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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. 7 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    So many questions, so many worries. Perhaps Maxwell House isn't such a bad option after all.

    I remain your obedient servant Cecil Featherstonewaugh. (First cousin three times removed to (or by) Maurice Mynah OXO IPA and bar.    


    Oi, You leave my house out of this! You have about 5000 bars too few by the way.


  2. We had not camped for ages and even that it was a folding camper with sprung mattresses. We bought a tent this year so that we could go with the kids and grandkids. Loved it, even used it during the wooden boat show. Plan your walks and I can last the night. You could always use a bucket! :default_eusa_dance:

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  3. 1 hour ago, JamesKnight said:

    but getting involved in a debate with JP about it isn't going to take anyone anywhere. You all know what he's going to say anyway, and you'll just get bogged down in semantics and waste a lot of time doing it.

    I would still welcome his input if he wishes to make it. I would welcome the opportunity for a two sided debate.

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