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Posts posted by Maxwellian

  1. When it is blowing hard my favourite place to

     avoid is Ludham bridge especially on a handover day. I did it a couple of years ago and it is fun trying to hold station while waiting for the endless line of boats coming down. Exciting though.

  2. I have seen experience people make mistakes, Cantley has been mentioned and Stokesby is another one that can catch you out. There has been talk about certification and training previously but it probably comes down to money. High entry criteria will put lotsaf people off against this low entry criteria means boats will get damaged the yards will or should take this all into consideration. This is easier for the bigger yards as with a high throughput each boat paying the amage waiver covers the cost. Smaller reds wil probably. Struggle with damage as it takes a boatout of circulation and costs are high as proportion against incsome. I know of one small yard who reduced their number of boats and focussed on experienced return business as people were not asking care the plastic ones.

    you can never cover all eventualities, especially ethereal numpties are concerned.

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  3. We were heading down river from Acle a couple of years ago and passed a hire boat on the starboard side moored outside the private house. We mentioned to ourselves that they may be visiting. Not much further we saw Mr fixit from BB and he asked if we would take him to the stranded boat. He looked surprised when we pulled over and said yes. He stated that we would be surprised just how many say no.



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  4. I run mine on a special battery when on the boat, charging it up on the car socket during the day when the boat is on the go. Has worked well for the last two years, taking it again for two weeks this year. You can also charge it during stops ashore in pubs etc.

  5. :default_biggrin::default_biggrin:We have hired Swallow for a week or often two for several years now. Really going to miss her next year, any big money earners who want to buy her for me I am not too proud to accept gifts.  

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  6. Although I almost always hire on the Southern side I think the North is so much more superior :10_wink: and even though it is extremely busy during the holiday which is when we have to take our trips I much prefer the North. I would advise everyone to stay North and make me feel lonely all on my own. Love Norwich and NYS but avoid weekends or get the train.

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  7. We were going from The Bell moorings at St Olaves to Sommerlayton during half term a couple of weeks ago and were worried about finding a mooring there as it was getting on a bit. As we went past Haddiscoe 24hr moorings we saw a gap that we could just about fit in if a sailing boat move up a bit. We turned around came Close along side and politely ask them if they would do so. He was happy to do so. We went down stream a little and turned around to come back. Not only had the saily move but the cruiser behind him had moved up the other way so we could get in easily. We were on Swallow so if either of you read this a big thank you for your kind action.

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