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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I would imagine as where we live, paying in cheques, getting cash (some of us are not keen on cash points) is vital to a lot of elderly folk. The shop that is attached is also a godsend. This will be a great loss.
  2. Yes Gracie and being ex Navy he is more of an old Salt in the true sense of the word. Dont ever change Griff or Gracie.
  3. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/24249289.official-date-announced-closure-horning-post-office/?ref=eb&nid=2399&block=article_block_a&u=c160d74be8c30ff96c1e228a4a7f5f71&date=130424 This must be such a blow to the local population. I know with the Banks all closing their branches The Post Office has been vital to us.
  4. I will let you know what I was told - probably a load of rubbish but here goes - a boat with its fenders down at sea is tantamount to a lady going out with her rollers in her hair!!!! Comments please?
  5. Fenders up or down. Griff what is the Royal Navy saying. Keep it clean.
  6. Sorry that should read 'cant' see this happening.
  7. Spraying it with paint to cover the abusive , rude and offensive signs would be a good idea. What makes the lawless types in this country think they can get away with anything. I can just see this happening in any other country. It just would not be tolerated. It has certainly put us off visiting Sutton Staithe.
  8. Sure is windy. You do pick your weather. A bit like us we always manage to catch a named storm. Hope you get some sleep. At least tomorrow not so bad. Enjoy.
  9. I have sent them an email and asked if they are still open , shop , cafe etc. We will see what comes back. We would like to moor there when we hire.
  10. Speaking of coinage and nothing to do with the Broads whatsoever, my Gran once told me (I am nearly 80 so you can imagine how long ago this was) she got on a bus and the fare was 1 old penny, she offered the conductor 4 farthings, he promptly threw them out of the window and said that they were no good whatsoever. I am not quite sure what the outcome was, but my thoughts are be prepared for the Ticket Collector at the mooring to dispose of them in the same manner.
  11. Isnt it so good to see lots of folks all going off on a boat on their holiday, be it short or long, I do hope the weather plays ball and they enjoy every moment. The season is a live again.
  12. Something in the way of being Goosed!!! Now if that is rude these days (as most things are off limits now) forgive me. Hardly Geese Gracie but that is all that I could find.
  13. I didnt take note of that and thoroughly agree, yes have Sky Sports but do it in another part of the building away from those who dont want to watch it.
  14. Hylander

    Good News

  15. I dont know about Bats but more likely the word Batty comes to mind. Any excuse. One day these people will wake up and realise people matter more. Wild animals adapt, just look at Urban Foxes. Years ago you only saw them in the wild in the countryside, now they are in towns.
  16. Social Media I agree it is like a cesspit at times. We were all pretty good along in our area , as most of us oldies were scared to death to go out of the door in fear it would be our last. I am pleased to say that thanks to our Government we were able to have our first Covid jabs in the January. Had to travel a long way for it but it was all worth it. The volunteers at Southwold were amazing standing out in freezing weather directing all of us old fogies to where we should be or not be. I am just about to have my 8th jab. This time at the local pharmacy. We had one family up the road from us that ignored all the rules, had people round all of the time and even carried on a business at the property with people calling with their cars to be repaired. Even repaired vehicles in the road quite blatantly. No social distancing there. Thank heavens for all of the delivery drivers that were absolutely wonderful. At the door I met some very interesting people who had very different careers normally but were doing the delivering to 'get out of the house'.
  17. Looking forward and planning your holiday is half the fun of going on holiday. Have a fantastic time and catch plenty of fish.
  18. Remove the Egyptian Goose or send them all on an Anger Management Course. They are such bad tempered birds.
  19. The word 'crabs' has other connotations.
  20. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/24188017.traps-combat-spread-chinese-mitten-crabs-norfolk/?ref=eb&nid=2399&nid=2399&block=article_block_a&u=c160d74be8c30ff96c1e228a4a7f5f71&date=180324
  21. Unfortunately, if you do decide to fish from a 24hr mooring and you ground bait etc , it is a tad disappointing if , especially out of season boats decide that is their venue for the night. It is a chance you take. Most fishermen are flexible and mine would just up sticks and move on , the thinking being, you never know further along or another place may be even better. I think to be a fisherman you have to have the attitude of glass half full because there is always a chance that in the next hour , the tide will change and the fish will come back etc. At least it is not as bad as when my two sons were small they used to fish from the beach in Dorset and 9 times out of 10 there would be a 'birds nest' and tears and I would spend ages trying to undo this mass of line all tangled up. I dont think Broads fishermen have this problem.
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