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Posts posted by Hylander

  1. Ferryman - this is not the place to name and shame a particular boatyard. If the original poster wants to have his matter dealt with then as he has said he will do it the correct way. Nothing is gained by naming and shaming. We (the Royal We) are not hypocritical as you suggest.

  2. Without naming or shaming the OP probably feels better for getting it off his chest. I am sure he will follow the correct procedure and hopefully if the company is worth its salt this will be nipped in the bud and everyone will feel better. Having absolutely no idea what happened or why it is a bit difficult for any of us to have an opinion. I have always found that if you go to the very top of the company Chief Executive or Managing Director or the owner you tend to sort matters out extremely quickly.

    Dont be put off , one rotten apple and all that. We are a good bunch up here, private boaters, hirers, boat yards etc, give us all a second chance.

    Come back another time to the Broads and forget all about this previous episode whatever it was - life is too short believe me.

  3. Can these go into the useful websites

    Rope Services Uk - supplier of mooring rope etc. Half the price and twice the quality of some chandleries.

    Pacermarine - supplies of fenders , and all manner of items from engines to a life bouy for a boat - also half the price of most chandleries.

  4. As we are talking about Caley Cruisers - what did everyone make of the toilets on board. We went about 15 years ago and it was archaic. You had to put the toilet seat down and pump for all your worth for ages. The opening in the loo was so tiny it was about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch across. I will leave it to your imagination as to how difficult it was to flush anything away. Never again.

    Lock Ness was like the North Sea on a bad day - terrifying.

  5. As I appear to have umpteen phone numbers in my mobile number for River Control etc - can someone let us have the correct telephone number to call in this kind of circumstance please. Also if anyone has the telephone number for the control at Breydon that would be very useful.

  6. Its all very well saying take the number and the yard concerned but who in the real world sits there with a pen and pad at the ready to do that. We found when we got wacked you are so shocked and concerned for the boat that by the time you have come to your senses and thought about the culprits boat' s reg number the blighters have usually high tailed it.

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