. I have finally sorted the topics for tomorrow night's quiz 1. Partners in Crime 2. Ancient Rulers 3. Baby Animals Wine Time 4. Food 5. Who Lives Here 6. General Knowledge Everyone welcome, just log into the chatroom, no user name needed https://www.nbnplus.co.uk/chat/
  6. It will be interesting to be on the other side of this style of quiz
  7. Just wondering if there is a quiz tomorrow?
  8. Thank you to all who turned up tonight. The quiz was won after a three way tie break question by Jean who will host next weeks event.
  9. Thank you Mike for an enjoyable quiz last Friday. As I am Quizmaster this week I have decided again to do two rounds of twenty questions, covering a variety of subjects, with a break for refreshments at half time. Everyone welcome, just log in to the chatroom, no user name needed https://www.nbnplus.co.uk/chat/
  10. Thank you for dealing with that Arthur, Happy Christmas
  11. Thanks for the offer Pauline, zoom is not for me, I really can't get on with it so I will give it a miss tonight. Merry Christmas to all Bern
  12. Close contest tonight won by Tiger Hawk who will be the host next week. Thanks to all who took part.
  13. I have decided not to split the quiz into separate topics this week, instead there will be 20 questions in each half covering a variety of subjects, many being fastest finger first type questions. Everyone is welcome - 8.30ish in the chatroom, Enter user name - no password required https://www.nbnplus.co.uk/chat/
  14. Could be Kate, but as far as I remember they are only on the Wensum and not up North
  15. Thank you to all that took part tonight, the results were, in third place on 18 points was Polly in second place on 20 points was Grendel and the runaway winner on 29 points was Tiger Hawk who will be question master next week There were loads of Biker bonus points tonight and Bikertov's bonus points were doubled lol. Great to see Arthur in again but not for the reasons he was there, thoughts and best wishes Arthur xxx
  16. Last weeks quiz will be a really hard act to follow, Jean had us all in stitches all evening, really great fun. My offering for tomorrow is the quiz I originally planned to do last month, so topics as follows 1. Around Britain 2. Duets 3. Formerly known as Break for wine 4. Backing Bands 5. Numbers 6. General ignorance Hope to see you there about 8.30 in the chatroom Biker points may be available enter username - no password required; https://www.nbnplus.co.uk/chat/ Any one heard how Arthur is?
  17. Hope you are on the mend Arthur, best wishes from myself and John
  18. Thank you everyone for your good wishes. I was allowed home this evening to complete my recovery, they have diagnosed me with a Bronchiectasis flare up, which led to the sepsis/pneumonia so a few changes to my regime will be needed. Thank you Steve for taking over at such short notice, and Mike for doing it this week. I will see you all on Friday.
  19. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I will be unable to do the quiz tonight. If anyone else could step in I would be grateful. I am really sorry about this.
  20. Topics for tomorrow night's quiz are as follows, 1. Around Britain, 2. Duets, 3. Formerly known as, Wine Time, 4. Backing Bands, 5. Numbers, 6. General Knowledge. Hope to see you in the chat room about 8.30 for a couple of hours of fun and chat. Enter username - no password required; https://www.nbnplus.co.uk/chat/
  21. Bump 8.30ish in the chatroom: https://www.nbnplus.co.uk/chat Enter a Username - no password required.
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