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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. Thanks

    Not looking for new and modern. I prefer to go with a small yard that has excellent service and quality offerings. Maffetts hit the spot for me and I hope that the experience on Breeze will enable me to transfer my allegiance to Pacific,  I have on,y heard great things about them. I also love the southern rivers. 

    • Like 3
  2. Morning all, just realised that. In just under 9 weeks we will be starting our week on Pacific Breeze. So excited. Any one holding pictures or experience on this boat can they please share. Recommended by Lynda as we usually have Swallow and Maffetts made the decision to stop hiring out.

  3. The email should be good enough with proof of funds transfer should something happen before you get your paws on said boat Robin. Hope your Mum enjoys it. I love the way you are so trusting. I spend my life planning on what could possible go wrong. Not always the best way to relax.

  4. Some people might not want to hear it, but lots of others do. The forum is all the more interesting because of discussion and airing of different views. Where it tends to go wrong is the repeated stating of the opposing views without any discussion. This often then degenerates into name calling, abuse or the old fashioned dummy tossing.

    Members then tend to get very bored with the repetitive posting. It is very often predictable as to where the thread will go. This IMHO does the forum no good and is not really a very good representation of what the NBN stands for.

    When met with someone that is entrenched in their believes and is not open for discussion remember you made you views known in your early posts on the thread that you have posted. It is there for all of us to read. There is really no need to push any further as we all know dummy tossing will follow.

    Todays fact can be yesterday’s fiction.

    Plea to all forum users ... Make sure your posts don’t get personal or insulting please.


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 4
  5. Coming out of Brundall towards Norwich. Go past Birds Dyke on the left to Bargate Broad. Few hundred yards on the right is a small 24hr mooring called Brundall Fen Moorings. Walk down path from mooring until you get to the railway line. Walk to the right until you get to the level crossing. Following instructions cross with extreme care. Up ypthe track to the road. Church on left at top. Turn right and in to Brundall.



    • Thanks 2
  6. Richard, will you stop telling people about Church Fen moorings please! One of my favourite moorings. Don’t forget everyone these moorings are particularly nasty over the Bank Holiday Week at the end of May. :P

    • Haha 2
  7. 35 minutes ago, LondonRascal said:

    It is like keeping a hammer in the car ready to give the starter motor a whack on an old Ford on a cold morning.

    Robin, some of us are old enough to remember those days. Have you tried getting in touch with the OEM and asking them for advice. They may be interested to know the airing it is getting on here and possible reliability issues.


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