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Everything posted by Baz

  1. Just look at those trees, absolutely gorgeous Baz
  2. How am I going to get past this lot lol Baz
  3. Looks lovely eh. Heading towards Horning in some kind of race. Baz
  4. I've got one of those somewhere Brian, so I'll have to go searching. I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks Brian Baz
  5. Had the phone forever, and never bothered about the picture side of things, until now that is, so, how do I do it ? All contributions gratefully received. Baz
  6. Hiya Frank mate, I actually bought one of those filters a few weeks ago, just need to fit it in, but I can't think of a good reason why there was not one fitted in the first place, strange eh, but thanks Frank, might fit it next time I go up there. Baz
  7. Hiya Antares , I think it actually goes through a heat exchanger ( I do have water exiting the exhaust at the back of the boat). I did say I was a novice at this boating lark, but next time I go up to it, I'll have to have a really good look at the layout. Is there anything I should look for in order to determine what system is in use, and do all boats have to have a filter fitted. Many thanks mate, appreciate it. Baz
  8. Hi all, My boat has no weed filter fitted, In fact water comes in via the usual brass fitting,and enters the rear end of the gearbox. It then exits to the pump in the normal manner. What I'd really like to know, is, why is this in the first place, and secondly, by fitting a new filter, would it have any adverse effect. I just can't get my head round the fact that one wasn't fitted in the first place, there must be a reason I suppose. I've asked this question before, on a different site, but not really got a proper answer or reason. Hope someone can advise. Baz
  9. Hiya Springsong, many, many thanks for your efforts for the broadsedge information. I've been phoning on and off all day, without answer, so your thread was very welcome indeed. Baz
  10. Hiya Jill. You couldn't go down to Broadsedge and loosen my mooring lines could you, about an extra 8 feet would be fine thank you Baz
  11. So really then peeps, it's just a matter of phoning around for a yard to lift the boat, and chock it up. So how much would this cost, assuming the boat was out of the water for about 3 months, and I would of course be allowed in the yard to do some work on her. Another point, would I be allowed to sleep on the boat while it's out of the water, or would I have to find digs for a week or so, Baz
  12. Really not sure Frank, haven't seen any lifting gear at all. If they don't, then where do I go from here I wonder, Moonfleet, Richardsons ? just not sure at all of what's required. Baz
  13. I've seen several threads about having the boat taken out of the water for repairs etc. To do this, can you tell me the pro's and con's please. Where or who could do this for me, how much will it cost, how long can it be out of the water, and so on. Really appreciate your answers. Baz
  14. That's great folks, many thanks all. Baz
  15. Hiya Frank, that's true I suppose. It seems like I'll be doing a lot of measuring next time I go up there. One thing though, I thought only the hot water would come from the calorifier, and the cold from the normal water tank. Baz
  16. There's an old saying............Measure twice, and cut only once.Saves a lot of heartache, and tears. Baz
  17. OK, I now need to fit a Colorifier, for my hot water, but, what size do I go for ? Remembering of course I sail on my own, and therefore only need some water to wash in, shower, make a cuppa, and wash up, the sizing is a bit up in the air. Your thoughts on the subject would be greatfully received. Baz
  18. I'd like that Paul, sounds interesting, many thanks. Baz
  19. Brilliant, now I can talk to someone about my needs, and know what they're talking about, thanks all, much appreciated, and thanks for the PM Dave, I'm going to ring him as soon as poss. Baz
  20. Hiya Plesbit, To be honest, I'm trying to get all these items of equipment straight in my mind, as it's all very confusing. The last boat I had was a few centuries ago, and things have moved on so much since then, and I now have to catch up. I'll get there though, lol Baz
  21. I'm now sold on the idea of the Eberspacher heater, but do I go for the Water version, but no room for a radiator, or do I go for the blown air type, and with still no hot water ? Just one problem after another eh Baz
  22. My BSS was done at Moonfleet Marine, Stalham, by a Mr.Unwin I believe, and very thorough. No complaints at all. Baz
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