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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Best you dont fall in North of Wroxham Bridge. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/24292106.belaugh-not-sewage-hotspot-say-villagers-wroxham-is/?ref=eb&nid=2399&block=article_block_a&u=c160d74be8c30ff96c1e228a4a7f5f71&date=050524
  2. I heard today that the Post Office in Horning is now going to re-open as - wait for it - a Dog grooming salon. How ruddy useful is that to the elderly population in that area. Worlds gone mad.
  3. Next question - how do you pay, card or cash these days for Water, and pump outs please?
  4. Good to hear that the chains have been replaced.
  5. My thoughts exactly Jean. I was beginning to think may be Grendel had bumped his head yesterday, Easter Island figures, my first thought after as just said was, New Zealand is ruddy long trip from there.
  6. Good morning Grendel - how are you today? Please let us know you are ok?
  7. Grendel , you must be careful. For goodness sakes , what next. I mean yes , in the Summer but not now it is like the middle of winter. Hope you are now dry and warm. Honestly if I fell in , you would be having a collection for me. Sheer shock would kill me , especially on a mooring like Hardley Cross, gosh you do do pick em , dont you.
  8. Hardly, just two us and we pump out after 4 days and we have two toilets. I think we contribute our share.
  9. God help that idea, I think that ship has sailed.
  10. Next question - how do you pay, card or cash these days for Water, and pump outs please?
  11. I assumed that having the two toilets , you got two tanks, hence , the more people on board not a problem as more capacity with the two tanks. How wrong can you be.
  12. Thank you. The reason for asking is , I can recall having a boat with two heads but as explained to us , they went into one tank and yet when we went for a pump out , they asked how many toilets and we, numpties that we were said, two and we got charged for two pump outs.
  13. You hire a boat with two heads. Some of which although it states two heads , they actually go into one tank. This being so do you have to pay as if they were emptying two tanks?
  14. That should be interesting to watch, having had a few ourselves in the past and probably will have a few more to look forward to. Does dodging the spots count, when will it stop raining and this afternoon we have had hail.
  15. Gosh I got up at 5 , seems I have had a lay in this morning compared to you two. Happy St George's Day to you too. This was all I could find that remotely resembles our flag.
  16. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/24244867.norfolk-boaters-pay-thousands-unpaid-broads-toll-fees/?ref=eb&nid=2399&block=article_block_a&u=c160d74be8c30ff96c1e228a4a7f5f71&date=210424
  17. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/24256984.horning-post-office-saved-tidings-newsagents/?ref=eb&nid=2399&block=article_block_a&u=c160d74be8c30ff96c1e228a4a7f5f71&date=180424
  18. What really gets my goat and I cannot get my head round is the fact that daft people pay a monthly fee to these people , who on the whole are on a glorified paid for holiday all year round. I watch a lot of canal videos. Watching them buying cars, campervans, trips abroad etc. One guy with a dog has a fabulous bungalow and gets piles of parcels from Amazon on a weekly basis that people send him. I am not talking cheap items , boxes and boxes of dog food , biscuits etc. Expensive equipment for the house and garden. Top price electrical items, electric bikes, I mean they just cannot lose and these people send them money each month. Gift Cards for stays in hotels. Am I missing something. They send him , a complete stranger , better gifts than I could ever afford for the family.
  19. Hu hum!! Do you like hospital food?
  20. Speaking of Mums mine passed in 2016, when clearing her house, the third bedroom under the bed we found jar upon jar of jam from the 1970s. It was good enough to tarmac the road with. Perhaps we should have kept them and used them to fill the pot holes outside in the road.
  21. Hands up anyone that hasnt dont something like this. I know I have. Thought I had got out some chicken puffs and they turned out to be apple. Didnt go down well. I do try now to label things.
  22. We still use cash for the Window Cleaner, Chiropodist , Car Wash etc. I do still use a cheque book and often receive cheques. I pay these into the local shop which has a post office. I would never put my on line banking on my mobile phone and only will use it on my desk top. The App sends shivers down my spine as I have never ever found one that is anything like it is cracked up to be. The Bank in Beccles has closed so no option for getting cash or paying in cheques there anymore and this is progress!!!!
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