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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. 10 hours ago, Maxwellian said:

    One thing to consider,  where are the younger participants coming from! Us oldies and those oldies are not bucking science and getting younger. We want to leave a legacy for them to use.

    Did not mention the age group of user on Facebook in my post. My mother is ancient too and uses it all the time to keep up with myself her grandkids and her great grand kids. She said she started as I never tell her any gossip.

    If we were to conduct a demographic survey on the NBN Forum I dread to think how high the average age would be. An awful lot higher than Facebook I suspect.

  2. 40 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

    The thing is are they actually going to transfer over to the forum or just stick with FB etc. while each can choose their own poison my concern would be that reputations are hard one and easily lost including by association.


    Do not rightly know Fred, but that is part of the manu challenges. One thing I do know that dinosaurs are now extinct, whatever the Jurassic Park movies lead you to believe.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Polly said:

    Here is hoping FB evolves in the direction of assuming some social responsibility, their ethics are woeful.

    I hope that too Polly. I use it for keeping in touch with family and local news. Do not use it much to post or view NBN unless it hits my newsfeed. The team have had several conversations about Facebook and are still talking, the chairman is leading the discussion. One thing to consider,  where are the younger participants coming from! Us oldies and those oldies are not bucking science and getting younger. We want to leave a legacy for them to use.

  4. 42 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

    When boating, caravanning and camping I have always worked on the principle get the very best you can afford. It is a lot easier to use inferior utensils at home than in the confines of a boat etc.

    Agree totally, there is nothing worse than using a screwdriver as a tin opener..... :)

    even if effective!

  5. 10 minutes ago, brundallNavy said:

    We appear to have lost a floorboard possibly through a gap in the planking so if anyone sees a lonely floorboard floating down the Thurne let me know. :default_biggrin:

    I. Hope the boss doesn’t see this....

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