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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. Thanks everyone. We have a travel crate that he is used to. We use it for in the car and when we stay over so he is used to it. Should fit well in the cockpit area of Breeze. We can put him in the cabin area when we are mooring as well. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Boatingman said:

    Cannot help much with dogs on boats but Max looks cute

    I bet he attracts a lot of attention


    He does Ray. Made quite a few friends in the garden centre today.

  3. Evening all.

    As many of you know we hire every year for between one to three weeks. This year we got a new dog Max who was 9months old yesterday. We are going on Pacific Breeze at the end of May this year and will be taking Max with us. Pacific are able to provide a doggy life jacket and apart from an hour on lake Windermere Max has not been onboard for any length of time.

    Any good advice to make the week a little easier for us and Max would be welcome. He is very well behaved and relaxed. 

    Last time I was on a boat was when I was 7 years old when we had a Dachshunds on a narrowboat for a week traveling the Llangollen canal, and I CAN REMEMBER VERY LITTLE. I do remember he slept in his basket between the two bunk beds at the front of the boat. I woke up during the middle of the night with the dog licking my face to wake me up. I had rolled off and fallen into his basket and he wanted it back.

    Photo of Max



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  4. SueH

    our Max was 9 months Old last night and we are fortunate that fireworks don’t phase him at all. We do have 6 kids and 7 grandkids and they frequently visit, so the fireworks are quiet compared to the chaos at family meetings. I took him for his evening walk at 12:35 this morning and the fireworks were going off all around, not even a whimper or flinch. He is so cute as well. Photo for cuteness.



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