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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. I know this is going to sound stupid BUT Would it be possible to have a "Wash height restriction" Now, before you all wee yourselves laughing, we know that all boats are different but that each boat has it's own constants. For this example we will say that boat "A" puts up a four inch wash at 1200 revs, a 6" wash at 1400 revs and an 8" wash at 1600 revs. These "wash sizes" would be marked off on ther rev counter or on a plaque next to it. BA ranger is already skillfull at telling a big wash from a small one, and after all, it's only the wash that matters.
  2. Yes I completely agre, and that's the whole problem. If you praise a company for going that extra mile, then no harm can be done. Yes it's possible that the company changes something and no longer gives good service, but no real harm is done. If you say on open forum that a company has provided diabolical service, Given the ease of finding such posts via Google, massive damage can be done and not just to the guilty parties. A company on the edge could fail, and take it's employees with it. There needs to be some way whereby negative publicity towards businesses is controlled. If it's going public then such comments need toi be verified, irrespective of the regard in which the original source is held. Such comments need to be deleted from the site after a. A period of time or b. somebody placing a good review of that same company. or c. the original poster has been in some way discredited. or d. the business changes hands/management or e. it has been established that the situation/practice has been resolved or ..... well you see my point, I could quite possibly go all the way to "z" Perhaps a star rating system could be employed, I don't know. I do fully accept your point, but I cannot think the solution is as easy as just allowing negative comments.
  3. I have said elswhere that I am againt giving businesses negative comments on the world wide web, It's over tough on that business especially if the problem has been resolved down the line, but the original complaint is still accessable on the web. Having said all that, it's also tricky to help someone to avoid such problems when we know neither what the problems were or who caused them. Perhaps if the original poster could give more information as to what happened, we may be better able to advise.
  4. No Lozibear, that's not quite how it works. You should be perfectly safe as long as all your "anti nasties" software is up to date. The reason the NBF was hit by several sources at once can be explained by the method of those attacks. Rather like the phishing spam mails we all suffer from, they use certain scams at certain times. We will receive a batch all claiming to be from a bank, then after a pause we get a batch from a solicitor in the middle east, and again after a while we find we are beneficiaries of a will in the USA. Then its back to the banks. Hackers work in the same general way. they try to find a way in. A weakness in the sites coding. it fails so they try another. Each time they try, they are tweeking their programs. They are all working on the same principles and they are all doing this all the time. It's not surprising then that several people try the same thing in fairly quick succession. So why do they do it? Well as Alexander Meercat would say, "Simples" they get paid to do it. The original hacker would have found the weakness in the coding, probably on many sites, and sold the list of vulnarable sites ( or the program used to get in) to any number of criminal groups for whatever sum of money. Those groups then get into the site and glean whatever information they can. It is then necessary for them to vandalise the site to stop other criminal groups getting the same information and taking a cut of anything going. Not a lot of "Honour amungst theives" here ! Now! The NBF sites, don't hold the sorts of information these guys really want. Bank account details etc. but there is an interest in phone numbers if they can be linked to interests, so beware of anybody phoning out of the blue offering some amazing boat cleaning service which can be paid by direct debit of just £2 per month. They might, for example, say that your name was given to them by John the fish (JTF) and that might, just might, be enough to get you to trust them. Anyway, that's how it works and that's why they do it, or at least one example, there are more!
  5. I will say again that it's a design that is not to my taste. I neither said nor implied that it was a poor design, far from it! Aesthetically it's a very interesting design, and I certainly understand why people would see it as beautiful. It's just that I don't much like it. It's probably the best design that I would rather not own. But that's just me! Will it look dated in twenty years? I have no idea, but I hope I'll be able to say in 2032. Do Alpha designs of 1992 look dated now? I have no idea,! I don't know which boats they designed then! To put a slightly different perspective on this, perhaps I should say what design features I would look to incorporate in a Broads cruiser. I will add straight away that I have no idea if what I have in mind is practical, or even possible. I come to the Broads to enjoy the views. It therefore follows that from any seated position (heads excepted) a person should be able to look out of the windows. This means large windows. There are many places where moorings are stern on. Again I point out that I want to look out over water, this leads to having the main saloon forwards (bathtub style) however, for boat handling, the Centre cockpit is preferable in the fine weather. This leads us to a centre cockpit with duel steering , but bathtub design forwards. Yes it needs to go under all the bridges, and the hull design needs to be low wash etc. Aesthetically, it would be nice if it looked good. As you can tell from this, my priorities are not the same as those in your remit. Mine are with those on board, not those onboard something else looking at yours. Yours have greater priority to those looking in a catalogue and thinking about booking it. This is of course totally reasonable! Mine would probably have the looks that "Only a mother could love". Are our differing views mutually exclusive? Are there compromises to be had? or have those compromises already been made. Perhaps that is how the Bathtub came about, with the centre cockpit conceded to allow better accommodation! I don't know. As a family, we have hired/owned Aft cockpit boats, Centre cockpit boats and Forward wheelhouse boats . We have been doing this for close on fifty years now, and as a family we do not even agree with each other as to which is best. My parents come out firmly in favour of Royal Ambassador as the best they've ever hired. I say Royal Diamond was better. Neither opinion is right, merely different.
  6. I wouldn't go so far as to say Hidious, just not to my taste. I can however see what the designers were trying to acheive, the window shape is evocative of gentle waves, and that concept is quite common in modern boats. The acid test will be in about twenty years. Will it look good then or will it appear really dated.
  7. It's rather hard to say, Hylander. It seems to be working fine, but anything can happen at any time!
  8. Thanks Strow. Isn't it a pity that we can't quite read the hightguage from that camera.
  9. I have eaten Pike many times. The best fish for eating is about 5 or 6 pounds. The trick is to skin it as soon as you can after catching it. Ideally, catch it, kill it and skin it. That gets rid of the muddiness. the flesh is pink and like cod in texture. Hmmm YUM YUM I hasten to add I used to catck the ones I ate in trout streams, where normally pike were just killed and left. Also this was many years ago... well back in the 70s and 80s
  10. Alan, Trouble is that you preach to the converted. We all know it's soul destroying, but those that need shooting would just laugh in our faces.
  11. Yep pretty pooly is a good description, I'm unable to access anything
  12. Ouch! Do we have any info on the trojan? Will the standard antiviruses have it on their lists?
  13. Thanks all for the replies. Given that NBF is in problem city hacker wise, I think I'd better start poting here too. Also I seem to have become very confused (.com) about my nets, orgs and co.uks. Life's so hard when your stupid !
  14. Not sure if I sould ask but, What has happened to Roya? I used to be here under a different ID (Maurice Mynah) but found I spent more time on the NBF than here. Recently I wanted to ask Roy a question but can find no trace of him. Has he blotted his copybook?
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