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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Yes, the Army would certainly make short work of the bridge. Left alone to these two numpties it would be open navigation for all within minutes. https://youtu.be/7_PX1cVuaVA
  2. "I do" the longest sentence in the world. Sorry to lower the tone.
  3. I did not know Ian but enjoyed his posts immensely. So sad to hear this. Thoughts and prayers for his family from us too.
  4. Thanks for the headsup Howard. When will it be back in business again please, anyone got any thoughts on that one.
  5. Still 'Limbo Time' under the bridge.
  6. Like most things Vaughan , I doubt they have thought it through. As you say the fundamentals still have to be maintained otherwise the whole shebang will come to a standstill. Sounds dreadful.
  7. If their high draft boats are going to have difficulty in getting through Ludham Bridge it would be a good idea to site them at Acle.
  8. I see Herby Woods is again under deep water, it has only just dried out.
  9. Think you would have to limbo under Wroxham at the moment.
  10. Thinking of you Ian. They are great at James Paget, and on the drip of concentrated ( I was going to say Prosecco sorry just trying to wind Gracie up) good stuff you will soon feel your old self again. When your levels drop as yours did , you just feel like a limp rag, you have absolutely no get up and go. Yes I have been there , but thankfully without your complications. 3 or 4 days on the good stuff and I am sure they will let you home. Moral of this story, blow showering or bathing , we would rather have you in one piece. Must say well done to Marina. God bless you both.
  11. When we last moored there, there was a huge tree at one end and another down the back end of the mooring. Have they chopped them down, you used to be able to get shade in the summer. Not my photo but the only one I can find.
  12. Is this Johnny Crowes Staithe?
  13. Best time of the day on the boat or at home.
  14. Good to see that I am not the only one who cannot sleep. I seem to see 4.30 more and more often. Definitely looks like Norwich to me.
  15. I recall one October half term holiday time mooring there with the family and when I stepped off it was like stepping into a bowl of porridge. I can assure you no one else attempted it and I struggled to release my shoes from the mud and get back on board. Yes it can be tricky after a lot of rain but glorious in the summer months.
  16. Yes they did and it wasn't that long ago. We have yet to venture up beyond where the sign originally was but hope to in May next year.
  17. I dont want you to go home. It has been such fun hearing all of your trips. So pleased the boat has behaved itself. You are a good advert for Bridgecraft. Stay safe both of you and have a wonderful Christmas and an even better New Year. Will you be back in 2024?
  18. I stand corrected , Management here tells me that it was a South Westerly and not an Easterly. Just as well and may be the Broads will start to recover.
  19. If we had that much snow the whole country would be at a standstill, schools closed , no trains. People told to stay at home.
  20. Good old easterly blowing tonight. Hang on to your hat. Is it me or is the flooding of the fields at Potter getting worse.
  21. I have heard of a pub with no beer but now we have beers and no pubs. Do you think making people pay for that mooring has killed off the trade, final nail in the coffin so to speak?
  22. I see Malsters has closed its doors for good now. Such a shame.
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