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Posts posted by Hylander

  1. Oh now you dont - dont give in. I am ready for the next season. May not have that many left in the tank one never knows. You cannot beat the Broads.

    I have a 92 year Mum who is in a care home with Alzheimers, no memory of anything, does not know any of us. Had a wonderful life, recalls nowt. What I would give to see my mum laugh again and enjoy the Broads. Never ever give up. We have a wonderful life us boat owners. Make the most of every moment.

  2. Oh you were moored there at that time as well. I sometimes wonder if some people have taken a bet on how quickly they get up the Ant or is it that the beer has been poured already and waiting for them at the pub in Stalham. Some come whizzing past Irstead as if their life depended upon it.


  3. Dont get me wrong I can get very smiffy including hubby if someone appears to be completely out of control and thundering towards our pride and joy but as hubby has pointed out to me on many occasion , he/she didnt do it deliberately you know they just dont get the proper training for difficult conditions.

    Avoiding 24 hour moorings in the popular spots and mooring in the trees helps most of the time. At least mainly your only invaders are mozzies and spiders.

  4. Gosh you all make it sound like the dodgems at the fair. Dont think it is anywhere near as bad as you make out. 99% of folk do their utmost to moor as best they can and accidents do happen. I cannot imagine anyone gets up in the morning and says - oh I wonder who I can literally bump into today.

  5. I have an old Nokia likewise other half. Only use it to make or receive calls/texts which is what it is for. As long as it keeps going will not change it, must be a good 12 years old and yes the same sim.

    Built to last as with all older products.

    Bit like us really.

  6. We are with Orange and 9 times out of 10 you get a signal except for Horning which by all accounts is in a different universe to the rest of the country. Can never see why there should be no signal in certain parts of Horning. By the way the Orange can also be T mobile and now we have EE on the mobile.

  7. I know I am a worrier but having children myself albeit grown up with little uns of their own I still worry that they will slip and fall in. kids do not see the danger. Like others I think the parents were a bit daft to leave them alone on the boat.


  8. Life is too short - certainly would be if one of them fell in - no doubt the parents were nowhere to be seen. You obviously have a very high tolerance level because it would have worried me as it did our friends.

  9. Friends of ours were moored at P'heigham last night and still at 11 last night the boat in front had kids running around on top of the roof no life jackets on. Friends were having kittens that something dreadful would happen if one of them slipped bearing in mind how damp it was. Really would not want that next to me if double moored , bad enough with it in front. Thought kids were at school at the moment.

  10. Years ago and I mean years I went to the local launderette , as we did, and it happened to me and the woman in charge came bustling over bright red with anger with me for mucking up 'her' machine and put tablespoons of salt into the machines drawer. The foam subsided. Dont ask me why though.

  11. Such a shame for those who have in the past enjoyed reading the posts under the camera's picture. I know my elderly sister who lives hundreds of miles away from the Broads , reads all of them and tells me what is going on. I gather that for some odd reason just lately things have got silly. Why do people spoil things. At least we still have the web cams.

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