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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. I have hired from Maffetts several times over the last 5or 6 years always on Swallow. If I had the funds I would have bought her by now. Lovely boat, lovely yard and lovely people. I wish John and Lynda the very best. Shall miss Swallow next year.

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  2. I have not yet managed to wander outside of the posts, put they are confusing sometimes especially if distracted. Never mock the afflicted, you never know when it might be you. :)

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  3. This is Max. He was 5 months then his first trip on a boat. He is cute and knows it. Such a good family dog. We have two grandchildren just over one and the pet him, crawl on him and some times stand on him. He just takes it in his stride with the odd mmmmm muttered. So god natured. He does get them back by licking their faces before we can tell him to stop.

  4. On 27/09/2017 at 22:00, Wyndham said:

     there should be  a cheaper option for those not so well off, or even those not wanting to spend a lot,  and to be honest I think there always will be

    The boat supply will be mostly driven by market forces, especially in the larger more commercially driven boat yards. If the yard capacity can be filled with big expensive premium offerings that give the best return then they are likely to maximise it. They will provide cheaper options as long as they can get a comparable return.

    smaller yards may act differently as they cannot afford the capital outlay so the big expensive option is not available to them.

    as always other factors always influence. Like yard size and location as well as personal preference or interests, like Maffetts with Merlin and Swallow.

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  5. Just caught up with this thread, great result. My dog is by my feet unless someone else has opened the fridge. If I go to the loo, he is outside the door, like where have you been for the past minute dad! He is only six months old so we took him on a day boat to see how he would get on and he loved it. Guess where he stayed. Next to me.


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