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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. When we went through Beccles on the BH week end of May there was two swimmers with air floats practising. They started on one side went to the middle  we had to almost stop they then took up half of the river between them before moving over. That was just two of them. I am not against it but if that is the awareness and consideration that just two demonstrate, then stay well away if it does go ahead. We did take photos. 

    • Like 2
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  2. 13 hours ago, stumpy said:

    Timbo, many years ago I was told "Better to ask forgiveness than permission" - stood me in good stead through 30-odd years of dealing with shiny arsed managers.(And wives)

    We call that the American way.

    • Haha 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

    If someone is off will they care if it's against tos to post it?

    Probably not. It could be hidden and their posting and PM rights could be altered as they are contravening the TOS

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