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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Homes Under the Hammer would soon have that lot knocked into shape. Trouble is folk just have not got the readies to do it nowadays.
  2. "this includes multiple syringes, colostomy bags, millions of cotton buds and every bit if human detritus you can think of, and this is only what has floated, the river is no better than an open sewer" This sounds very much like hospital or medical waste and should be reported to the Environmental Officer at the Council. Sounds me as if a medical establishment is just dumping their rubbish which should be incinerated. On a more general note: If people these days are not raised to keep themselves or the countryside tidy what hope is there. We are blessed with a beautiful County let us make the most of it.
  3. Oh I expect life would still go on - it always does. M
  4. Quite enlightening to read a report that is not sensationalised. Truth will out at the end. M
  5. Likewise about the tears to your eyes. Perfect for Christmas Eve. Give you hope that there are good folk around. Thank you for posting it. M
  6. Certainly wouldnt want his mooring bill, side on mooring at the Harbour!!! Surely there is some rich Yank with money to spare who could turn this former beauty into something special. M
  7. Thank you for sharing your tale. The real meaning of Christmas. I cannot seem to get the 'view more smilies' to come up at all. Obviously doing something wrong. M
  8. Oh dear I have just sent this to the family, I do hope it is ok. M
  9. I would love to send the card to my little granddaughters. Is there anyway I can save it please? M
  10. Have to say we are with Richardsons and have been for about 3 years now. It is the best mooring by far that we have ever had. Nothing is too much trouble for the Richardsons staff, unlike some marinas. The folk who moor there are also the friendliest and helpful. M
  11. Yes we are very lucky to have such treasured memories. Perhaps in these times folks will start to make the best of what they have or havnt as the case may be. Cannot ever imagine anyone being sentimental over their Xbox. Now I am showing my age. Your memory of the missing rabbits was probably someones Christmas meal. Yes please can we have some Christmas smilies. M
  12. Showing my age here but yes I remember my grandparents having gas lights and a gas lamp lighter used to light the lamps in the street. No it may seem like it but I am not 102 but in my late 60s. It wasnt until well into the late 1960s that they had any form of improvement to the house which was at long last a bathroom so the tin bath and the copper was extinct. Nan had a huge mangle thing outside the back door for the washing , which was done on a Monday, despite the weather. M
  13. Somehow getting nostalgic at this time of year doesnt seem unusual. Memories of times gone past and the folks who perhaps are not around anymore, makes you recall happy memories. Not necessarily about Christmas but just oddments, one thing that will always stick in my mind is that as a child, we went on what seemed like an epic journey from Kent to Essex to see my grandparents, was on getting there, despite the fact that they lived on an estate, the back door was never locked. You just turned up and just went in. Kettle was always on and a homely welcome waiting. I suppose they never locked the door because come to think of it, what the devil did they have to nick, everyone was in the same boat. Wondered if other forum members have similar memories. M
  14. Cannot imagine what this poor chap is going through and at such a young age. Makes you think as others have said. Hope that one day you will tell us he is on the mend. M
  15. Forgot to mention that Herby Woods also do some smashing holiday bungalows. We always hire Broadlands right by Potter Heigham bridge in January and it is like a sauna inside , one thing you will not be is cold. You can also park your car right outside at the rear of the bungalow.
  16. Herby Woods at Potter Heigham are always available. Ask for Corrine. Monica
  17. Moor in the trees away from folk you cannot beat it. Where else can you go on holiday and up sticks and move if you dont like your neighbours - answer - no where except the Broads. The Broads holiday is a win win situation evey time.
  18. Regular pump outs every 4 -5 days and chuck plenty of loo blue down in between. That my offering on the subject. Monica
  19. And why not. Not too much to ask for peace and quiet and it should be made mandatory.
  20. MBA marine. Perhaps if you did have a boat on the water and the boat next to you in the marina was discharging its 'bits and bobs' directly into the adjacent water you may have a different take on it all. Monica
  21. We used to moor a few years back near a bling sea going boat and he used to always discharge his loo into the river and into the marina where it was kept. I was horrified when I found out. Like others I thought it was against the rules and regs to do such a thing. The other morning I saw a good bucket full being chucked overboard from a small boat. I reiterate what the previous poster said - if you fall in dont open your mouth. Uggh!!
  22. I have assumed that OP is for older person (correct me if I am wrong please). Well I am not only older (one luxury all of you have to look forward to ) and also hail from Theydon Bois in Essex where I was born. Now in the scheme of things where does that place me. I like others tend to moor in the informal moorings and find peace and tranquility 9 times out of 10. I dont think it is correct to generalise as we have seen here on the previous posts. You can be a pain in the neck to other people from the cradle to the grave if you are that way inclined. As I have said before 99% of people on the Broads are respectful and considerate. Getting back to the original post, I do think that this member should just give it one more go and see that it is not as they found it. M
  23. Yes it is not only the youngster by any means. At below Irsted (right hand bend) we got a lovely mooring, wonderful, peaceful and another boat Symphony moored opposite, we thought oh this will be ideal - Wrong!!! All of a sudden a floating bathtub which takes 10 moored along side and then another boat moored into the trees. Obviously one big family, nowt wrong with that at all but the language was disgusting and it was in front of their small children. That was it me and my hubby upped and moved. Why are people so god dam awful these days.
  24. I think I know the folk concerned who you are talking about. Might be barking up the wrong tree but there was two Herbie Woods boats quite large but not quite bling types with lads on board. I saw them several times bombing and that is the only description to use around the water ways. Total disregard for anyone else. Poor chap behind us , his boat nearly ended up on the quay side with the effect they were having on the river. Please come back , believe me this is not the normal behaviour of 99% of Broads users. This is just mindless people who perhaps dont even realise the upset they cause.
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