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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Just a thought, how wide is Neatishead, was wondering what is the longest boat you could turn up there please? I agree turning on the ropes when it is safe to do so is a win win situation.
  2. And , isnt it good that our forum is moderated. The numpties can perform elsewhere and leave us lot in peace.
  3. It is good to know that this is now in the hands of those who will be dealing with the matter. I must say it is good to know that both sides it is ok to moor for 24hrs as previously thought, https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/24166531.norfolk-broads-row-breaks-fishermen-boater/?ref=eb&nid=2399&u=c160d74be8c30ff96c1e228a4a7f5f71&date=070324
  4. Surprisingly - No. There seems to be an agenda here and I am not happy with it. The OP showed behaviour by thank goodness a very few fisherman. I am married to a fisherman and there is no way he would behave like that. Most fishermen (and I mean all genders) are decent people, salt of the earth, go to ends to help people , they do not behave like this lot. I think a cage would be the best place for them. Thank goodness the fishing season is about to end.
  5. Definitely a call to the river police. Who the hell do they think they are? It is not a fishing club mooring , it is a 24hr mooring, so they can ........ off may be they would understand that.
  6. Hylander


    oh dear bit off if you cannot have your holding tank emptied for over 3 months. Also they do refuse collections.
  7. Hylander


    Not certain if this has been raised here before but it did strike me that 'Louise' the facilities boat must have an awful job getting under the bridge. It must be a worry for properties without main drainage. http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki2018/index.php?title=Boat_Details&BoatId=1079&BoatHistory=1110
  8. Hylander


    Lovely to see the river levels going down.
  9. Hylander


    Crumbs I thought I was the only one up at this ungodly hour.
  10. Hylander


    Snap - I too on returning from a boating holiday always for about 2 weeks woke up and wondered where I was, and sitting at my desk I used feel movement of the boat, very strange (dont answer that one). As for bridges once we have gone through I am permanently dreading not being able to get back.
  11. I have only just joined your post and crumbs you do like to do things the hard way. I hold my hat up to you for travelling all that way. Well done. The ship looks amazing and so does the weather. Thank you for posting. You are not missing much here in the UK as , still cold and miserable most of the time. Enjoy every moment.
  12. Hylander


    Look at 3:13. Will this help with the flooding? https://youtu.be/rbTygZ7cOQM
  13. Hylander


    That is utterly disgusting. What happened to "Do unto others what you have them do unto you". How would they feel if it was their boat in trouble.
  14. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/24133994.norfolk-boaters-partner-died-broads-disappearance/?ref=eb&nid=2399&u=c160d74be8c30ff96c1e228a4a7f5f71&date=220224
  15. Goodness me, £20,000 is a lot of money as well. We often see boats beached.
  16. Mods, remove if not allowed please? Good job the BA dont charge people like happened here.
  17. This is very sad. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/police-continue-search-norfolk-broads-135800363.html
  18. And at long last it has stopped raining.
  19. What time are you going through at Yarmouth. I try and following the tide times for crossing.
  20. How very true - thank goodness.
  21. Good to hear Saturday looks fine.
  22. Hope you are both ok and getting back up North. Weather Saturday and Sunday does not look good at all with weather warnings. that's all we need more rain. Spells of rain, some heavy, will push east across most areas through Saturday and Sunday. Some disruption is likely. - Flooding of a few homes and businesses is likely - Bus and train services probably affected with journey times taking longer - Spray and flooding on roads probably making journey times longer - Some interruption to power supplies.
  23. ignore my post , when you spoke of Waters Edge I thought you meant the moorings up North. Ive remembered you are darn sarf at the moment.
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