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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. I agree with Robin on this. One way of looking at it could be that You are in effect renting a space, just because you do not need it does not mean that you should not pay for it. If I only needed the space in a one bedroom flat but rented a two bedroom I would not expect them to charge me the same rate as a one bedroom. You could also say that the bigger boats are actually subsidising the smaller boats by having to cover the cost of unused and uncharged (if only paying by boat length) real estate.

    it really boils down to market economics, and the fact that it is almost full does mean Clive has it correct, or maybe even under charging.


  2. Agree with Griff. It is the extreme deceleration at more force than your body can cope with that gives us the problem. Trouble is you cannot always tell when that is. Best not to go to fast if you cannot guarantee a safe stop. :)

    this coming from a BMW driver......... the outside lane is mine! :)


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  3. I have hired both North and South. Hire South for the last five years as we have to visit during peak times. The north is too busy for my liking although the upper reaches are beautiful. I just love the Southern Rivers, and of course Swallow from Maffetts. If I do travel North using Merlin from Maffetts or Sweet Freedom from Freedom gives you a low air draft for above Potters. Both excellent for two. If you have any doubts call the rangers at GYYS. They will help.

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  4. Love the small of the mint sauce. First time we went up to Norwich was in 1985 and they were making it then. Lovely smell. We like to moor at the NYS but try to avoid Friday and Saturday nights. Only one had the rope untied and that was back in 85. We had tied up with three rope and put the mud weight down so we're ok. We woke up to shouts as one boat was floating away midstream and took some waking up. Since the the security is a lot better and have never seen a repeat.

    We have also stayed at Commisioners cut and Thorpe. And caught the bus. One year when we stayed on the northern rivers we caught the train from Wroxham.

  5. I keep mine in the gas box. I did however spill a lot in the boot of the car. Picked as many as I could as quick as I could. It was in the summer and for weeks every time we got into the car there was a swarm of flies. SWMBO was not impressed.

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