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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Do you have to go home Howard and Mrs Howard, you are keeping us all occupied.
  2. How long are you here for this time Howard? At least the weather is a tad milder now.
  3. Did think of you today with this gale blowing. So pleased you are safely across. Was it rough? Yes you have always been able to get water at Stracey, and long may it remain so. Always was a bit slow and you had to pay up front and it ran for a certain amount of time. Now saying that , that was when Tony owned the shop , not too sure about the new owners. Probably just the same. I did notice that the shop and house was up for sale, not sure if it completed. May be someone else on here will know, I would like to know as plan to visit in May next year. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/138550016#/?channel=RES_BUY
  4. I like you Avatar Howard , very apt.
  5. Looking at those prices , I hope you have brought along your flexible friend!!
  6. Get your bikini out today as the sun is apparently going to shine. Did you bring your 'shades'?
  7. I know, dont faint. It is a joke this weather. Blue Sky here and the one night the Space Station isnt visible here it isnt thick cloud. Where are you now.
  8. On a lighter note, my Mum who passed at 96 , she was in Care at this time , as had Alzheimers, when she was at home prior to all this and she was ok up to a point, she would repeatedly turn off the freezer for some reason defrosting it. Well she decided one day to take out some pork chops unbeknown to us and they defrosted and my sister asked her if she was having them that evening, she replied yes, well what we did not know that said pork chops were put back in the freezer (I can hear the gasps now) and then she promptly took them out again, defrosted them and cooked them, and survived. Makes you wonder. She also got to the stage where she would ask - who are you, which is so upsetting and would not even have my husband in the room, breaks your heart. Under the bed in the spare room when we cleared the house we found 38 jars of jam from the 70s. It was solid. You have my sympathy it is all thankless task and really takes it out of you because for some reason , why I dont know , we all feel so guilty about it but we do.
  9. Booking ahead I should imagine to make sure that that Yacht Station hasn't been closed along with everything else. Long way to go to find it shut. I just wish the web cam was still up and running on The Wherry. Oh for the good old days.
  10. Very cold tonight, Hooe you are keeping cosy somewhere nice. -3 at the moment.
  11. Now you are talking... They look so good.
  12. Brrrr!!!! does look cold this morning, poor little things, bet they couldn't believe their luck when you fed them. Bit foggy here at Worlingham this morning but it is clearing gradually.
  13. Not belonging to Facebook myself , but whoever does and can get a message to him to wish him well and we can go from there. Sorry my post before seems to have lost the ability to use the letter i. what us going on? sorry about that.
  14. Hello both of you and a big big welcome. Sorry you will need webbed feet for this trip but there is one thing about the Broads it is never dull. Fantastic that you are here. It means it is nearly Christmas. Did you bring your little tree with you?
  15. Not so good that Mrs G has a bug, sods law that, just when you can do without it. Thank you for the positive news. Shaun is in my prayers.
  16. I wish someone would update what us going on. I cannot imagine what Richard us going through. My heart goes out to him and his family. Surely the administration must know.
  17. We had our first snow here near to Beccles and no doubt the surrounding areas have too. That will do now it can clear off.
  18. Just a thought !! Had anyone lost a Wellie Boot?
  19. Was that the Belle Tout Lighthouse? I remember this when I lived in Kent.
  20. Preferably when the red wine is flowing. Our bosses used to have many of these meetings.
  21. I have just used it , am using Chrome if that helps. Saying that it did start to say that the link was unsafe but I have Norton and everything that breaths is unsafe but as have used this site for many many years I just ploughed on.
  22. Oh thank you. I will keep that link for holidays.
  23. One of the things I will miss is the Tides information link. I am not sure where this was linked to but if anyone can tell me so that I can still look at this it will be a great help. I like it because it showed places and times of the tides , rather than a complicated list of tide times, which to the layman means nowt.
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